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Complete Solutions to ACTIVITY QUESTIONS of chapter HEAT of Class 10 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions22
Academic Year2023-24
  1. What is latent heat. State its SI unit.

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  2. Why does the heat supplied to a substance during its change of state not cause any rise in its temperature?

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  3. Complete the following table

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  4. When ice is heated the temperature of ice remains constant till it melts completely. Justify this statement.

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  5. The specific latent heat of fusion of ice is 336 J/g. Comment on this.

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  6. If in a central heating system, steam enters a radiation pipe at `100^@C` and water leaves the radiation pipe at `100^@C`, can this radiation pipe heat a room? Give an explanation for your answer.

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  7. The freezing mixture is made by mixing ice and salt.

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  8. Why do the farmers fill their fields with water in winter.

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  9. Why no tracks are left on the ice during ice skating?

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  10. Explain the apparatus depicted in the adjoining figure.

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  11. How can we explain observations from the adjoining figure?

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  12. Is there any relationship between anomalous behaviour of water and principle in the following picture?

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  13. Complete the table

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  14. During winter season, a white trail at the back of a flying plane is observed in a clear sky. Explain.

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  15. Define the term calorie. How is it related with Joule (the SI unit of heat)?

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  16. Statement 1 : water is considered as best liquid for quenching thirst.
    Statement 2 : Water has the highest specific heat capacity of `1 "cal/g"^@ C`.
    Explain Statement 1 with the help of Statement 2

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  17. Write two advantages of high specific heat capacity of water

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  18. Why water is used in hot water bottles for fomentation and also as a universal coolant.

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  19. Complete the flowchart.

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  20. Give a brief idea about principle explained in the following figure.

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  21. Explain measurement of specific heat: Mixing method and calorimeter.

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  22. m' kg of a substance of specific beat capacity `J//kg^@C` is heated, so that its temperature rises from `theta_1^@C` to `theta_2^@`C. Write down the expression for the heat Q supplied.

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ACTIVITY QUESTIONS questions and complete solutions for chapter HEAT of UNIQUE PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 10