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Complete Solutions to ELEMENTARY QUESTIONS of chapter NATURAL RESOURCES AND THEIR MANAGEMENT of Class 10 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Which one of the following components of eco-system comes from outside?

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  2. What is the sequence of species through which the organic molecules in a community pass is called?

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  3. First Hnk to any food chain is a green plant be- cause

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  4. Which is a primary consumer?

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  5. Generally how many trophic levels does a food chain have?

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  6. Trophic levels are formed by

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  7. Energy and nutrients enter a community by way of the

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  8. When man eats fish, which feeds on, zoo- planktons, which have eaten small plants. The producer in the chain is

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  9. Which is the correct sequence in the food chain in grasslands?

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  10. In natural ecosystem, decomposers include

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  11. An ecosystem resists change because it is in a state of

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  12. Driving force of ecosystem is

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  13. The pyramid that cannot be inverted in a stable ecosystem is pyramid of

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  14. The pyramid of number of individuals per unit area in grassland ecosystem will be

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  15. If phytoplanktons are destroyed in the sea then

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  16. Which one of following word is related to Homo sapiens ?

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  17. Which of the following plays an important role in nitrogen cycle ?

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  18. World climate is threatened by increase in atmospheric concentration of

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  19. Which of the following contribute to the carbon cycle?

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  20. Which of the following elements have only the sedimentary type of nutrient cycle?

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  21. Water cycle is made up of two overlapping cycles,

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  22. Which of the following is the correct sequence in food chain ?

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  23. Nepenthes is

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  24. Which of the following biomes has few trees, hot climate throughout the year and alternating wet and dry seasons?

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  25. Nitrates are transformed into nitrogen by

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  26. Which of the following is present in maximum amount in atmosphere?

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  27. The major forest type found in India is

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  28. The natural fonnation of ammonia in soil by the action of bacteria on proteins in decaying organic matter is called

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  29. Biogeochemical cycles are also known as

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  30. The earth radiates heat back to space in the fotm of

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  31. Which one of the following is found in the equatorial region'?

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  32. Which of the following is a treeless biome?

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  33. The upper part of seawater mainly contains

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  34. Which is the most stable ecosystem?

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  35. Among the following ecosystems which one has the maximum biomass?

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  36. Of all the species of insects known, nearly 70-80 per cent are found in

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  37. Which of the following is a logical sequence in carbon cycle?

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  38. Plant decomposers are

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  39. The species, which are in danger of extinction are ref en-ed to as

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  40. When plant diversity is maintained in natural habitat the conservation is called

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  41. 'Chipko andolan' is related with

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  42. Project Tiger, a programme to maintain a viable population of tigers in the country and to chalk out areas for their habitat, was launched in the year

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  43. Which of the following groups of vertebrates has minimum number of species in India?

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  44. Which of the following plant groups shows the maximum diversity?

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  45. Which of the following species of rhinoceros is said to be the most critically endangered spe- cies?

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  46. Red Data Book provides data on

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  47. The Earth summit held in Rio de Janiero (1992) stressed the need for

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  48. Kaziranga National Park is located in the state of

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  49. Air pollutants causing photochemical oxidants production include

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  50. Pollutant from motorcar exhaust that causes mental diseases is

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  51. Increase in the percentage of fauna and de-crease in flora may be dangerous because it enhances

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  52. Which is NOT a green house effect gas?

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  53. Burning of fossil fuels is the main cause of

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  54. The maximum amount of DDT accumulates in the body of which member of a food web?

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  55. Gas released during Bhopal tragedy was

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  56. The pigment melanin protects skin from

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  57. Lichens are important in the studies on atmo-spheric pollution because they

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  58. BOD stands for

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  59. Eutrophication leads to death of fish due to

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  60. Minarnata and itai-itai are respectively caused by pollution of

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  61. Acid rain is caused due to increase in concentra- tion of

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  62. Maximum permissible noise as per Noise Pollu- tion Rules 2000 is

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  63. The majority of nitrogen oxides are released by

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  64. Green muffler is related to pollution of

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  65. 5th June is celebrated as

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  66. Taj Mahal marble is affected by

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  67. Which one of the following is not a bio indicator of water pollution?

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  68. Which one of the following is the definition of ecosystem?

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  69. Who had proposed the term ecosystem?

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  70. The study of interrelationship between living organisms and their environment is called

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  71. Ecosystem has two components

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  72. Abiotic component in an ecosystem is

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  73. Biotic components include

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  74. The plant life of a given region, habitat or geo- logical stratum irrespective of the numerical strength of each species is called

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  75. The niche of a species is meant for

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  76. Primary source of energy in an ecosystem is

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  77. Which one of the following components of ecosystem comes from outside?

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  78. Good soil is

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  79. A fertile soil is likely to have a pH value of

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  80. The least porous soil among the folJowing is

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  81. Humus is an example of

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  82. Adaptation to low temperature and freezing in animals occurs due to the production of

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  83. Plants growing in shady regions are

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  84. Plants growing well in full sunlight are called

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  85. Plants occurring on soils rich in salts are known

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  86. True xerophytes have

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  87. Mechanical tissues are very poorly developed in

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  88. Plants growing in extremely cold soils are

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  89. Desert can be converted into green land by

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  90. Xerophytes have long roots

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  91. Mangrove plants show vivipary. This is

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  92. The orchid plants, which are found growing on the trees, are

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  93. Among the following, which plant is completely devoid of roots?

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  94. In submerged hydrophytes functional stomata are found

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  95. Which one of the following animals can live from birth to death without even drinking water?

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  96. What is the name given for an association of two species where one is benefited and other remains unaffected or unharmed?

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  97. What is the relationship between water-fern (Azolla) and nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria (Anabaena) called?

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  98. Occurrence of Zoochlorellae in the body wall of Hydra is an example of

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  99. A direct food relation between two species of animals in which one animal kills and feeds on another is referred to as

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  100. When animals feed on other dead animals, which had died naturally or had been killed by another animals, the relationship is termed as

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