Class 10 | BIOLOGY |
Number Of Questions | 100 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
Select the correct pair from the followings-
Read the following statements and choose the correct one-
Match the words in Column A with Column B and the proper alternate:
Consider the following differences between sexual and asexual reproduction and choose the correct ones
Choose the statement which is not correct regarding meiosis-
Autolysis starts by increasing activation of lysosome-State which stage of life show this character-
Which pair is correct?
Which is not a genetical disease?
How many sex chromosomes are there in a sex cell of human-
Choose the correct sequence in the evolution of horse-
The organic base that produced in Miller-Urey experiment-
Choose which statement is in Lamarck hypothesis-
Nitrous oxide, Chlorofluro carbon. Carbon-di-oxide, Hydrogen sulphide, Ammonia- Choose the number of greenhouse gas from above list-
Which of the following is related with sanctuary -
Which of the following statement is not correct about PBR-
___leads to apical dominance
In meiosis-I ________is differenceiated.
The point of location of a gene in a chromsome is called____
________helps rohu fish to swim in different layer in water by maintaining different specific gravity.
If non-destroyable pestiside enters into food chain, it leads to____
Infection of_____ part of the respiratory tube takes place in smokers.
Decide whether the following statements are true or false:
Yellow spot generate in the central point of choroid .
Decide whether the following statements are true or false: chromosome is actually different from of DNA
Decide whether the following statements are true or false:
Male genotype of 44AA + XX.
Decide whether the following statements are true or false:
Organism with naturally selected can reproduce enormously and the favourable variations aggregate to produce new species.
Decide whether the following statements are true or false:
Nitrobactor can change ammonia directly into nitrate.
Decide whether the following statements are true or false:
Hypothalamus regulates body temperature, hunger, thrist and sleep.
Match the words in column A with those which are most appropriate in column B and re-write the correct pairing mentioning the serial no. of both column:
Choose the odd one: ACTH,GTH, ADH, TSH.
Construct the pathway in which the stimulus of the reflex action is rotated.
Given below a pair of related terms. Write suitable word in the gap of second pair, following the relationship in the first pair.
Anaphage: Polar movement of chromatid or Chromosome :: ____ completion of spindle fibre structure.
If a haemophilic carrier woman marries a haemophilic man, will the disease manifest in their daughter?
In heterozygous condition which feature is expressed in phenotype?
Fill the form below on the bais of analogous organ -
Among the follwing four terms three include the other one. Find out that subject and write it.
Pollen grains, P.M., Metallic objects, Asbestor fibers.
Enter the name of any of the endemic species that a foreign tourist can see when visiting India.
Imagine and write how a person’s metabolism is regulated by hormones when he suddenly eats more sugary foods at any invitation.
what is parotid gland
During the festival, a person riding a motorbike accidentally suffered severe injuries to various parts of his hind brain. Evaluate the impact it can have on that person’s life.
Make a list of bone joint and muscles you use during cricket game practice.
Describe the asexual reproduction process of an algae and a cnidaria.
Analyze what happens when a cell loses control over its division.
Name the phases of human development.
Mention the formula obtained from Mendel’s dihybride cross.
What is Genotype?
Explain the given word :
Explain the given word :
Determine the phenotype of the genotypes generates from the dibybrid cross of guineaping-
Determine the phenotype of the genotypes generates from the dibybrid cross of guineaping-
Determine the phenotype of the genotypes generates from the dibybrid cross of guineaping-
Determine the phenotype of the genotypes generates from the dibybrid cross of guineaping-
name the reactants and produced organic compounds that forms in Miller & Urey's experiment.
How offsprings will be affected if a carrier female is married to a X-linked diseased male.
Evaluate what adaptive benefits the airsacs provide pigeons when flying.
Analyze how the results of the following work endanger biodiversity—
Consturction of roads and railways through deep forests.
Analyze how the results of the following work endanger biodiversity—
Construction of multistored building by distinguishing wetland.
Analyze how the results of the following work endanger biodiversity—
Free acces of tourists to the Biodiversity hotspot.
Analyze how the results of the following work endanger biodiversity—
Uncontrolled use of pesticides in agricultural land.
Show biodiversity conservation methods/through chart.
Discuss the impact of population growth in the following case- Sweet water
Air pollution causes a problem in the human respiratory system due to overactivation of a stimulus. Idenfity the problem and list its symptoms.
Draw a neat diagram of human eye and label the following parts :
sclera,choroid ,vitreous humour, optic nerve.
Draw a neat diagram of metaphase stage in an animal mitosis cell
division and label the following parts :
continuous spindle fibre,polar region,chromosome. chromosomal fibre.
Distinguish between mitotic and meiotic cell divisions in animals on the basis of following feature: -
Site of occurrence
Distinguish between mitosis and meiosis based on the following feature as directed-
Nature of chromosomere division
Prepare a list-where meiosis cell division happen in plant and animal body. Differ mitosis and meiosis with the following point-
The number of cells to be generated.
Explain regeneration process in Planaria. Describe how artificial vegetative generation occurs through grafting.
how the offsprings affect if a marriage happens between the wife is normal but husband is affected with that x-linked discease.
How offsprings will be affected if marriage happens between y-linked diseased male and normal female
Write down the main events of evolution using flowchart
Analyze how honeybee carry information when they discover food.
How offsprings will be affected if X- linked diseased female is married with normal male
Assume the following event and the causes and write it:
Crisis of biodiversity habitat.
Assume the following event and the causes and writ it:
The fear of disappearance of so many indigenous fishes.
How will offsprings be affected if x-linked diseased female is married with X-linked diseased male.
Assume the following event and the causes and writ it:
Deforestration and loss of ecosystem.
Due to changes in land usage, biodiversity is facing extinction in many places today.
Evaluate how human health is being affected by pollution.
Mention the relation between human activity and nitrogen cycle.
Select the correct pair from the followings-
Read the following statements and choose the correct one-
Match the words in Column A with Column B and the proper alternate:
Consider the following differences between sexual and asexual reproduction and choose the correct ones
Choose the statement which is not correct regarding meiosis-
Autolysis starts by increasing activation of lysosome-State which stage of life shows this character-
Which pair is correct?
Which is not a genetical disease?
How many sex chromosomes are there in a sex cell of human-
Choose the correct sequence in the evolution of horse-
The organic base that produced in Miller-Urey experiment-
Choose which statement is in Lamarc hypothesis-
Nitrous oxide, Chlorofluro carbon. Carbon-di-oxide, Hydrogen sulphide, Amonia- Choose the number of greenhouse gas from above list-
Which of the following is related with sanctuary -
Which of the following statement is not correct about PBR-
___leads to apical dominance and inhibit axial bud to grow.
In meiosis-I ________is differentiated.
The point of location of a gene in a chromsome is called____
________helps rohu fish to swim in different layer in water by maintaining different specific gravity.
How a non-destroyable pesticides enter a food chain?
Infection of_____ part of the respiratory tube takes place in smokers.
EXERCISE questions and complete solutions for chapter HINDU SCHOOL PAPER of UNITED BOOK HOUSE of Class 10