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Complete Solutions to Question and answers of chapter ACID , BASES AND SALT of Class 10 book with complete answers and questions

KUMAR PRAKASHANQuestion and answers
Number Of Questions61
Academic Year2023-24
  1. State the common characteristics of acids and bases

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  2. What is meant by an indicator?
    Mention the indicators used for testing the acids and bases.

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  3. You have been provided with three test tubes. One of them contains distilled water and the other two contain an acidie solution and a basic solution respectively. If you are given only red litmus paper, how will you identify the contents of cach test tube?

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  4. What is meant by olfactory indicator? Give examples.

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  5. How will you test acid and base using olfactory indicator? Explain it with an example,
    State the effect of an acid and a base on an olfactory indicator.Explain it.

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  6. When zinc metal is treated with dilute HCl and dilute `H_(2)SO_(4)`.hydrogen gas is evolved but with dilute `HNO_(3)` hydrogen has is not evolved Explain.

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  7. Write the balanced chemical equation for the reaction of zinc metal with dilute hydrochloric acid sodium hydroxide.

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  8. Which metals react with dilute acid and liberate `H_(2)` gas and which metals do not release `H_(2)` gas with dilute aicd?

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  9. Write the balanced chemical equation of reaction of sodium carbonate and sodum hydrogencarbonate with dilute hydrochloric acid

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  10. Which products are obtained ,when carbon dioxide gas in less proportion and excess proportion is passed through the solution of calcium hydroxide?State the solubility of product in water .

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  11. How does calcium carbonate occur in nature?
    In which forms does calcium carbonate available in nature?

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  12. What product is obtained by passing excess carbon dioxide gas through an aqueous solution of soldium carbonate?What is the solubility of the product obtained in water? Write the equation for the reaction?

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  13. What is a neutralisation reaction ?Give examples.

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  14. What change in colour takes place on adding dilute HCl in the mixture of NaOH and phenophthalein?Mention the reason for this colour change.

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  15. What is formed by the reaction of copper oxide with dilute hydrochloric acid ?What change in of the solution takes place?Write the balanced chemical equation.

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  16. What is meant by basic oxide?What are the types of metal oxide?Give example.

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  17. What are called acidic oxides ?What are the types of non-metallic oxide?Give examples.

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  18. Why should curd and sour substances not to be kept in brass and copper vessels?

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  19. Which gas Is usually liberated when an acid reacts with a metal ?Illustrate with an example.How will you test for the presence of this gas?

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  20. A metal compound 'A' reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid to produce effervescence.The gas evolved extinguishes a burning candle.Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction,if one of the compounds formed is calcium chloride.

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  21. Compounds such as alcohol and glucose hydrogen but they are not categorised as acids,Describe an activity to prove it.

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  22. Distilled water does not conducy electricity ,while rain water conduct electricity why?

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  23. Why do acids not exhibit the acidic behaviour in absence of water?

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  24. State the ions responsible for acidic and basic behaviour.Explain the acidic and basic behaviour.Explain the acidic and basic behaviour by reaction with water.

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  25. (i)Are all bases soluble in water?
    (ii)By which name water soluble bases are known ?
    (iii)Illustrate the properties of bases with examples.

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  26. What is called dilution reaction (process)?Explain.

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  27. Why an acid should be added to water for dilution?

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  28. Draw the warning sign displayed on bottles of concentrated acids and bases kept in laboratory

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  29. Why do HCI, HNO3, etc. show acidic characters in aqueous solutions while solutions of compounds like alcohol and glucose do not show acidic character?

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  30. Why does an aqueous solution of an acid conduct electricity?

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  31. Why does dry HCl gas not change the colour of the dry litmus paper ?

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  32. How is the concentration of hydronium ion (H2O) affected when a solution of an acid is diluted ?

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  33. How is the concentration of hydroxide ions `(OH^(-))` affected when excess base is dissolved 3 in a solution of sodium hydroxide?

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  34. Write a note on pH scale.

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  35. What is meant by universal indicator ? Voits uses.

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  36. How is the strength of acids and bases determined?
    What is meant by strong and weak acids: and weak and strong bases?

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  37. Explain importace of pH in everyday life.

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  38. Enlist the natural sources of acids.

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  39. You have two solutions, A and B. The pH of solution A is 6 and pH of solution Bis 8. Which solution has more hydrogen ion concentration? Which of this is acidic and which one is basic?

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  40. What effect does the concentration of H(aq) ions have on the nature of the solution?

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  41. Do basic solutions also have `H^(+)(aq)` ions?if yes ,then wht are these basic?

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  42. Under what soil condition do you think a farmer would treat a farmer would treat the soil of his fields with wuick lime (calcium oxide) or slaked lime (calcium hydroxide)or chalk (calcium carbonate)?

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  43. What is meant by family of salt?Write two examples of sodium salt,chloride salt and magnesium salt.

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  44. State the values of pH of acidic basic and neutral salts.

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  45. State the name of salt obtained by the combination of hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide.Mention its molecular formula,use and nature.

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  46. Mention the salts dissolved (soluble)in sea water.

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  47. What is meant by rock salt?

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  48. Write a note a sodium hudroxide (NaOH).

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  49. Enlist the uses of `H_(2)` and `Cl_(2)`

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  50. State the uses of all three products formed in chlor-alkali in the form of chart.

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  51. Wrtie a short note on bleaching powder
    Explain the preparation and uses of bleaching powder.

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  52. Write a short nore on baking soda `(NaHCO_(3))`

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  53. Write a short note on washing soda `(Na_(2)CO_(3).10H_(2)O)`

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  54. What does water of crystallisation indicate? Give examples.

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  55. Why does the crystals of copper sulphate turn colourless on heating in dry boiling tube?

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  56. Write a short note on plaster of paris (POP)

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  57. What is the common name of the 52nd `CaOCI_(2)` ?

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  58. Name the substance which on treatment with chlorine yields bleaching powder.

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  59. Name the sodium compound which is used for softening hard water.

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  60. What will happen if a solution of sodium hydrogencarbonate is heated ? Give the equation of the reaction involved.

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  61. Write an equation to show the reaction between plaster of paris and water.

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Question and answers questions and complete solutions for chapter ACID , BASES AND SALT of KUMAR PRAKASHAN of Class 10