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Complete Solutions to MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS of chapter STUDY OF ACIDS, BASES AND SALTS of Class 10 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions46
Academic Year2023-24
  1. What happens when a solution of an acid is mixed with a solution of a base in a test tube?

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  2. Which one of the following salts does not contain water of crystallisation?

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  3. In terms of acidic strength, which one of the following is in the correct increasing order?

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  4. What is formed when zinc reacts with sodium hydroxide?

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  5. Methyl orange is:

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  6. Brine is an:

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  7. `Na_(2)CO_(3).10H_(2)O` is:

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  8. How many water molecules does hydrated calcium sulphate contain?

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  9. Sodium carbonate is a basic salt because it is a salt of a:

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  10. Alkalis are:

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  11. Which of the following statements is correct about an aqueous solution of an acid and of a base?
    (i) Higher the pH, stronger the acid
    (ii) Higher the pH, weaker the acid
    (iii) Lower the pH, stronger the base
    (iv) Lower the pH, weaker the base

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  12. A strong acid:

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  13. Rain is called acid rain when its:

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  14. Sodium hydroxide is a:

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  15. An aqueous solution turns red litmus solution blue. Excess addition of which of the following solution would reverse the change?

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  16. When copper oxide and dilute hydrochloric acid react, colour changes to:

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  17. Sodium hydroxide is used:

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  18. Sodium hydroxide turns phenolphthalein solution.

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  19. Which of the following does not form an acidic salt?

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  20. Some fruits like mango, lemon, raw grapes, orange, etc., have a sour taste due to the presence of:

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  21. You are supplied with five solutions : A,B,C,D and E with pH values as follows: A =1.8, B=7, C=8.5, D =13 and E=5

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  22. Which of the given is a strong base?

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  23. Which one of the given is the pH value of pure water?

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  24. Which one among the given is a weak base?

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  25. What is the pH value of sodium chloride?

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  26. Which one of the following will not produce an acid when made to react with water ?

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  27. To increase the pH value of neutral solution, we should add:

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  28. The metal oxide which can react with acid as well as alkali is :

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  29. During ionisation metals lose electrons, this change can be called :

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  30. An example of a complex salt is:

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  31. The salt which in solution gives a pale green precipitate with sodium hydroxide solution and a white precipitate with barium chloride solution is:

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  32. The acid which can produce carbon from cane sugar, is :

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  33. A particular solution contains molecules and ions of the solute so it is a:

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  34. Select the acid which contains four hydrogen atoms in it:

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  35. An organic weak acid is :

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  36. The aqueous solution of the following compounds which contains both ions and molecules is:

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  37. An acid which is not a hydracid is :

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  38. To increase the pH value of neutral solution, we should add :

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  39. Which one of the following will not produce an acid when made to react with water?

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  40. Which the gas evolved when the following reactions takes place:

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  41. Which gas is evolved when dilute `MgSO_4` react with active metals such as Mg?

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  42. Which gas is evolved when HCl react with calcium carbonate?

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  43. Which gas is evolved when `HNO_3` react with sodium bicarbonate?

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  44. Which gas is evolved when HCI react with zinc sulphide?

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  45. Which gas is liberated when metals like sodium, potassium and calcium react with cold water?

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  46. The gas liberated when sodium sulphite reacts with dilute sulphuric acid:

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