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Complete Solutions to Exercise 4d of chapter QUADRATIC EQUATIONS of Class 10 book with complete answers and questions

Class 10MATHS
Number Of Questions56
Academic Year2023-24
  1. the sum of a number and its reciprocal is `61/30` Find the number

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  2. Divide 15 into two parts such that the sum of their reciprocals is `(3)/(10).

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  3. Find two natural numbers which differ by 3 and whose squares have the sum 117.

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  4. Divide 57 into two parts whose product is 782.

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  5. The sum of the squares of three consecutive natural numbers is 77. Find the numbers.

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  6. Find two consecutive odd natural numbers whose product is 323.

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  7. The product of two numbers is 12. If their sum added to the sum of their squares is 32, find the numbers.

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  8. The difference of two numbers is 4.If the difference of their reciprocals is 4/21, find the numbers

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  9. Determine two consecutive multiples of 3 whose product is 270.

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  10. Three consecutive positive integers are such that the sum of the square of the first and the product of other two is 46, fond the integers.

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  11. A number consists of two digits. The product of these digits is 14. If 45 is subtracated from the number, the digits interchange their places. Find the number.

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  12. A two digit number is four times the sum and three times the product of its digits.

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  13. In a two digit number, the ten's digit is bigger. The product of the digits is 27 and the difference between two digits is 6. Find the number.

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  14. A two digit number is made of two consccutive digits such that the sum of their squares is 4 less than the number. Find the two digit number.

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  15. In a certain positive fraction, the denominator is greater than the numerator by 3. If 1 subtracted from both the numerator and denominator, the fraction is decreased by `(1)/(14)`. Find the fraction.

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  16. The denominator of a positive fraction is one more than twice the numerator. If the sum of the fraction and its reciprocal is 2.9, find the fraction,

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  17. The numerator of a fraction is 4 less than denominator. If 1 is added to both its numerator and denominator, it becomes . Find the fraction.

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  18. The numerator of a fraction is 4 less than denominator. If 1 is added to both its numerator and denominator, it becomes . Find the fraction.

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  19. The sides of a right angled triangle containing the right angle are 4x cm and (2x-1) cm. If the area of the triangle is `30cm^(2)` calculate the lengths of its sides.

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  20. The hypotenuse of a right triangle is 13 cm and the difference between the other two sides is 7cm. Find the two unknown side of the triangle.

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  21. The longest side of a right angled triangle is 4cm longer than one side and 2 cm longer than the other side. Find the longest side.

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  22. In a tringle the measure of the greatest angle is square of measure of the smallest angle and the other angle is double of the smaller angle. Find the greatest angle of the triangle.

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  23. The hypotenuse of a right triangle is `3sqrt(10)c m` . If the smaller leg is tripled and the longer leg doubled, new hypotenuse will be `9sqrt(5)c m` . How long are the legs of the triangle?

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  24. A square lawn has a path 2m wide around it. The area of the path is 196 sq. m. Find the length of the side of the lawn.

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  25. The number of seats in a row is equal to the total number of rows in a hall. The total number of seats in the hall will increase by 375, if the number of rows in the hall.

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  26. The area of a recangular field is `260m^(2)` . Had its length been 5 m less and the breadth 2m more, the field would have heen in the shape of a square. Find the perimeter of the field.

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  27. A chess board contains 64 equal squares and the area of each square is `6. 25\ c m^2` . A border round the board is 2 cm wide. Find the length of the side of the chess board.

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  28. A girl is twice as old as her sister. Four years hence, the product of their ages (in years) will be 160. Find their present ages.

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  29. The product of Ramus age (in years) five years ago with his age (in years) years later is 15. Find Ramus present age.

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  30. Mrs. Mehra has two sons, one being exactly one year older than the other. At present, her age is equal to the sum of squares of ages of her sons. If 4 years hence her age becomes five times the age of the elder son then find the present ages of her sons.

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  31. The sum of ages of a boy and his brother is 25 years, and the product of their ages in years is 126. Find their ages.

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  32. A takes 6 days less than the time taken by B to finish a piece of work. If both A and B together can finish it in 4 days . Find the time taken by B to finish the work.

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  33. One pipe can fill a cistren in 3 hours less than the other. The two pipes together can fill the cistern in 6 hours 40 minutes. Find the time that each pipe will take to fill the cistern.

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  34. A train travels a distance of 300km at constant speed. If the speed of the train is increased by 5 km/kr, the journey would have taken 2 hours less. Find the original speed of the train.

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  35. A plane left 30 minutes late than its scheduled time and in order to reach the destination1500 km away in time, it had to increase the speed by 250 km/h from the usual speed.Find its usual speed.

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  36. Two trains leave a railway station at the same time. The first train travels towards west and the second train towards north. The first train travels 5 km/hr faster than the second train. If after two hours they are 50 km apart find the average speed of each train.

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  37. Car A travels x km for every litre of petrol, while car B travels (x+5) km for every litre of petrol. Both the cars cover a distance of 400 km each. If car A uses 4 litres of petrol more than car B in covering 400 km. Write down an equation in x and determine the number of litres of petrol used by car B for the journey.

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  38. The distance by road between two towns A and B, is 216km , by rail it is 208 km. If car travels at a speed of x km/h, and train travel at a speed which is 16 km/h fastest than the car.Calculate `(i)` The time taken by the car, to reach town B from A, in terms of x.

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  39. The speed of a boat in still water is 15 km/hr. It can go 30 km upstream and return downstream to the original point in 4 hours 30 minutes. Find the speed of the stream.

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  40. The speed of a boat in still water is 9 km/hr. It can go 12 km upstream and 12 km downstream in 3 hours. Find the speed of the stream.

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  41. Swati can row her boat at a speed of 5km/hr in still water. if it takes her 1 hour more to row the boat 5.25 km upstream than to return downstream, Find the speed of the stream.

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  42. A trader bought a number of articles for RS.1200. Ten were damaged and he sold each of the rest at RS. 2 more than what he paid for it, thus clearing a profit of RS.60 on the whole transaction. Find the number of articles he bought.

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  43. Mohan sold an article for RS.56 which coste him RS.x. He finds that he has gained x% on his outlay. Find x.

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  44. A shopkeeper buys a certain number of books for RS.960 would be 4 more. Find the original cost of each book.

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  45. The hotel bill for a number of people for overnight stay is RS.4800. If there were 4 more people, the bill each person had to pay would have reduced by RS.200. Find the number of people staying overnight.

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  46. In an auditorium, seats are arranged in rows was equal to the number of seats in each row. When the number of rows was doubled and the number of seats in each row was reduced by 10, the total number of seats increased by 300. Find the number of rows in original arrangement.

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  47. At an annual function of a school each student gives gift to every other student. If the number of gifts is 1980, find the number of students.

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  48. A line segment AB is 8 cm in length. AB is produced to P such that `BP^(2)=AB.AP,` find the length of BP.

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  49. The product of 12% of an integer and 20% of the next integer is 61.2. Find the integer.

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  50. Girl! Out of a group of swans. `7/2` times the square root of the number are playing on the shore of a tank. The two remaining ones are playing, with amorous fight, in the water. What is the total number of swans?

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  51. In a class test, the sum of the marks obtained by `P` in Mathematics and science is 28. Had he got 3 marks more in Mathematics and 4 marks less in Science. The product of his marks, would have been 180. Find his marks in the two subjects.

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  52. The angry Arjun carried some arrows of fighting with Bheeshm. With half the arrows, he cut down the arrows thrown by Bheeshm on him and with six other arrows he killed the rath driver (sarthi) of Bheeshm. With one arrow each he knocked down respectively the rath, flag and the bow of Bheeshm. Finally with one more than four times the square root of arrows he laid Bheeshm uncoscious on an arrow bed. Find the total number of arrows Arjun had.

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  53. A piece of cloth costs RS.75. If the piece were 4 metre longer and each metre costs RS.5 less, the total cost would remain unchanged. How long is the piece?

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  54. A meeting was held in a central hall. Each person handshakess with everybody. If total number of handshakes were 66. Find the total numbre of persons in the meeting hall.

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  55. P & Q are centres of circles of radii 9 cm and 2cm respectively. PQ = 17 cm. R is the centre of the circle of radius x cm which touches the above externally. Given that angle, PRQ is 90. Write an equation in x and solve it.

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  56. There is a two-digit number whose digits are the same, and has got the following property : when squared, it produces a four-digit number, whose first two digits are the same and equal to the original's minus one, and whose last two digits are the same and equal to half of the original's. Find that number.

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Exercise 4d questions and complete solutions for chapter QUADRATIC EQUATIONS of NAGEEN MATHS (HINGLISH) of Class 10