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Complete Solutions to Additional Questions of chapter METALLURGY of Class 10 book with complete answers and questions

ALLIED PUBLICATIONAdditional Questions
Number Of Questions23
Academic Year2023-24
  1. State the position [group] in the periodic table to which the following metals belong (i) Na-alkali metal (ii) Mg-alkaline earth metal (iii) Fe & Zn transtion elements (iv) inner transition elements [metals]. (v) Al

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  2. Metals occur in the free state and in the combined state. Name two metals which occur in the free or native state. In the combined state metals occur in the form of compounds. Name two different metallic compounds in each case which occur as (i) halides (ii) oxides (iii) sulphides.

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  3. Differentiate between (i) mineral & ore (ii) matrix & flux.

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  4. Give the (i) common (ii) chemical name (iii) formula of two common ores each of aluminium zinc & iron.

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  5. In the stages involved in the extraction of metals in general - give reasons for following
    Dressing of the ore is an essential process in the extraction of metal from its ore.

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  6. In the stages involved in the extraction of metals in general - give reasons for following
    An electromagnetic wheen is used in the magnetic separation process of ore from gangue.

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  7. In the stages involved in the extraction of metals in general - give reasons for following
    In the froth flotation process, the ore floats on the top & the gangue settles down.

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  8. In the stages involved in the extraction of metals in general - give reasons for following
    Magnetic separation is not used during the dressing of bauxite ore in the extraction of aluminium.

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  9. In the stages involved in the extraction of metals in general - give reasons for following
    Conversion of concentrated ore to its oxide is an essential step in the ectraction of metals from the ore, even the step is not necessary in the metallurgy of aluminium.

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  10. In the stages involved in the extraction of metals in general - give reasons for following
    Roasting of the concentrated ore is carried out in the presence of excess air, while calcination of the concentrated ore in the absence or limited supply of air.

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  11. In the stages involved in the extraction of metals in general - give reasons for following
    Roasting the ore generally results in evolution of sulphur dioxide gas, while calcination of the ore evolves carbon dioxide gas.

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  12. In the stages involved in the extraction of metals in general - give reasons for following
    Reduction of metallic oxides to metal in the extraction of metals from the ores - is based on the position of the metal in the activity series.

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  13. In the stages involved in the extraction of metals in general - give reasons for following
    Oxide or halides of highly electropositive metals e.g. K, Na, Ca, Al are reduced to metals by electrolysis and not by reduction with coke.

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  14. In the stages involved in the extraction of metals in general - give reasons for following
    Coke is not preferred as a reducing agent in the reduction of the oxide of mercury to its metal, but is preferred in the reduction of the oxide of zinc to its metal.

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  15. In the extraction of aluminium from bauxite the first step is the dressing of the ore by Baeyer's process. Give balanced equations for the conversion of impure bauxite to pure alumina using a concentrated solution of `NaOH`.

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  16. In the electrolytic reduction of pure alumina to pure aluminium - by Hall Herault's process, give the electrolytic reaction involved in the same, resulting in formation of aluminium at the cathode.

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  17. State the function of (i) Sodium hydroxide (ii) Cryolite (iii) Fluorspar - in the metallurgy of aluminium in Hall Herault's process.

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  18. Give reasons for the following - pertaining to Hall Herault's process.
    The fusion temperature of the electrolyte has be lowered before conducting the electrolytic reduction.

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  19. Give reasons for the following - pertaining to Hall Herault's process.
    The constituents of the electrolyte in addition to one part of fused alumina contains three parts of crylite and one part of fluorspar.

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  20. Give reasons for the following - pertaining to Hall Herault's process.
    A layer of powdered coke sprinkled over the lectrolytic mixture, protects the carbon electrodes.

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  21. Give reasons for the following - pertaining to Hall Herault's process.
    It is preferred to use a number of graphite electrodes as anode, instead of a single graphite electrode.

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  22. Define - (a) alloy, (b) amalgam

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  23. State (i) composition (ii) reasopn for alloying (iii) one use of each of the following alloys.
    (i) Brass (ii) Bronze (iii) Duralumin (iv) Solder (fuse metal) (v) Stainless steel

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Additional Questions questions and complete solutions for chapter METALLURGY of EVERGREEN CHEMISTRY (ENGLISH) of Class 10