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Complete Solutions to Topic-2 SHORT ANSWER TYPE QUESTION -II of chapter ACIDS,BASES AND SALTS of Class 10 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions17
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Define water of crystallisation with two examples. How will you prove their existence in the examples given by you ?

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  2. (i) What is meant by the term hydrated salt?
    (ii) Give two examples of hydrated salt which are white and state their chemical formula.

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  3. What is meant by water of crystallization. How many molecules of water are present in hydrated copper sulphate? Write its formula. What colour change do you observe when it is heated?

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  4. A sanitary worker uses a white chemical having strong smell of chlorine gas to disinfect the water tank.
    (i) Identify the chemical compound write is chemical formula.
    (ii) Give chemical equation for its preparation.
    (iii) Write its two uses other than disinfection.

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  5. In one of the industrial processes used for manufacture of sodium hydroxide, a gas X is formed as byproduct. The gas X reacts with lime water to give a compound Y which is used as a bleaching agent in chemical industry. Identify X and Y giving the chemical equation of the reactions involved.

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  6. (i) How chloride of lime chemically differs from calcium chloride?
    (ii) What happens when chloride of lime reacts with sulphuric acid. Write chemical equation involved.
    (iii) Mention two uses of chloride of lime.

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  7. Write the chemical formula of bleaching powder. Write balanced chemical equation involved in the preparation of bleaching powder and write in three uses.

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  8. (i) A white powder is an active ingredient of antacids and is used for preparation of baking powder. Name the compounds and explain that how it is manufactured. Give chemical equation.
    (ii) Write a chemical equation to show the effect of heat on this compound.

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  9. Sodium hydrogen carbonate is a basic salt. Justify the statement how is it converted into washing soda? Explain.

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  10. A student dropped a few pieces of marble chips in dilute hydrochloric acid contained in a test tube. The gas evolved was passed through lime water. What changes would be observed lime water ? Write the chemical equations for both the changes observed.

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  11. What happens when a solution of baking soda is heated? Write chemical equation for the same. Name the product which is reponsible for making the bread or cake spongy and fluffy.

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  12. State what happens when :
    (a) Gypsum is heated at `373 K`
    (b) Blue crystals of copper sulphate are heated
    (c ) Excess of `CO_(2)` is passed through lime water.

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  13. (i) Write the chemical formula of each of the following:
    (a) Plaster of paris
    (b) Gypsum
    (ii) How can plaster of paris be converted into gypsum.
    (iii) List any one use of plaster of paris.

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  14. A compound X on losing partial crystallization of water gives compound y which is used for making chall and other pottery articles. But when x is strongly heated it gives z which is used as drying agent. Identify x,y,z and write the chemical equation.

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  15. Mention the products produced when an acid reacts with a base. Give equation of an example of the reaction involved. What is this kind of reaction known as?

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  16. Name the three products of chlor-alkali process. Write one commerically or industrially important material such that can be prepared from each of these products.

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  17. (a) Crystals of a substance their colour on heating in a closed test tube but regained it after sometime when they were allowed to cool down. Name the substance and write its formula and explain the phenomenon involved.
    (b) name the acid and base that would be used to prepare the following salts:
    (i) Potassium sulphate
    (ii) Ammonium chloride.

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Topic-2 SHORT ANSWER TYPE QUESTION -II questions and complete solutions for chapter ACIDS,BASES AND SALTS of OSWAAL CHEMISTRY (KANNADA ENGLISH) of Class 10