Class 10 | PHYSICS |
Chapter | SAMPLE PAPER 2017 |
Number Of Questions | 22 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
A ball is hanging by string from the ceiling of the roof. Draw a neat labelled diagram showing the forces acting on the ball and the string.
The distance between two bodies is doubled. How is the magnitude of gravitational force between them affected ?
A jack screw is provided with a long arm. Explain why?
If the power of a motor be 100 kW, at what speed can it raise a load of 50,000 N ?
Which class of lever will always have `M.A.gt1` and why ?
Define heat capacity and state its SI unit.
Why is the base of a cooking pan made thick and heavy ?
A mass of 50 g of a certain metal at `150^@`C is immersed in 100 g of water at `11^@`C. The final temperature is `20^@`C. Calculate the specific heat capacity of the metal. Assume that the specific heat capacity of water is 4.2 `g^(-1)K^(-1)`
How is the refractive index of a medium related to the real and apparent depths of an object in that medium ?
Define the term refractive index of a medium in terms of velocity of light.
State the conditions required for total internal reflection of light to take place.
Draw a ray diagram to show the refraction of a monochromatic ray through a prism when it suffers minimum deviation. How is the angle of emergence related to the angle of incidence in the position.
The human ear can detect continuous sounds in the frequency range from 20 Hz to 20000 Hz. Assuming that the speed of sound in air is 330 `ms^(-1)` for all frequencies, calculate the wavelengths corresponding to the given extreme frequencies of the audible range.
An enemy plane is at a distance of 300 km from a radar. In how much time the radar will be able to detect the plane ? Take velocity of radio waves as `3xx10^(8)ms^(-1)`.
How is the frequency of a stretched string related to:
Its length?
How is the frequency of a stretched string related to:
Its tension?
Define the term "specific resistance and state its S.I. unit.
An electric bulb of resistance `500Omega`, draws a current of 0.4 A. Calculate the power of the bulb and the potential difference at its end.
Name any two types of energy losses in a transformer. State how any one of them can be minimized.
State two characteristics of a good thermion emitter.
State two factors upon which the rate of emission of thermions depends.
When does the nucleus of an atom tend to be radioactive ?
SECTION-I questions and complete solutions for chapter SAMPLE PAPER 2017 of SELINA PHYSICS (ENGLISH) of Class 10