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Complete Solutions to QUESTIONS BASED ON HIGH ORDER THINKING SKILLS (HOTS) of chapter HOW DO ORGANISMS REPRODUCE of Class 10 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions27
Academic Year2023-24
  1. There are four tiny organisms A,B, C and D. The organism A is a parasitic protozoan which causes a disease known as kala-azar. The organism B is microscopia single-called animl which causes malaria disease in human beings. The organism C is a unicellular animal which can change its body shape accroding to need, it has no fixed shapt. The organism D is also a unicellular animal which i slopper-shaped having a large number of tiny hair all around its body.
    (a) Name the organisms A, B, C and D
    (b) Name one characteristic body feature of organism A
    (c) Name the insect which carreis organism B and transmits if from on person to another
    (d) What name is given to the asexual method of reproduction of (i) organism A, and (ii) organism B?
    (e) Where do organism C and D live?

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  2. Two very small organisms X and Y both reproduce by the method of budding. Organism X is industrially very important because it is used in making alcohol from sugar. It is also used in making bread. Organism Y lives in freshwater. If organism Y gets cut into a number of parts accidently , each cut part can grow to from complete organism.
    (a) What are organisms X and Y ?
    (b) What is the name of process in which X convert sugar into alcohol
    (c) To Which class of organisms does X belong?
    (d) Name an important body feature of organism Y
    (e) Which organism is multicellular and which one is unicellular?

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  3. When a moist slice of bread was kept aside for a few days then some organism grew on it to from a white, cottony mass which later turned black. When this slice of bread was observed through a magifying glass, Then fine thread-like projections and thin stems having bulb-like structures at the top were seen.
    (a) What is the common name and scientific name of the organism which grew on the slice of bread
    (b) How did this organism grow on the moist slice of bread automatically?
    (c) What are the fine, thread-like projections on the surface of slice of bread known as ?
    (d) What name is given to the knob-like structures and what do they contain?
    (e) What is the name of this method of reproduction?
    (f) Name one unicellular organism which reproduces by this method.
    (g) Name two non-flowering plants which reproduce by this method.

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  4. A scientist removed some cells from the growing point of a plant and placed it in a suitable medium leading to the formation of a shapeless lump of mass X,Y is then transferred to another medium which stimulates it to develop roots. When X which developed roots is placed in a yet another medium, then it develops shoots to from tiny plantlets. These plantlets can then be transplanted in pots or soil where they can grow to form mature plants.
    (a) What is the shapeless lump of mass X known as ?
    (b) What name is given to this method of producing new plants ?
    (c) The growth medium used in this method contains plant nutrients in the form of jelly . Name this jelly.
    (d) What is the general name of chemicals used to stimulate the growth of plant cells and development of roots and shoots?
    (e) Name any two plants which are produced by this method.
    (f) State any two advantage of this method of producing plants
    (g) What is the other name of this method [other than that given in (b) above ?

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  5. The stem of fruit tree X fixed in soil is cut in a slanting way. The upper part of stem of another fruit tree Y of different variety of same species is also cut in a slanting way. The cut stem of tree Y, without roots but having some leaves, is placed over the rooted cut stem of tree X in such a way that their cut surfaces fit. together properly. While joining the two cut stems, care is taken to make sure taken to make sure that the layer Z of one cut stem is in contact with layer Z of the other cut stem. The joint of cut stem is bound tightly with a piece of cloth and covered properly with polythene. Soon the cut heals and the two stem grow together and become one fruit tree producing leaves, flowers and frits.
    (a) What is the name of this method of producing plants or trees ?
    (b) What name is given to the cut stem of tree X having roots?
    (c) What name is given to the cut stem of tree Y which has no roots but has some leaves
    (d) Name the layer Z.
    (e) Why should the layer Z of one cut stem be in contact with the layer Z of the other cut steam ?
    (f) Name any four fruit trees which are usually bred by this technique.
    (g) State any one advantage of producing fruit tress by this technique

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  6. A small part of the shoot of a plant is removed with a sharp knife. When the lower end of this small part of the shoot is buried in moist soil, it gradually develops roots and shoots and grows to become a new plant.
    (a) What is the name of this method of propagating plants ?
    (b) What care should be taken while removing a small part of the shoot from the parent plant with a knife?
    (c) Name any two plants which provide us food directly or indirectly and are grown by this method.
    (d) Give one advantage of this of this method of producing new plants.
    (e) State whether it is a sexual method of reproduction or an asexual method. why ?
    (f) What special name can be given to the genetically similar organisms?

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  7. When the branches of a plant growing in the field are pulled towards the ground and a part of them is covered with moist soil (leaving the tips of the branches exposed above the ground), then after some time new roots develop from the parts of branches buried in the soil. On cutting these branches from the parent plant new plants are produced from the cut parts of branches which had developed roots.
    (a) What is this method or propagation of plants knows as ?
    (b) What type of branches should a plant have to be able to be propagated by this method?
    (c) Name any two plants which are grown for their flower and propagated by this method
    (d) Name any two plants which are grown for their fruits and propagated by this method
    (e) Name of plant which gets propagated by this method naturally by forming runners (soft horizontal stem running above the ground)

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  8. A worm X found in freshwater and slow -moving streams has been accidentally cut into three pieces. It was observed that in due course of time, each cut piece of the worm develops to become a complete worm by growing all the missing parts.
    (a) Name the worm X which can exhibit this phenomenon of making complete worm from its cut body parts.
    (b) Name another organism Y which possesses the same characteristic of growing full its cut body parts.
    (c) What is the name of this process in which a complete organism is formed from its cut body part.
    (d) State whether X and Y are unicellular and / or multicellular organisms .
    (e) Can a dog be produced completely from its cut body part (say, a cut tail) just like organisms X and Y? Why?

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  9. A thickened underground stem X of a plant which is swollen with stored food has a number of points Y on its surface. When the old stem X is planted in the soil of a field in the next growing season, then each point Y present on its surface grows into a new plant.
    (a) What is the general name of the underground stems like X?
    (b) Give one example of X
    (c) What are points Y present on X known as ?
    (d) Is it necessary to plant the whole of stem X in the ground to it new plants? Explain your answer
    (e) What is the name of this method of reproduction of plants ?
    (f) What is the advantage of growing new plants from the underground stems like X?

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  10. A filamentous alga X is found is ponds, lakes and slow-moving steams. The filament of this alga simply breaks onto two (or more) pieces on maturing and each piece then grows to becomes a complete new alga.
    (a) Name on alga which X is likely to be.
    (b) What is the colour of X ?
    (c) What is the method of forming new algae by the breaking of parent alga known as ?
    (d) An Amoeba also breaks up to from two daughter Amoeba. What is the difference in splitting of Amoeba and splitting of this alga as a method of reproduction?
    (e) Name one marine animal which reproduces in the same way as alga X

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  11. When a broken piece of the stem of a plant X is planted in the soil, a new plant grows from it in a week's time. The leaves of plant X also have many small entities Y in their margins which can fall to the ground alone or along with leaves and grow into new plants.
    (a) Name a plant which X could be.
    (b What are the entities Y present on the leaves of X known as ?
    (c) Name a plant other than X which can be reproduced from its leaves.
    (d) Name a common plant grown in many homes which can be propagated from its broken stems like plant X.
    (e) Name a kind of dormant organs present in dry stems of old grass plants lying in the field which get activated and produce green grass plants after the rains.

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  12. The flask-shaped organ A at the center of a flower is surrounded by a number of little stalks B having swollen tops which lie just inside the ring of petals.
    (a) Name A. What are the various parts of A ?
    (b) Which part of A contains gametes ?
    (c) Name B. What is the swollen top of B known as ?
    (d) What does the swollen top pf B contain ?
    (e) Out of A and B, which one is (i) male part, and (ii) female part of the flower ?

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  13. When an insect sits on the flower of a plant them some particles A present in the top of little stalks in the flower attach to its body hair. When this insect now sits on the flower of another similar plant, then particles A attached to the hair of insect are put on the top of a flask-shaped organ at the centre of flower. The particle A grows a long tube B from the top of flask-shaped organ through which C moves down and reaches the bottom part of flask-shaped organ. Here C fuses with the nucleus of D contained in structure E. the fusion of C and D forms a new cell F which grows and develops into a seed of the plant.
    ? (a) What are particles A ? What is the process of transferring A from one flower to another flower of similar plant by the insect of known as?
    (b) What is the name of tube B?
    (c) What is C which moves down through the tube
    (d)Name D and E.
    (e) What is F?

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  14. When a human female reaches a certain age then vaginal bleeding occures for a few days after regular time intervals.
    (a) What is this process known as (i) in scientific terms, and (ii) in everyday language ?
    (b) At what approximate age this process starts in human females ? What is the human female said to have attained at this stage?
    (c) After how much time as this process repeated ? For how many days this process usually lasts?
    (d) What does the onset of this process in human signify?
    (e) At which particular event in the life of a human female this process stops temporarily but starts again
    (f) At which approximate event in the life of a human female this process stops permanently?

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  15. X and Y are two human beings. The organ A in the reproductive system of X releases a mature gamete B once a month which goes which into a tube-like structure C through a funnel-like opening. The organ D in the reproductive system of Y makes and release gametes E which pass through a duct F and and are introduced by an organ of Y, into the body of X,B and E together in C to from G. The cell G divides repeatedly to from a ball of cells H which gets embedded in the lining of organ I of reproductive system of X where it grows and develops into to baby.
    (a) Name (i) organ A, and (ii) gamete B.
    (b) Write two names of tube-like structure C.
    (c) Name (i) organ D, and (ii) gamete E.
    (d) Write two names of duct F.
    (e) Name (i) cell G (ii) ball of cells H, and gamete F.
    (f) Out of X and Y, which one is (i) male, and (ii) female?

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  16. When a fertilised egg E formed in the oviduct of a human female divide repeatedly to from an embryo, the embryo gets implanted in the thick and soft lining of the uterus. After this a disc-like special tissue T develops between the uterus wall and embryo through which all the requirements of the developing embryo (and foetus) are net from the mother's body. The embryo is connected to the tissue T through a string like structure S.
    (a) What is the other name of fertilised egg cell E?
    (b) What in the name of tissue T?
    (c) Name the string-like structure S
    (d) Name two substances which pass from mother's blood to embryo through tissue T and, one type of substance which passes from embryo to mother's blood.
    (e) What happens to S when the baby is born ? Why?

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  17. When a female child is born, her ovaries already contain thousands of immature eggs (or ova) contained in immature structures A. On maturing, A bursts open and and egg shoots cut of the ovary in a process called B. The process B starts in the female after a time period x. Before every occurrence of process B, the inner lining of uterus becomes thick and soft with lots of blood vessels in it. When the egg cell gets fertilized by a sperm, then an event C occurs in the life of mature human female which lasts for time period y leading to the birth of baby. If however, the egg cell released by the ovary does not get a sperm to fuse with, then the thick and soft inner lining of uterus breaks down and comes out of the female's body in an event called D. The occurrence of event D is controlled by chemical substances E.
    (a) What are A?
    (b) What is process B ?
    (c) What is the time period x?
    (d) Name the event C.
    (e) How much is the period y ?
    (f) What is the name of process D?
    (g) Name the chemical substances E.

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  18. In the surgical method of birth control available for males, the structures A in the reproductive system are cur and ligated (tied up) at both ends. This prevents the reproductive cells B from coming out from the organs C where they are made in the male body. Since B connot come out from the male body, they cannot fuse with cell D in the body of a female and hence pragnancy is prevented.
    (a) What are structures A ?
    (b) What are cells B ?
    (c ) Name the organs C.
    (d) What is cell D ?
    (e) What is the name of this surgical procedure for birth control available to males ?

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  19. In the surgical method of birth control available for human females, the structures P in the reproductive system are cut and ligated (tied up) properly at both ends. This prevents the reproductive cell Q released by an organ R from entering the structures P also that Q is not available to fuse with another reproductive cell S coming form the male reproductive system. In this way, pregnancy is prevented.
    (a) What are structures P ?
    (b) What is Q ?
    (c ) Name the organ R.
    (d) What is the general name of these methods of birth control (or preventing pregnancy) ?
    (e) What is the name of this surgical method of birth control available of females ?

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  20. The human males use a device X made of a very thin rubber sheet as a covering on the male organ to prevent pregnancy. This device traps the gametes Y in it. In order to prevent pregnancy, the human females use a device Z which is a circle of rubber with a metal spring around it. The device Z is put inside the vagina to cover cervix. It stops Y from going into the uterus.
    (a) What is device X ?
    (b) What are Y ?
    (c ) name the device Z.
    (d) What is the general name of these methods of these methods of birth control (or preventing pregnancy)?
    (e) The use of which contraceptive device, X or Z can protect the persons from sexually transmitted diseases?

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  21. A women uses pills A a as a method of birth control (or preventing pregnancy). The pills A stop the ovaries from releasing ovum into oviducts. Another women uses pills B as a method of birth control. The pills B kill the sperms and prevent pregnancy.
    (a) What do the pills A contain ?
    (b) What is the common name of pills A ?
    (c ) What do the pills B contain ?
    (d) What is the common name of lills B ?
    (e) What is the general name of these methods of birth control?

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  22. A women uses a device X made of a common metal for preventing pregnancy. This device works by preventing the implantation of fertilised egg cell (or embryo) in the female organ Y.
    (a) What are the two names of device X ?
    (b) Name the organ Y.
    (c ) Can this method of contraception protect a women from acquiring a STD?

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  23. A,B and C are three common STDs. A and C are caused by bacteria whereas B is caused by a virus D. The virus D reduces the immunity of infected person to such a low level that the person to such a low level that the person can die of even very mild diseases.
    (a) What could A and C be ?
    (b) What is B ?
    (c ) Name the virus D ?
    (d) How can A, B and C be caused?
    (e) Out of A, B and C, which one does not have a definite cure as yet?

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  24. The germ cell A produced by a person X is round in shape and it fuses with another germ cell B having a long tail and produced by a person Y. The fusion of A and B produces a new cell C. The cell C divides repeatedly and grows inside the organ D of person X to form E in which the body features of the unborn baby are not much developed. E grows further to form F in which the various body features of the unborn baby (like hands, legs, eyes, and ears, etc.) can be identified. F grows further and ultimately forms a baby. What are A,B C,D E and F? Out of the two person X and Y, which one is male and which one female?

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  25. Explain why, a human zygote is more likely to grow into an adult than a frog zygote.

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  26. In a bisexual flower, inspite of the toung stamens being removed articicially, the flower produces fruit. Explain

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  27. In what ways is fertilisation in a plant:
    (a) similar to fertilisation in a human?
    (b) different from fertilisation in a human ?

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