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Complete Solutions to EXERCISE of chapter REFRACTION OF LIGHT of Class 10 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Fill in the blanks:
    The phenomenon of change in the____ of light when it passes obliquely from one transparent medium to another is called refration?

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  2. Fill in the blanks:
    The refractive index depends upon the____ of propogation of light in different media?

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  3. Choose the correct alternative and write it along with its allotted alphabet:
    The process of separation of light into its component colours while it is passing through a medium is called___

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  4. Fill in the blanks:
    When a light ray travels oliquely from air to water, it bends___the normal at the point of incidence.

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  5. Fill in the blanks:
    When a light ray travels oliquely from benzene to air, it bends___the normal at the point of incidence.

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  6. Fill in the blanks:
    In glass the speed of a red ray is ____ violet ray.

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  7. Fill in the blanks:
    The speed of light in glass is _____ in water.

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  8. Fill in the blanks:
    The speed of light in water is _____ in Benzene.

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  9. Fill in the blanks:
    Rainbow occurs due to refraction, dispersion, ____ and again refraction of sunlight by water droplets.

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  10. Fill in the blanks:
    In dispersion of sunlight by a glass prism,____ ray is deviated the least.

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  11. Fill in the blanks and explian the complete statements:
    Refractive index depends on the ____of light.

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  12. Fill in the blanks and explian the complete statements:
    The change in _____ of light rays while going from one medium to another is called refration.

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  13. Choose the correct alternative and write it along with its allotted alphabet:
    The change in the direction of propogation of light when it passes abliquely from one transparent medium to another is called ____

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  14. When a ray of light travels from air to glass and strikes the surface of separation at `90^@`,then it

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  15. Choose the correct alternative and write it along with its allotted alphabet:
    If a ray of light passes from a denser medium to a rarer medium in a straight line, the angle of incidence must be

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  16. Choose the correct alternative and write it along with its allotted alphabet:
    If a ray of light strikes a glass slab at an angle of `50^@` with the normal to the surface of the slab. What is the angle of incidence?

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  17. Choose the correct alternative and write it along with its allotted alphabet:
    If a ray of light propogating in air strikes a glass slab at an angle `60^@` with the surface of the slab, the angle of refraction is.

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  18. Choose the correct alternative and write it along with its allotted alphabet:
    A ray of light gets deviated when it passes obliquely from one medium to another medium because

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  19. Choose the correct alternative and write it along with its allotted alphabet:
    The speed of light in turpentine oil is `2 times 10^8 m/s`. The absolute refractive index of turpentine oil is about ______

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  20. Choose the correct alternative and write it along with its allotted alphabet:Out of the following___ has the highest absolute refractive index.

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  21. Choose the correct alternative and write it along with its allotted alphabet:
    The absolute refrative index ____

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  22. Choose the correct alternative and write it along with its allotted alphabet:
    The speed of the light in a medium of refractive index n _____ , where c is the speed of light in vaccum.

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  23. Choose the correct alternative and write it along with its allotted alphabet:
    The speed of light in a transparent medium having absolute refractibe index 1.25 is ____[ speed of light in vaccum = `3 times 10^8 m/s`

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  24. Choose the correct alternative and write it along with its allotted alphabet:
    ___light is deviated the maximum in the spectrum of white light obtained with a glass prims

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  25. Choose the correct alternative and write it along with its allotted alphabet:
    _____ Light is deviated the least in the spectrum of white light obtained with a glass prism.

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  26. Choose the correct alternative and write it along with its allotted alphabet:
    A ray of light makes an angle of `50^@` with the surface `S_1` of the glass slab. Its angle of incidence will be _____

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  27. A glass-slab is placed in the path of convergent light. The point of convergence of light_____

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  28. Choose the correct alternative and write it along with its allotted alphabet:
    In the refraction of light through a glass slab, the directions of the incident ray and the refracted ray are___

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  29. Choose the correct alternative and write it along with its allotted alphabet:
    The process of separation of light into its component colours while it is passing through a medium is called___

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  30. What is the reason for the twinkling of star:?

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  31. We can see the sun even when it is little below the horizon because of ....

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  32. If the refractive index of glass with respect to air is `frac(3)(2)` then the refractive index of air with respect to glass___.

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  33. State whether the following statements are True or False : The incident ray and refracted ray of light are on the opposite sides of the normal at the point of incidence

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  34. State whether the following statements are True or False : < br> the refrective index of a medium (such as glass) does not depend on the wavelength of light.

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  35. State whether the following statements are True or False : When a light ray travels obliquely from an optically rarer medium to an optically denser medium, it bends away from the normal.

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  36. State whether the following statements are True or False : When a light ray travels obliquely from glass to air, it bends towards the normal

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  37. True/false: If angle of incidence is zero,then the angle of refraction is `90^@`

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  38. State whether the following statements are True or False : < br> In dispersion of white light by a glass prism, yellow color is deviated the least.

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  39. State whether the following statements are True or False : < br> In vaccum, the speed of light does not depend upon the frequency of light.

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  40. State whether the following statements are True or False : < br> In glass, the speed of violet ray is less than that of red ray.

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  41. State whether the following statements are True or False : < br> In a materiial medium, the speed of light depends on the frequency of light.

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  42. State whether the following statements are True or False : The velocity of light is different in different media.

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  43. State whether the following statements are True or False : < br> The wavelength of red light is close to 700nm.

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  44. State whether the following statements are True or False : < br> The wavelength of orange light is greater than that of blue light.

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  45. State whether the following statements are True or False :
    The refractive index depends upon the velocity of light in the medium.

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  46. Find the odd one out and give the reason:
    Reflection, Neutralization , Refraction , Dispersion

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  47. Wavelength of red light is :

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  48. What is refraction of light?

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  49. Answer the following questions
    Why is there a change in the direction of propagation of light in the direction of propogation of light when it passes obliquely from one transparent medium to another?

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  50. Answer the following questions
    In the case of refraction og light through a glass slab, the emergent ray is parallel to the incident ray , but it is displaced sideways. Why does this happen?

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  51. Answer the following questions
    Define angle of incidence and angle of refraction.

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  52. Answer the following questions
    Repeat the activity " Refraction of light passing through a glass slab" by replacing the glass slab by a transparent plastic slab.< br> What Similarity do you observe?

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  53. Answer the following questions
    Repeat the activity " Refraction of light passing through a glass slab" by replacing the glass slab by a transparent plastic slab.< br> What difference do you notice?

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  54. State the Laws of Refraction.

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  55. Answer the following questions
    Observe the given figure and answer the following questions.

    Name the process represented by the figure.

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  56. Answer the following questions
    Observe the given figure and answer the following questions.

    State the two laws related to the process.

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  57. Answer the following questions
    How is refraction of light related to refractive index ?

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  58. Answer the following questions
    Define the refractive index of the second medium, with respect to the first medium .

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  59. Answer the following questions
    What is meant by refractive index?

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  60. Answer the following questions
    State the formula for the refractive index of the second medium with respect to the first medium.

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  61. Answer the following questions
    Define absolute refractive index.

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  62. Answer the following questions
    Obtain the relation between the refractive index of the second medium with respect to the first medium and the refractive index of the first medium with respect to the second medium.

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  63. Answer the following questions
    If the refractive index of a certain material with respect to air is 1.5, what is the refractive index of air with respect to that material ?

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  64. If the angle of incidence and angle of emergence of a light ray falling on a glass slab are i and e respectively, then prove that i=e.

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  65. Answer the following questions
    Explain the terms optically rarer medium and optically denser medium with examples.

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  66. Answer the following questions
    A ray of light is incident obliquely at a boundary separating two media . What is its behaviour if
    the refractive index of the second medium is greater than that of the first medium.

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  67. Answer the following questions
    A ray of light is incident thobliquely at a boundary separating two media . What is its behaviour if
    the refractive index of the first medium is greater than that of the second medium ? Draw the corresponding neat and labelled diagrams.

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  68. Answer the following questions
    Observe the following figure and write accurate conclusion regarding refraction of light.

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  69. Answer the following questions
    What happens when a ray of light is incident normal to the interface between two media ? Draw the corresponding neat and labelled diagram.

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  70. Answer the following questions
    Draw a neat and labelled diagram to show the path of a ray of light in air and glass when the ray is incident obliquely on a glass slab. Show the
    Incident ray.

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  71. Answer the following questions
    Draw a neat and labelled diagram to show the path of a ray of light in air and glass when the ray is incident obliquely on a glass slab. Show the
    Refracted ray

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  72. Answer the following questions
    Draw a neat and labelled diagram to show the path of a ray of light in air and glass when the ray is incident obliquely on a glass slab. Show the
    Emergent ray

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  73. Answer the following questions
    Draw a neat and labelled diagram to show the path of a ray of light in air and glass when the ray is incident obliquely on a glass slab. Show the
    Angle of incidence

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  74. Answer the following questions
    Draw a neat and labelled diagram to show the path of a ray of light in air and glass when the ray is incident obliquely on a glass slab. Show the
    Angle of refraction

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  75. Answer the following questions
    Draw a neat and labelled diagram to show the path of a ray of light in air and glass when the ray is incident obliquely on a glass slab. Show the
    Angle of emergence

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  76. Answer the following questions
    Draw a neat and labelled diagram to show refraction of light through a glass slab.

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  77. Answer the following questions
    Observe the given figure and name the following rays:

    ray AB
    ray CD

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  78. Answer the following questions
    A plane mirror is kept at the bottom of a trough with water in it as show in the following figure . The ray of light emerging from a source at the point S outside the trough, reaches the point A on the surface of water. Draw a neat ray diagram to show the subsequent path of light and complete the ray diagram.

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  79. Answer the following questions
    Give two examples of the effect of atmospheric refraction on a small scale in local environment.

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  80. Answer the following questions
    What is mirage ? With a neat labelled diagram, explain the conditions under which it is seen.

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  81. Answer the following questions
    Explain in brief the flickering of an object seen through a turbulent stream of hot air rising above the holi fire.

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  82. Answer the following questions
    With a neat labelled diagram, explain twinkling of a star . Also explain why a planet does not twinkle.

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  83. Answer the following questions
    What is the correct reason for blinking/ flickering of stars? Explain it.

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  84. Answer the following questions
    With a neat labelled diagram , explain advanced sunrise and delayed sunset.

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  85. Answer the following questions
    Water in a swimming pool or water tank appears shallower than its depth . Why ?

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  86. Answer the following questions
    Place a coin at the bottom of a glass jar containing water. Now tilt the jar suitably. When viewed at a suitable angle, the coin appears to be floating. Why ?

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  87. Answer the following questions
    State the wavelength range of electromagnetic radiation to which our eyes are sensitive.

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  88. Answer the following questions
    What do you mean by dispersion of light? What is a spectrum of light ? Name the different colours of light in the proper sequence in the spectrum of white light.

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  89. Answer the following questions
    What do you mean by dispersion ? Name the different colours of light in the proper sequence in the spectrum of white light.

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  90. Answer the following questions
    What is a prism?

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  91. Answer the following questions
    Witha neat labelled diagram describe the experiment to demonstrate dispersion of sunlight (white light)by a prism).

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  92. Answer the following questions
    Draw a neat labelled diagram of dispersion of white light through a glass prism.

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  93. Answer the following questions
    Which coloured ray is the least deviated ?

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  94. Answer the following questions
    Which coloured ray is the most deviated ?

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  95. Answer the following questions
    How does the dispersion of white light take place when it passes through a glass prism ?

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  96. Answer the following questions
    What is a spectrum ? why do we get a spectrum of seven colours when while light is dispersed by a prism ?

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  97. Answer the following questions
    Explain how a spectrum is formed.

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  98. What is partial reflection?

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  99. Answer the following questions
    Explain the terms total internal reflection and critical angle.

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  100. Answer the following questions
    The observation made by swarali while doing the experiment are given below . Based on these write answers to the following questions: Swarali found that the light ray trvelling from the denser medium to a rarer medium goes away from the normal. If the angle of incidence (i) is raised by Swarali, the angle of refraction (r) went on increasing

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EXERCISE questions and complete solutions for chapter REFRACTION OF LIGHT of NAVNEET PUBLICATION of Class 10