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Complete Solutions to EXERCISE of chapter NATURAL RESOURCES of Class 10 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The BP Statistical Review of World Energy in June measured total global oil at 188.8 million tonnes, from proved oil resources at the end of 2010. This is only enough for oil to last for the next 46.2 years, What measures should be taken to conserve oil ? What will happen if we do not conserve it ?

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  2. Here is a news strip, read it carefully and answer the following questions.
    Villagers oppose sand mining project Santhabommali (Srikakulam) :
    People of more than 20 villages in two mandals of Srikakulam have raised a banner of revolt against the proposed beach sand mining project by a private company and threatened to intensify their agitation if the government does not cancel the project. The sand mining is being taken up to extract rich minerals from the area. The villages are located around the forest belt were mining was initiated.
    Why does the private company want to carry out mining in the area ?

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  3. Here is a news strip, read it carefully and answer the following questions.
    Villagers oppose sand mining project Santhabommali (Srikakulam) :
    People of more than 20 villages in two mandals of Srikakulam have raised a banner of revolt against the proposed beach sand mining project by a private company and threatened to intensify their agitation if the government does not cancel the project. The sand mining is being taken up to extract rich minerals from the area. The villages are located around the forest belt were mining was initiated.
    Do you think the villagers are doing a right thing to agitate ? Why ?

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  4. Here is a news strip, read it carefully and answer the following questions.
    Villagers oppose sand mining project Santhabommali (Srikakulam) :
    People of more than 20 villages in two mandals of Srikakulam have raised a banner of revolt against the proposed beach sand mining project by a private company and threatened to intensify their agitation if the government does not cancel the project. The sand mining is being taken up to extract rich minerals from the area. The villages are located around the forest belt were mining was initiated.
    What resources are the villagers trying to save by their agitation ?

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  5. Here is a news strip, read it carefully and answer the following questions.
    Villagers oppose sand mining project Santhabommali (Srikakulam) :
    People of more than 20 villages in two mandals of Srikakulam have raised a banner of revolt against the proposed beach sand mining project by a private company and threatened to intensify their agitation if the government does not cancel the project. The sand mining is being taken up to extract rich minerals from the area. The villages are located around the forest belt were mining was initiated.
    Will the villagers be benefited by the rich minerals extracted from sand ?

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  6. Here is a news strip, read it carefully and answer the following questions.
    Villagers oppose sand mining project Santhabommali (Srikakulam) :
    People of more than 20 villages in two mandals of Srikakulam have raised a banner of revolt against the proposed beach sand mining project by a private company and threatened to intensify their agitation if the government does not cancel the project. The sand mining is being taken up to extract rich minerals from the area. The villages are located around the forest belt were mining was initiated.
    Why does the private company want to carry out mining in the area ?

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  7. Here is a news strip, read it carefully and answer the following questions
    Villagers oppose sand mining project Santhabommali (Srikakulam): People of more than 20 villages in two mandals of Srikakulam have raised a banner of revolt against the proposed beach sand mining project by a private company and threatened to intensify their agitation if the government does not cancel the project. The sand mining is being taken up to extract rich minerals from the area. The villages are located around the forest belt where mining was initiated.
    What is the role of the government in this aspect?

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  8. Here is a news strip, read it carefully and answer the following questions.
    Villagers oppose sand mining project Santhabommali (Srikakulam) :
    People of more than 20 villages in two mandals of Srikakulam have raised a banner of revolt against the proposed beach sand mining project by a private company and threatened to intensify their agitation if the government does not cancel the project. The sand mining is being taken up to extract rich minerals from the area. The villages are located around the forest belt were mining was initiated.
    How will mining in that piece of land affect people of the area?

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  9. What is sustainable development ? How is it useful in natural resource management?

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  10. Write a detailed note on management of a natural resource.

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  11. Suggest some ways of reusing a resource in your locality.

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  12. Why should we conserve forests and wild life ?

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  13. Suggest some approaches towards the conservation of forests.

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  14. The humans are utilising natural resources indiscriminately. These resources are decreasing more rapdily. Guess what will be the consequences in future.

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  15. Prepare a questionnaire to conduct interview with petrol filling station personnel about consumption of fossil fuels.

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  16. Prepare model for rain water harvesting or energy saving or soil management, that reflect your innovative thoughts.

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  17. List out names of villages, farmers and procedure followed for restoration of any natural resource in your area.

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  18. You might have heard the Natural Gas drilling near Kakinada by ONGC (Oil and Natural Gas Corporation). Collect information and prepare a note on the status of Gas, production at the basin.

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  19. Does your village or nearest city have a mechanism in place for recycling these waste materials ? Find out how it is done and write in detail.

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  20. Collect any graph that shows oil (petroleum) con sumption in India
    Suggest some ways to bring down consumption of petroleum.

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  21. Collect any graph that shows oil (petroleum) con sumption in India
    Suggest some ways to bring down consumption of petroleum.

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  22. Collect any graph that shows oil (petroleum) consumption in India. Why will you say happened to production from past ten years, for example 2007 to 2014?

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  23. Collect any graph that shows oil (petroleum) con sumption in India
    Suggest some ways to bring down consumption of petroleum.

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  24. Proper utilisation of natural resources is the way to show gratitude to our nation. Can you support this statement ? Give your argument.

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  25. Crop selection and cultivation should be based on availability of water. Prepare a slogan to make aware of farmers about this.

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  26. ………………………. plants are used for production of biofuels.

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  27. Biodiversity is important for more than just food and for …………………… also.

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  28. Example for non-renewable resource is …………………….

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  29. …………………….. is the alternative method to prevent ground water depletion.

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  30. Cultivation of paddy is suitable for ……………………….. areas.

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  31. Percolation tanks helps to

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  32. Which of the following practices is suitable to farmer at less water resources ?
    i) select short term crops `" "` ii) cultivate commercial crops
    iii) adapt drip system `" "` iv) crop holiday

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  33. Which of the fossil fuel reserves decrease more rapidly in India ?

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  34. Huge amount of toxic chemicals leak into the surroundings ecosystem because of

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  35. Sustainable development means

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  36. If water resource becomes scarce, will it affect the nature of soil in an area ?

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  37. As wells dry up, how are people in the area dependent on the well affected ?

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  38. Why do you think water became scarce mainly in Village - 2 ?

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  39. By comparing the two villages, find out where greater number of wells dried up? What methods would have saved the wells in other village ?

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  40. A well irrigates more area in Kharif season as compared to Rabi, how is it possible ?

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  41. Annual expenditure on well irrigation for small and large farmers (2002).
    How should a farmer utilize such a condition ?

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  42. How can wells be recharged ?

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  43. Can international, national or state organisations alone manage a resource ? Who all are involved in the whole process of management ?

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  44. How would recharging dried up wells help farmers of Village - 2 ?

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  45. What does the case tells us about a water resource and its effect on farmers ?

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  46. Why were farmers at Village - 1 at a better state than those at Village - 2 ?

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  47. How did farmers of Village -2 and Village - 1 recharge their ground water resources ?

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  48. What other ways of restoration of a resource does the Kothapally case tell us about ?

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  49. What are some common means of restoration and conservation of water resource that we came across in the cases studied so far ?

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  50. How do you think we will meet our requirements in future ?

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  51. Do you think we would have to depend upon other states or perhaps other countries as well ?

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  52. Could the amount of water used for irrigation in our state be reduced ? How ?

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  53. Does cropping pattern have any role to play in reduction of water utilisation ?

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  54. Do you think one needs laws for distribution of water and its use ? Why/Why not ?

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  55. How much percent of area do you think is irrigated by other sources of water ?

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  56. Why do the rivers fail to benefit the state to an extent they should have ?

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  57. Since ground water resources are getting depleted at a fast pace. What are the alternatives ?

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  58. River Godavari fails to provide water for the projects like Sri Rama Sagar in our state due to over usage of water by some other state. How should states and countries work to provide enough for all ?

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  59. What would you do to motivate others to manage an important resource in your locality ?

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  60. Observe a lawn in your area (If you have one) and see how it is maintained. Find out from the gardener the different types of plants that he removes from time to time. Do you think a farmer does the same thing on his farm ?

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  61. What do fossil fuels provide us?

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  62. Why do we need to conserve the fossil fuels ?

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  63. What other things could you reuse to save our resources ?

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  64. Why should one sort wastes carefully before discarding them from home ?

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  65. Often we keep a plastic bag in our dustbins to discard waste, is it a good practice?

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  66. Adaptations in organisms to cope with extreme environmental conditions include

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  67. How do you think we can use water judiciously ?

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  68. What do you think will happen if we do not take care of the sources of water ?

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  69. Why is it imortant to recharge the ground water sources ?

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  70. How did the villagers in Kothapally resort to sustainable management ?

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  71. Why do you think forests are important?

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  72. Collect information about solar, wind, tidal and water power and prepare a scrap book.
    `" "` OR
    Collect information about conventional energy sources from internet and prepare a note on it.

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  73. Collect information about solar, wind, tidal and water power and prepare a scrap book.
    `" "` OR
    Collect information about conventional energy sources from internet and prepare a note on it.

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  74. Do you think is it necessary to have a lot of lighting for decoration during celebrations ?

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  75. Collect information about cutaneous respiration in frog. Prepare a note and explain them in your classroom.

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  76. Suggest some ways in which you and your friends would like to manage a resource.

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  77. Are we also an important resources of nature ? How ?

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  78. Find out the usage of water in litres per day in your home ? Do you actually require that much water and how much water is enough in accordance with National standards ?

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  79. Find out the usage of water in litres per day in your home ? Do you actually require that much water and how much water is enough in accordance with National standards ?

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  80. To create awareness on "Water conservation" in your locality, what slogan you will suggest ?

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  81. What happens if the forest area decreases rapidly ?

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  82. Write two activities which you are performing to save the electricity.

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  83. Prepare two slogans on protecting non-renewable resources.

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  84. Read the sentence, find the error and rewrite it.
    Sola energy and wind power are examples for non-renewable energy sources.

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  85. Write two activities which you are performing to save the electricity.

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  86. Why do we use fossil fuels judiciously ?

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  87. Write two suggestions to create awareness on groundwater conservation.

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  88. Suggest four measures to conserve fossil fuels.

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  89. What is the importance of 4R's in achieving the goal of "Swachh Bharat" ?

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  90. The humans are utilising natural resources indiscriminately. These resources are decreasing more rapdily. Guess what will be the consequences in future.

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  91. Forests are renewable resource. Write four sentences supporting this. (OR)
    "Forest is a renewable resource". Do you agree ? Justify.

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  92. Forests are renewable resource. Write four sentences supporting this. (OR)
    "Forest is a renewable resource". Do you agree ? Justify.

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  93. Explain the Importance and implementation of community based interventions and farmer based Interventions for water management.

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  94. What is sustainable development ? Why it is needful for us ?

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  95. Expand ICRISAT.

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  96. When can we say that the water resource is scarce in an area ?

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  97. What is the prediction of the food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations regarding water scarcity ?

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  98. What is conservation ?

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  99. Why are fossil fuels non - renewable ?

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  100. What are considered as "lungs of the world" ?

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EXERCISE questions and complete solutions for chapter NATURAL RESOURCES of VGS BRILLIANT BIOLOGY (TELUGU ENGLISH) of Class 10