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Complete Solutions to ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS & ANSWER (Assertion and Reason) of chapter OPTICS of Class 10 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions14
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Assertion : The air buble shines in water.
    Reason : Air bubble in water shines due to refraction of light.

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  2. Assertion : Blue colour of sky appears due to scattering of blue colour.
    Reason : Blue colour has shortest wavelength in visible sky.

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  3. Assertion : During sun set, sun appears red.
    Reason : Scattering of light is directly proportional to the wavelength.

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  4. Assertion : The stars twinkle while the planets do not.
    Reason: The stars are much bigger in size than the planets.

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  5. Assertion :The cloud in sky generally appears white.
    Reason : Due to diffraction of clouds [The light is scattered by the droplets inside the cloud ].

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  6. Assertion : Diamond glitters brilliantly.
    Reason :Diamond does not absorb sunlight.

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  7. Assertion : There is an apparent change in frequency whenever there is a relative motion between a source & listener.
    Reason : SONAR & RADAR works under the principle Doppler effect.

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  8. Assertion : The resolving power of a telescope is more if the diameter of the objective lens is more.
    Reason : Objective lens of large objective lens is more.
    Reason : Objective lens of large diameter collects more light.

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  9. Assertion :Property of lens, whether the ray is converging or diverging is independent of the surrounding medium.
    Reason : The converging property of a convex lens does not be same in all media.

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  10. Assertion : A convex lens made of two different materials, A point object is placed on the principal axis, two images formed. Reason:Two images formed by convex lens is always 'virtual'.

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  11. Assertion : Bending of light rays from its original path at the interface of the two media is called 'Refraction'.
    Reason : Whenever the light travels from denser medium to rarer medium, it bends away from the normal.

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  12. Assertion : Mie scattering is responsible for the while appearance of the cloud.
    Reason : Mie scattering is caused by pollen, dust,smoke.

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  13. Assertion : Astronomical telescope is used to view heavenly bodies.
    Reason : Telescope is easily protable.

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  14. Assertion : Colour of the sun is red at surface and sunset.
    Reason : The light rays from the sun have to travel a larger distance in the atmosphere than at noon.

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ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS & ANSWER (Assertion and Reason) questions and complete solutions for chapter OPTICS of SURA PHYSICS (TAMIL ENGLISH) of Class 10