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Complete Solutions to EXERCISE (MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS) of chapter CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM of Class 10 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions50
Academic Year2023-24
  1. For a reaction in the equilibrium state, the rate constants for the forward and backward reactions are `2.38 xx 10^4` and `8.15 xx 10^(-5)` respectively. What is the value of the equilibrium constant?

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  2. The equilibrium constant for the reaction, `N_(2(g)) + O_(2(g))

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  3. A quantity of `PCl_5` was heated in a `10 dm^3` vessel at `250^@C`. At equilibrium, the vessel contains 0.1 mole of `PCl_5` and 0.2 mole of `Cl_2`.The equilibrium constant for the reaction is

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  4. Nitric oxide reacts with bromine and gives nitrosyl bromide as per reaction given below:
    `2NO_((g)) + Br_(2(g)) When 0.087 mol of `NO` and 0.0437 mol of `Br_2` are mixed in a closed container at constant temperature, 0.0518 mol of `NOBr` is obtained at equilibrium. The equilibrium amount of nitric oxide and bromine are respectively

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  5. Sulphide ion in alkaline solution reacts with solid sulphur to form polysulphide ions having formula `S_2^(2-), S_(3)^(2-),S_(4)^(2-)` and so on. The equilibrium constant for the formation of `S_2^(2-)` is 12 and for the formation of `S_3^(2-)` is 136, both from S and `S^(2-)`. What is the equilibrium constant for the formation of `S_3^(2-)`. from `S_2^(2-)` and `S`?

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  6. For the reaction, `2NO_(2(g)) `R = 0.0831` kJ/mol K
    When `K_p` and `K_c` are compared at `184^@C` it is found that

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  7. At constant temperature, the equilibrium constant `(K_p)` for the decomposition reaction,
    `N_2O_(4(g)) `K_p = (4x^2 + P)//(1 - x^2)`, where P= pressure, x = extent of decomposition. Which one of the following statements is true?

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  8. Favourable conditions for manufacture of ammonia by the reaction,
    `N_2 + 3H_2

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  9. The reaction quotient (Q) at equilibrium is

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  10. For the reaction `a + b

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  11. `K_(c)` for `A+BhArrC+D` is `10` at `25^(@)C`. If a container contains `1`, `2`, `3`, `4` `mol//litre` of `A`, `B`, `C` and `D` respectively at `25^(@)C`, the reaction shell proceed:

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  12. At equilibrium, the amount of HI in a 3 litre vessel was 12.8 g. Its equilibrium concentration is

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  13. Which one is correct representation for

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  14. If `K_1` and `K_2` are the respective equilibrium constants for the two reactions,
    `XeF_(6(g)) + H_2O_((g)) to XeOF_(4(g)) + 2HF_((g)) `
    `XeO_(4(g)) + XeF_(6(g)) to XeOF_(4(g)) + XeO_3F_(2(g))`
    The equilibrium constant for the reaction,
    `XeO_(4(g)) + 2HF_((g)) to XeO_(3)F_(2(g)) + H_2O_((g))` is

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  15. Which one is reversible process?

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  16. The equilibrium constant of the reaction, `H_(2)+I_(2)hArr 2HI` is 50. If the volume of the container is reduced to half of its original value, the value of equilibrium constant will be

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  17. In an-aqueous solution of volume 500 ml , when the reaction of `2Ag^(+)+Cu hArr Cu^(2+)+2Ag` reached equilibrium , the `[Cu^(2+)]` was x M. when 500 ml of water if further a added at the equilibrium `[Cu^(2+)]` will be

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  18. Which of the following relative value of `k_(f)` (rate constant of forward reaction) and `k_(b)` (rate constant of backward reaction) results in an equilibrium mixture that contain large amount of reactants and small amounts of products?

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  19. The degree of dissociation of `N_2O_4,N_2O_(4(g)) to 2NO_(2(g))`, at temperature T and total pressure P is `alpha`. Which of the following expressions is correct for the equilibrium constant of this reaction at this temperature and pressure?

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  20. Equilibrium constant for the reaction,
    `H_2O_((g)) + CO_((g)) to H_(2(g)) + CO_(2(g))` is 81. If the velocity constant of the forward reaction is `162 L mol^(-1)s^(-1)`, what is the velocity constant (in `L mol^(-1) s^(-1)`) for the backward reaction?

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  21. 5 moles of `PCl_(5)` are heated in a closed vessel of 5 litre capacity. At equilibrium `40%` of `PCl_(5)` is found to be dissociated. What is the value of `K_(c)` ?

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  22. For the reaction,
    at a given temperature, the equilibrium amount of `CO_(2(g))` can be increased by:

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  23. What is the equilibrium expression for the reaction`P_(4)(s)+50_(2)(g)hArrP_(4)O_(10)(s)`

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  24. When an inert gas is introduced into the system `2HI to H_2 + I_2`, the degree of dissociation of HI gets'

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  25. Consider the reaction `A_(2(g)) to 2A_((g))`. The equilibrium constants for the reaction at 500 K and 600 K are `2 xx 10^(-70)` and `3.1 xx 10^(-5)` respectively. The above reaction will be

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  26. If a chemical reaction is at equilibrium, it means that

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  27. The active mass of a solid

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  28. A reaction flask contained 0.01 mole of `As_2S_3` and 0.01 mole of `H_2` to attain equilibrium at 700 K.
    `As_2S_(3(g)) to 2As_((s)) + 3H_2S_((g))`
    Evolved `H_2S` gas when passed through excess of `CuSO_4` solution gives 0.005 moles of CuS precipitate. What is the `K_p` for the given reaction?

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  29. In a reversible chemical reaction having two reactants in equilibrium, if the concentration of the reactants are doubled then the equilibrium constant will :

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  30. The equilibrium constant `K_(p_(1))` and `K_(p_(2))` for the reactions `XhArr2Y` and `ZhArrP+Q`, respectively are in the ratio of `1:9`. If the degree of dissociation of `X` and `Z` be equal, then the ratio of total pressure at these equilibrium is:

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  31. The equilibrium constant for the following reaction `aA + bB to cC + dD `is K. The equilibrium constant of the reaction `n c C + n d D to n a A + n b B`, will be

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  32. At 550 K, the Kc for the following reaction is `10^(4) mol^(-1)L . X(g) + Y(g) rarr Z(g)` At equilibrium, it was observed that `[X] = 1/2[Y] = 1/2[Z]` . What is the value of `[Z]("in "mol^(-1)L)`at equilibrium ?

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  33. At constant temperature, mole number of which equation does not change on increasing volume?

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  34. According to law of mass action, the rate of a reaction is directly proportional to

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  35. In which of the following reactions, the equilibrium constant will have no units of concentration ?

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  36. In an exothermic reaction, a `10^(@)` rise in temperature will

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  37. If pressure is increased on the equilibrium
    `"Ice" hArr Water"`
    which of the following occurs?

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  38. In a chemical equilibrium, the rate constant for the backward reaction is `7.5xx10^(-4)` and the equilibrium constant is `1.5` the rate constant for the forward reaction is:

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  39. At `448^@C`, the equilibrium constant (K) for the reaction `H_(2(g)) + I_(2(g))

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  40. In the given reaction
    `2X_((g)) + Y_((g)) which combination of pressure and temperature will give the highest yield of Z at equilibrium?

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  41. An endothermic reaction `A to B` has activation energy equal to `40 kcal "mol"^(-1)` and heat of reaction is `15 kcal "mol"^(-1)`. The activation energy of the reaction `B to A` is

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  42. Reversible reaction is studied graphically as shown in the given figure.
    Select the correct statements out of I, II and III.
    I. Reaction quotient has maximum value at point A.
    II. Reaction proceeds left to right at a point when `[N_2O_4] = [NO_2] = 0.1 M.`
    III. `K_c = Q` when point D or F is reached.

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  43. For a reaction `2A to P`, which of the equilibrium concentration correspond to `K_c` value for 0.01 moles of P and 0.1 moles of A at equilibrium?

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  44. In a reversible reaction, catalyst

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  45. The equilibrium constant K for the reaction, `HA + B

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  46. In the equilibrium reaction, `A + B

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  47. Which one of the following is homogeneous?

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  48. The value of log `K_p` for the reaction `N_(2(g)) + 3H_(2(g))

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  49. What concentration of `CO_2` be in equilibrium with `2.5 xx 10^(-2) "mol litre"^(-1)` of `CO `at `100^@C` for the reaction
    `FeO_((s)) + CO_((g))

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  50. The reaction `H_(2(g)) + I_(2(g)) to 2HI_((g))` does not proceed to completion because it is

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EXERCISE (MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS) questions and complete solutions for chapter CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM of MTG IIT JEE FOUNDATION of Class 10