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Complete Solutions to Activity Questions of chapter REFRACTION OF LIGHT of Class 10 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions22
Academic Year2023-24
  1. What is refraction of light ?How is it related to refractive index ?

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  2. 1. Which property of light can be studied with this procedure?
    2. Describe the property in minimum words.
    3 What do you obseve? Why does it happen?

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  3. Complete the following table.

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  4. Why does the direction of a light ray change when it change the medium?

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  5. With the help of a suitable diagram explain the laws of refraction of light.

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  6. What is meant by 'absolute refractive index' of medium ? How is it represented ?

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  7. Complete the table.

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  8. Answer the following : `(sini)/(sinr)` = constant =n
    1. State the law related to their formula.

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  9. What is this law know as ?

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  10. Observe the figures and write accurate conclusions regarding refraction of light for each.
    (a) A ray of light travelling from rarer to denser medium.

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  11. A ray of light travelling from denser to rarer medium.

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  12. A ray of light incident normal to the interface between two media.

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  13. What is the correct reason for twinkling of stars ? Explain it .

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  14. Staement -1. The apparent position of the star is slightly higher than its actual position.
    Statement-2 . Density of air increases with lowering height above the surface of the earth.
    Give reason for Statement 1 with the help of Statement 2.

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  15. Staement -1 : We do not see twinkling of planets.
    Statement 2 : Planets are much close to us as compared to stars.
    Give reason to Statement 1 with the help of Statement 2.

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  16. Explain the phenomenon of partial and total reflection of light.

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  17. Observe the diagram and answer the following questions.

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  18. Which property light is explained in the figure? Define it .

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  19. How do we get a spectrum of seven colors ?

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  20. Name the different colours of light in the proper sequence in the spectrum of light.

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  21. Name the properties of light that causes the following phenomena.

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  22. How can you determine the value of I when r =`90^(@)`

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Activity Questions questions and complete solutions for chapter REFRACTION OF LIGHT of UNIQUE PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 10