Class 10 | BIOLOGY |
Number Of Questions | 100 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
Choose the correct alternative and write its alphabet against the sub question number:
Darwin has published a book titled……..
The proof for the fact that protein synthesis occurs through gene was given by George Beadle and Edward Tatum.
Transfer of information from molecule of DNA to mRNA is called as ______ process.
Choose the correct alternative and write its alphabet against the sub question number:
Evolution means…….
Vestigial organ _____ present in human body is the proof of evolution
Choose the correct alternative and write its alphabet against the sub question number:
The age of material determined are published in the journal named…..
The causality behind the sudden changes was understood due to ____ principle of Hugo de Vries.
Choose the correct alternative and write its alphabet against the sub question number:
The….man evolved about 50 thousand years ago.
Choose the correct alternative and write its alphabet against the sub question number:
About 10 thousand years ago, ……..started to practise agriculture.
Choose the correct alternative and write its alphabet against the sub question number:
…….can be considered as the first example of wise-man.
Choose the correct alternative and write its alphabet against the sub question number:
…….is a connecting link between Annelida and Arthropoda.
Choose the correct alternative and write its alphabet against the sub question number:
Similarities in the initial stages indicate the ……evidence.
Choose the correct alternative and write its alphabet against the sub question number:
The process by which the gene in the nucleotide suddenly changes its position is called ………
Choose the correct alternative and write its alphabet against the sub question number:
…….is not the vestigial organ in the human body.
Write whether the following statements are true or false with proper justification for your answer:
It takes thousands of years for a useful structure to disappear.
Write whether the following statements are true or false with proper justification for your answer:
Dr. Har Govind Khorana was awarded Nobel prize for his invention and publication in the journal Radio carbon.
Write whether the following statements are true or false with proper justification for your answer:
Mesozoic era was dominated by variety of mammals.
Write whether the following statements are true or false with proper justification for your answer:
It seems that invertebrates have been slowly originated from vertebrates.
Write whether the following statements are true or false with proper justification for your answer:
The decaying process of C-12 occurs continuosly from the dead remains of living organisms.
Write whether the following statements are true or false with proper justification for your answer:
The theory of natural selection which mention 'Survival of fittest' is given by Lamarck.
Write whether the following statements are true or false with proper justification for your answer:
Changes acquired during life time are transferred to next generation.
Write whether the following statements are true or false with proper justification for your answer:
Each species grows in specific geographical conditions and has specirfic food, habitat, reproductive ability and period.
Write whether the following statements are true or false with proper justification for your answer:
Humans walking with upright posture were confined to Africa only during prehistoric period.
Write whether the following statements are true or false with proper justification for your answer:
Industrial soceity was established about 200 years ago.
Match the columns:
Match the columns:
Match the columns:
Match the columns:
Find the odd one out:
Transcription, translation, translocation, transpiration.
Find the odd one out:
Bones of the hands, structure of nostrils, position of eyes, structure of ear pinnae
Find the odd one out:
Venation, shape of seeds, Leaf petiole, Leaf shape
Find the odd one out:
Human hand, wing of cockroach, forelimb of bull, flipper of whale
Identify the correlation between the first two words and suggest the suitable words in the fourth place:
mRNA: Transcription::tRNA:…………
Identify the correlation between the first two words and suggest the suitable words in the fourth place:
Peripatus: Connecting link::Appendix:………
Identify the correlation between the first two words and suggest the suitable words in the fourth place:
Open circulatory system: Arthropods::Thin cuticle and parapodia:………..
Identify the correlation between the first two words and suggest the suitable words in the fourth place:
Between Annelida and Arthropda: Peripatus::…….:Lung fish
Identify the correlation between the first two words and suggest the suitable words in the fourth place:
Theory of natural selection: Charles Robert Darwin::Theory of inheritance of acquired characters:……..
Identify the correlation between the first two words and suggest the suitable words in the fourth place:
Survival of fittest: Darwin::Acquired characters:………….
Identify the correlation between the first two words and suggest the suitable words in the fourth place:
Wisdom teeth: Vestigial organs:: Lungs fish:……..
Define the following :
Define the following :
Define the following :
Define the following :
Define the following :
Define the following :
Name the following :
Three scientists who proved that except viruses, all living organisms have DNA as genetic material.
Genetic disorder that is caused by mutation.
Name the following :
Fish that can breathe with help lungs:
Name the following :
Vestigial organs in human beings:
Name the following :
Father of modern genetics:
Name the following :
I am a connecting link between reptiles and mammals. Who am I?
Distinguish between Transcription and Translation:
Distinguish between Ape and Human:
Give scientific reason:
Some of the characters of parents are seen in their offspring.
Give scientific reason:
Darwin's work on evolution has been a milestone.
Give reasons why Peripatus is considered the connecting link between anelids and arthropods.
Give scientific reason:
Vertebrates have been slowly originated from invertebrates.
Give scientific reason:
During human evolution the hands became available for use.
Read the following statements and justify the same in your own words with the help of suitable examples:
Geographical and reproductive isoloation of organisms gradually leads to speciation.
Study of fossils is an important aspect of study of evolution.
There is evidence of fatal science among chordates.
Read the following statements and justify same in your own words with the help of suitable examples.
i. Human evolutions began approximatesly 7 crore years ago.
Answer the following question:
Define heredity. Explain the mechanism of hereditary changes.
Explain the process of formation of complex proteins.
What do you mean by central dogma?
Answer the following question:
What is transcription?
What is meant by triplet codon?
How are the hereditary changes responsibole for evolution?
Explain the theory of evolution and mention the proof suporting it.
Answer the following question:
Explain with suitable examples importance of anatomical evidencces in evolution.
Define vestigial organs. Write names of some vestigal organs in human body and write the names of those animals in whom same organs are functional.
Define vestigial organs. Write any two names of vestigial organs in human body.
Answer the following question:
What do we call the degenerated or partially developed useless organs in living organisms?
Answer the following question:
Define vestigial organs. Enlist such organs in human body. How the same organs are useful in other animals?
Answer the following question:
Define vestigial organs. Enlist such organs in human body. How the same organs are useful in other animals?
Answer the following question:
Define vestigial organs. Enlist such organs in human body. How the same organs are useful in other animals?
Answer the following question:
Define fossil. Explain importance of fossils as proof of evolution.
Answer the following question:
In which way is science of heredity useful these days?
Answer the following question:
What is meant by carbon dating method?
Write evolutionary history of modern man.
Answer the following question:
Describe briefly the Darwin's theory of natural selection.
Answer the following question:
What were the objections raised against Darwinism?
Answer the following question:
Which book was published by Darwin to explain his theory?
Answer the following question:
What were the objections raised against Darwinism?
Answer the following question:
Explain in brief-Lamarck's principle of use or disuse or organs'.
Answer the following question :
Give two examples of each of the following :
Homogeneous matter
Answer the following question:
What are acquired characters?
Write short notes:
Write short notes based upon the information known to you:
Theory of evolution.
Write short notes:
Connecting link
Write short notes:
Write short notes:
Dawin's theory of natural selection
Write short notes:
By choosing appropriate words given in the bracket, complete the paragraph:
(translation, anticodon ,tRNA , mRNA, amino acids, triplet codon, transcription, DNA)
The.'.….' formed in nucleus comes in cytoplasm. It brings in the coded message from DNA. The message contains the codes for amino acids. The code for each amino acid consists of three nucleotides. It is called as.'.....' each mRNA is made up of thousands of triplet codons. As per the message on mRNA.'.........' are supplied by the .'......' For the purpose, tRNA has .'.......' having complementary sequence to the codon on mRNA. This is called '.........'.
By choosing appropriate words given in the bracket, complete the paragraph:
(cultural, agriculture, fire, brain, cro-magnon, homo sapiens, neanderthal)
Evolution of upright man continued in the direction of developing its……. For the period of about 1 lakh years and meanwhile discovered the ..........Brain of man, 50 thousand years ago had been sufficiently evolved to the extent that it could be considered as member of the species ........Neanderthal man can be considered as the first example of wise-man. The evolved about 50 thousand years ago afterwards, this evolution had been faster than the earlier. About 10 thousand years ago, wise man started to practice the .............It started to rear the cattle-herds and established the cities...........development took place later.
Read the paragraph and answer the questions given below:
With the help of RNA, the genes present in the form of DNA particioate in the functioning of cell and thereby control the structure and functioning of the body. Information about protein synthesis is stored in the DNA and synthesis of appropriate proteins as per synthesized by DNA through rthe RNA. This is called 'Central Dogma'. mRNA is produced as per the sequence of nucleotides on DNA. Only one of the two strands of DNA is used in this process. The seqience of nucleotides in mRNA being produced is always complementary to the DNA strand used for synthesis. Besides, there is uracil in RNA instead of thymine of DNA. This is process of RNA synthesis is called 'transcription'.
Which part of the cell control the structure and fucntioning of the body?
Read the paragraph and answer the questions given below:
With the help of RNA, the genes present in the form of DNA participate in the functioning of cell and thereby control the structure and functioning of the body. Information about protein synthesis is stored in the DNA and synthesis of appropriate proteins as per synthesized by DNA through the RNA. This is called 'Central Dogma'. mRNA is produced as per the sequence of nucleotides on DNA. Only one of the two strands of DNA is used in this process. The seqience of nucleotides in mRNA being produced is always complementary to the DNA strand used for synthesis. Besides, there is uracil in RNA instead of thymine of DNA. This is process of RNA synthesis is called 'transcription'.
How is a specific protein synthesised in the cell?
Read the paragraph and answer the questions given below:
With the help of RNA, the genes present in the form of DNA particioate in the functioning of cell and thereby control the structure and functioning of the body. Information about protein synthesis is stored in the DNA and synthesis of appropriate proteins as per synthesized by DNA through rthe RNA. This is called 'Central Dogma'. mRNA is produced as per the sequence of nucleotides on DNA. Only one of the two strands of DNA is used in this process. The seqience of nucleotides in mRNA being produced is always complementary to the DNA strand used for synthesis. Besides, there is uracil in RNA instead of thymine of DNA. This is process of RNA synthesis is called 'transcription'.
What is the similarity between mRNA and DNA?
Read the paragraph and answer the questions given below:
With the help of RNA, the genes present in the form of DNA particioate in the functioning of cell and thereby control the structure and functioning of the body. Information about protein synthesis is stored in the DNA and synthesis of appropriate proteins as per synthesized by DNA through rthe RNA. This is called 'Central Dogma'. mRNA is produced as per the sequence of nucleotides on DNA. Only one of the two strands of DNA is used in this process. The seqience of nucleotides in mRNA being produced is always complementary to the DNA strand used for synthesis. Besides, there is uracil in RNA instead of thymine of DNA. This is process of RNA synthesis is called 'transcription'.
Give one difference between RNA and DNA.
Read the paragraph and answer the questions given below:
With the help of RNA, the genes present in the form of DNA participate in the functioning of cell and thereby control the structure and functioning of the body. Information about protein synthesis is stored in the DNA and synthesis of appropriate proteins as per synthesized by DNA through the RNA. This is called 'Central Dogma'. mRNA is produced as per the sequence of nucleotides on DNA. Only one of the two strands of DNA is used in this process. The seqience of nucleotides in mRNA being produced is always complementary to the DNA strand used for synthesis. Besides, there is uracil in RNA instead of thymine of DNA. This is process of RNA synthesis is called 'transcription'.
Define central dogma.
EXERCISE questions and complete solutions for chapter HERIDITY AND EVOLUTION of NAVNEET PUBLICATION of Class 10