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Complete Solutions to APPLICATION AND ANALYSIS of chapter EVOLUTION of Class 10 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions25
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Mention the reptilian and avian characters of Archaeopteryx

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  2. On what basis it was presumed that dinosaurs were subjected to mass extinctions?

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  3. The origin of living matter from non-living matter is called abiogenesis. It is accepted in scientific community. However, cell theory always says that life starts from a living cell only. How do you justify this contradiction?

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  4. Justify that cycas plant is a connecting link between pteridophytes and gymnosperms.

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  5. Explain the anatomical structure of forelimb of man and relate its homology with any other non-mammalian animal.

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  6. What is the function of appendix in verte brates? Why did it become vestigial in modern man?

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  7. What does the below diagram indicate? Mention the conclusion which can be drawn from the diagram.

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  8. What are the similarities and differences found in the early embryonic stages of different classes of vertebrates? How can they support the organic evolution?

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  9. What does the mode of breathing in lung fish indicate? Explain.

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  10. Duck-billed platypus is the connecting link between reptiles and mammals. Give reason

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  11. Leaves are the food factories of plants. But, in the plant Indian pipe, the leaves are considered as the vestigial structures. Justify.

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  12. Identify the homologous or analogous pairs of organs among the following by giving proper justification:
    Thorn of bougainvillea and tendrils of cucurbita

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  13. Identify the homologous or analogous pairs of organs among the following by giving proper justification:
    Flippers of dolphin and penguin.

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  14. The two chambered heart in fish underwent a gradual change to three- and four-chambered heart in the other classes of vertebrates. Justify.

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  15. With respect to embryology, justify the pre diction that vertebrates are evolved from invertebrates.

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  16. Gymnosperms are evolved from pterido phytes. Give reason

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  17. What is the status of duck-billed platypus in the evolutionary lineage?

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  18. Mule and hinny are produced by hybridization horse and donkey. But they are sterile. Justify.

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  19. Bring about certain similarities between ape and man to justify their common ancestry.

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  20. In course of time certain antibiotics become ineffective for a particular disease. How do you explain this with respect to Darwinism?

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  21. Explain molecular phylogeny with respect to common ancestry of ape and man.

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  22. Embryos of birds are found to develop tooth buds. What do we infer from this?

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  23. Justify the phylogeny of the following. Mosses and ferns are evolved from algae

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  24. Site some evidences to show that man is more closely related to apes than to monkeys though they share common ancestry.

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  25. Assertion (A): Jurassic period was known as the golden age of dinosaurs.
    Reason (R): Dinosaurs originated in the Jurassic period.

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APPLICATION AND ANALYSIS questions and complete solutions for chapter EVOLUTION of PEARSON IIT JEE FOUNDATION of Class 10