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Complete Solutions to Solved Examples of chapter ARITHMETIC PROGRESSION of Class 10 book with complete answers and questions

Class 10MATHS
Number Of Questions74
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The nth term of a sequence is `a_(n)=2n+3`. Find its first four terms.

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  2. The nth term of a sequence is `a_(n)=n^(2)+5` . Find its first three terms.

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  3. Fibonacci sequence is defined as follows :
    `a_(1)=a_(2)=1` and ` a_(n)=a_(n-2)+a_(n-1)`, where `n gt 2`. Find third, fourth and fifth terms.

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  4. A sequence is defined as follows :
    `a_(1)=3, a_(n)=2a_(n-1)+1`, where `n gt 1`. Where `n gt 1`. Find `(a_(n+1))/(a_(n))` for n = 1, 2, 3.

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  5. Which of the following are A.P's ? If they form an A.P., find the common difference 'd' and write two more terms :
    (i) 2, 4, 8, 16, ... (ii) `2, (5)/(2), 3, (7)/(2), ...`
    (iii) -1.2, -3.2, -5.2, -7.2, .... (iv) `-(1)/(2),-(1)/(2),-(1)/(2),-(1)/(2),...`

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  6. For the following A.Ps, write the first term `a` and the common difference `d` `(i) 3, 1, -1, -3,.. ` `(ii) 1/3,5/3,9/3,13/3,...`

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  7. Write first four terms of the A.P., when the first term `a` and the common difference 'd' are given as follows :
    (i) a = 10, d =10 `" "` (ii) `a=-1, d=(1)/(2)`
    (iii) a =4, d=-3 `" "` (iv) a = -2, d=0

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  8. Find the 18th term of the A.P. 4, 7, 10, ....

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  9. Find the 25th term of the A.P. 6, 10, 14, ...

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  10. What is the common difference of an A P. in which `a_21-a_7=84`

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  11. Which term of the AP : 3, 8, 13, 18, . . . , is 78?

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  12. Find the number of terms in the following A.P. :
    `18, 15(1)/(2), 13 .. -47`.

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  13. Which term of the A.P. 90, 87, 84, ..... `is` zero ?

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  14. Is `-150` a term of the A.P. `11 ,\ 8,\ 5,\ 2,\ ...` ?

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  15. If 2, a, b, c d, e, f and 65 form and A.P., find the value of e.

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  16. How many three digit numbers are divisible by 7?

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  17. Which term of the A.P. `10, 9(1)/(3), 8(2)/(3)= -(2)/(3), ..... ` is the first negative term ?

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  18. The `17^(t h)` term of an AP exceeds its `10^(t h)` term by 7. Find the common difference.

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  19. If the 3rd and the `9^(t h)` terms of an AP are 4 and `"\ "8` respectively, which term of this AP is zero?

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  20. The 26th, 11th and the last terms of an AP are, 0, 3 and `-(1)/(5)`,respectively. Find the common difference and the number of terms.

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  21. Find the 20th term of the AP whose 7th term is 24 less than the 11th term, first term being 12.

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  22. If the 9th term of an AP is zero, then prove that its 29th term is twice its 19th term.

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  23. Find a, b and c such that the following numbers are in AP, a, 7, b, 23 and c.

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  24. The nth term of a progression is (3n + 5). Prove that this progression is an arithmetic progression. Also find its 6th term.
    (b) The nth term of a progression is (3 - 4n). Prove that this progression is an arithmetic progression. Also find its common difference.
    (c) The nth term of a progression is `(n^(2) - n + 1).` Prove that it is not an A.P.

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  25. Q. For what value of k will k+9, 2k-1 and 2k+7 are the consecutive terms of an A.P.

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  26. For what value of n, are the with terms of two APs: 63, 65, 67, . . . and 3, 10, 17, . . . equal?

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  27. Find how many integers between 200 and 500 are divisible by 8.

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  28. If m times the mth term of an AP is equal to n times its nth term, then show that (m + n)th term of an AP is zero.

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  29. If mth term of an AP is 1/n and its nth term is 1/m , then show that its (mn)th term is 1

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  30. Find the 7th term from the end of the A.P. : 3,8,13,18,.....,98.

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  31. If zeros of `x^3 - 3p x^2 + qx - r` are in A.P., then

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  32. If x, y, z are real numbers satisfying the equation `25(9x^(2)+y^(2))+9z^(2)-15(5xy+yz+3zx)=0` , then prove that x, y and z are in A.P.

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  33. Gate receipts at the show of film '' Baghbaan '' amounted to Rs. 9,500 on the first night and showed a drop of Rs. 250 every succeeding night. If the operational expenses of the show are Rs. 2,000 a day, find out on which night the show ceases to be profitable?

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  34. Find the sum of the following A.P. 's :
    (i) `2, 7,12, .....` to 10 terms. (ii) `(1)/(15),(1)/(12),(1)/(10),.......` to 11 terms.

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  35. Find the sums given below : (i) `7+10 1/2+14+dot\ dot\ dot+84`(ii) `34+32+30+dot\ dot\ dot+10`(iii) `5+(8)+(-11)+dot\ dot\ dot+( 230)`

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  36. find the sum of `n` terms of the series `(4-1/n)+(4-2/n)+(4-3/n)+...........`

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  37. Find the sum of the following series :

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  38. If `a=7` and `a_13=35`, then find `d and S_13`.

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  39. given: `a_3=15`,`S_[10]=125`, find d and `a_[10]`

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  40. The first term of an AP is 5, the last term is 45 and the sum is 400. Find the number of terms and the common difference.

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  41. How many terms of the A.P.: 9,17,25,..... must be taken to give a sum of 636?

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  42. Find the value of x if

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  43. Solve for x :

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  44. How many terms of the A.P. `-6`, `-(11)/2,\ -5 ...`are needed to give the sum `-25`?

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  45. Find the sum of all odd numbers between 100 and 200.

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  46. If `a_(n)=3-4n`, then show that `a_(1),a_(2),a_(3), …` form an AP. Also, find `S_(20)`.

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  47. In an AP, If `S_(n)=3n^(2)+5n` and `a_(k)=164,` then find the value of k.

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  48. If sum of first 6 terms of an AP is 36 and that of the first 16 terms is 256 , then find the sum of first 10 terms.

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  49. The sum of the first n terms of an AP whose first term is 8 and the common difference is 20 is equal to the sum of first 2n terms of another AP whose first term is `-30` and the common difference is 8. Find n.

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  50. Show that the sum of an AP whose first term is a, the second term b and the last term c, is equal to `((a+c)(b+c-2a))/(2(b-a))`.

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  51. The pth and qth terms of an A.P. are x and y respectively. Prove that the sum of (p + q) terms is.

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  52. Find the
    (i) sum of those integers between 1 and 500 which are multiples of 2 as well as of 5.
    (ii) sum of those integers from 1 to 500 which are multiples of 2 as well as of 5.
    (iii) sum of those integers from 1 to 500 which are multiples of 2 or 5.

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  53. If the sum of first `m` terms of an A.P. is the same as the sum of its first `n` terms, show that the sum of tis `(m+n)` terms is zero.

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  54. Sum of the first p, q and r terms of an A.P are a, b and c, respectively.Prove that `a/p(q-r)+b/q(r-p)+c/r(p-q)=0`

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  55. The sum of first six terms of an arithmetic progression is 42. The ratio of its 10th term to its 30th term is 1:3. Calculate the first and the thirteenth term of the A.P.

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  56. The ratio between the sum of first n terms of two A.P.'s are in the ratio (7n-5) : (5n+17). Find the ratio of their 10th terms.

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  57. If the sum of first m terms of an A.P. be n and sum of first n terms be m, then show that the sum of its first (m+n) terms is -(m+n).

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  58. Let the sum of n, 2n, 3n terms of an A.P. be `S_1,S_2`and `S_3`, respectively, show that `S_3=3(S_2-S_1)`.

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  59. The ratio of the sum of `ma n dn` terms of an A.P. is `m^2: n^2dot` Show that the ratio of the mth and nth terms is `(2m-1):(2n-1)dot`

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  60. Find the middle term of the sequence formed by all three-digit numbers which leave a remainder 3, when divided by 4. Also find the sum of all numbers on both sides of the middle terms separately

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  61. An AP consists of 37 terms. The sum of the three middle most terms is 225 and the sum of the last three terms is 429. Find the AP

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  62. Ramkali required Rs 2500 after 12 weeks to send her daughter to school. She saved Rs100 in first week and increased her weekly savings by Rs 20 every week. Find whether she will be able to send her daughter to school after 12 weeks. What value is generated in the above situation?

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  63. The interior angles of a polygon are in arithmetic progression. The smallest angle is `120^@` and the common difference is `5^@` Find the number of sides of the polygon

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  64. Let `S_n` denote the sum of n terms of an AP whose first term is a. If common difference d is given by `d=Sn-kS_(n-1)+S_(n-2)` , then k is :

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  65. 25 trees are planted in a straight line 5 metre apart from each other. To water them the gardener must bring water for each tree separately from a well 10 metre from the first tree in line with the trees. The distance he will move in order to water all the trees beginning with the first if he starts from the well is :

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  66. Sum of first 25 terms in A.P. is 525, sum of next 25 terms is 725, what is the common difference?

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  67. The ratio of the sum of n terms of two A.P.'s be `5(2n+1):(97-2n)`. Find (i) the ratio of their nth terms. Hence, find the ratio of their 16th terms. (ii) If first term and common difference of first A.P. are 3 and 4 respectively, find the second A.P.

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  68. A child puts one five-rupee coin of her saving in the biggy bank on the first day. She increases her saving by one five-rupee coin daily. If the biggy bank can hold 190 coins of five-rupees in all, find the number of days she can continue to put the five-rupee coins into it and find the total money she saved. Write your views on the habit of saving.

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  69. Find the value of x for which `(x+2),2x(2x+3)` are three consecutive terms of A.P.

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  70. Split 207 into three parts such that these are in A.P. and the product of the two smaller parts is 4623.

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  71. The angles of a triangle are in A.P. The greatest angle is twice the least. Find all the angles

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  72. The internal angles of quadrilateral are in A.P. and their common difference is `10^@`. Find them.

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  73. There are m arithmetic means between 5 and -16 such that the ratio of the 7th mean to the (m-7)th mean is 1:4. Find the value of m.

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  74. The digits of a positive integer, having three digits, are in A.P. and their sum is 15. The number obtained by reversing the digits is 594 less than the original number. Find the number.

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Solved Examples questions and complete solutions for chapter ARITHMETIC PROGRESSION of NAGEEN MATHS (HINGLISH) of Class 10