Class 10 | BIOLOGY |
Number Of Questions | 67 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
Choose the correct pair-
Which of the following statement is not correct?
Which of te follwing is innate reflex action?
Which of the following is asexual reproduction?
Which of the following statement is not correct about cell division?
Choose the correct pair from the following-
Write how many offsprings are there in the `F_2` generation of Mendel's dihybrid corss from BbRr genotype-
If a woman is colour blind then which is correct?
Choose which data regarding Mendel's monohybrid cross is not correct?
Identify which two organs are Analogous organ?
Which of the following is not the prove comparative embryology-
Identify which simple organic compound is synthesized in Miller & Urey's experiment?
Identify the microbe that transfer `N_2` to the environment from soil-
When you look forward to victoria Memorial, you find that its brightness is reduced- What is its possible reason?
Identify which data is not correct about JFM?
Moving of body part from the central line of body to the outside is the function of _______ muscle.
_______ is extinct in the telophase of animal mitosis.
In hybridization experiment new generation form parental generation is called_________
Interaction between two difference speces for food and habitat is called_____.
Preserved sperm and ovum bank in cold at Sun-Diago in America is the example of______.
Eutrophication happen if the ______compound of detergent mix with water.
Adrenaline increase heart rate and blood pressure but lowering cardiac output.Why?
State True or false: DNA generate RNA but RNA cannot generate DNA.
Joint pinna and roller tongue are the hereditary characters. True or false
Merychippus is the middle fossil in between Mesophippus and Pliohippus in the horse evolution. ;true or false
Bronchitis is caused by pesticides, weedicides and radioactive substances.
Match the words in column A with those which are most appropriate in column B and re-write the correct pairing mentioning the serial no. of both column:
Choose the odd one and write it: Olfactory, Optic, Facial, Auditory.
Name the bone joint in between head of femur and acetabulam of pelvic girdle.
Given below a pair of related terms. Write suitable word in the gap of second pair, following the relationship in the first pair.
Phragmoplast: Plant cytokinesis:: _______: animal cytokinesis?
What is cross pollination?
Ry, Rg, WY and Wg gamets are originate from which genotype?
What is mutation?
Among the following four terms three include the other one. Find out that term and write it.
Sanctuary, In-situ conservation, National park, Bioshpere reserve.
Lothian island of Sundarban is famous for which animal conservation?
Write which of the following functions are controlled by CNS?
Urination, blinking of eye if dust enter into it, Feelings of hot and cold, Vomating and Salivation.
What are the 4 types of spinal reflexes.
Animals Iocomotion take place for their selection of proper mate and for self defence-Explain with example.
Discuss two physiological role of a hormone which is synthesized in hypothalamus and stored in neurohypophysis.
Differentiate euchromatin and heterochromatin based on crossing over and pigmentation.
Write down the change in the structure of nucleus based on dehydration of nucleus and water re-absorbation in mitotic cell division.
Explain how small piece from the root, stem and leaf of plant can develop into adult plant.
Show with a cross how the phenotypical and genotypical ratio become same in `F_2` generation of Mendel's monohybrid cross?
Explain the possibility of haemophilic son and daughter if a carrier female marry a normal male.
Explain with a cross possibility of birth of male child if a mother wish so after giving birth three female simultaniously.
Discuss the struggle of elephant for jack of food in the jungle and presence of railway track in the pathway of them in north Bengal.
Name vestigeal organ that present in human sensory organ ad in colocasia plant.
Analyze how fish can float in a partciular depth of water and can move in various water level.
Name two bacteria who can transform `N_2` from complex dead organic matter into `NO_3` salt and `NO_3` salt from soil to `N_2` gas in nature.
Explain pollution in water is one of the major issues due to excessive demand of food in human.
Evaluate the harmful effect of regularly smoking cigarettes and bidi in human life.
Draw a neat diagram of the cross section of human eye ball and label of following parts-
Iris, Suspensory Ligament, Aqueous humour , Coroid
Draw the neat diagram of the eukaryotic chromosome and label the following parts-
Kinetochrone, Telomere, Chromomere, NOR.
Explain the role of microtubule in cytokinesis in cell division. Discuss the role of Synaptonimal complex and non sister chromatid of tetrad in meiosis cell division.
Discuss fertilization process and female gamet production in the sexual reproduction of flowering plant. Show with a chart -alternation of generation in fern.
Write in a chart - The dominant and recessive characters of seed and flower of pea plant in Mendel's experiment. Explain with a cross how a normal parent give birth to a thalassemic child.
According to Mendel what do you mean by dominant and recessive character in monohybrid cross? Evaluate how genetic counselling can help a man to take right decision before and after marriage.
According to Haeckel 'Ontogeny repeats Phylogeny' - Judge the accuracy of the statement. How and why did the snake's ancestor's feel disappear? Explain by following the theory of Lamarck.
Write down the adaptive importance of the following organ or behavioural character-
Waggle dance
Write down the adaptive importance of the following organ or behavioural character-
Salt gland of Sundari
Write down the adaptive importance of the following organ or behavioural character-
RBC of Camel
Write down the adaptive importance of the following organ or behavioural character-
Leaf of Cactus
Write down the adaptive importance of the following organ or behavioural character-
Air sac of pigeon.
Humans are the cause of various oxides of nitrogen in the environment'-Judge the logic of the statement. Explain how high frequency sound harm hearing capacity and heart in human.
What will be the effect in environment if bird and snake are extinct from Earth?
Discuss three main causes about the disappearance of Sikkim's state animal.
Explain how overexploitation of exotic species effect biodiversity?
EXERCISE questions and complete solutions for chapter BEGUM ROKEYA SMRITI BALIKA VIDYALAYA of UNITED BOOK HOUSE of Class 10