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Complete Solutions to 6 . Electromagnetism of chapter ACIDS,BASES AND SALTS of Class 10 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions18
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The magnitude of magnitic field at a point due to a current carrying small element does not depend open

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  2. If a current i ampere flows in a long straight thin walled tube, then magnetic induction at any point inside the tube is

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  3. A coll having N turns is wound tightly in the form of a spiral with inner and outer radii a and b respectively when a current I passes through the coll , the magnetic field at the centre is

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  4. A wire carrying current I is shaped as shown in the figure. The section AB is quarter circle of radius r. The magnetic field is directed .

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  5. A wire loop formed by joining two semicircular sections of radii `R_(1) and R_(2)` and centre C carries a current I as shown in the figure . The resultant magnetic field at C has a magnitude of

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  6. A closely wound solenoid 80 cm long has 5 layers of windings of 400 turns each . If it carries a current of 8 A then magnetic field inside the solenoid near its centre is

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  7. A proton moving with a velocity ` 2 . 5 xx 10^(7) m-s ^(-1)` , enters a magnetic field of intensity 2.5 T at an angle `30^(@)` with the magnetic field. The force on the proton is

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  8. A particle of mass m and charge q moves with a constant velocity V along the positive x-direction . It enters a regio containing a uniform magnetic field B directed along the negative z-direction, extending from x = a to x = b . The minimum value of V required, so that the particle can just enter the region of `x gt b ` is

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  9. Two particles A and B of mass `m_(A)` and `m_(B)` respectively and having the same charge are moving in a plane. A uniform magnetic field exists perpendicular to this plane. The speeds of the particles are `v_(A)` and `v_(B)` respectively, and the trajectories are as shown in the figure. Then

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  10. Two current carrying wires (P and Q) are placed between two magnets and their currents are equal but in opposite directions as shown below .
    What is the direction of the force acting on each wire ?

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  11. Which of the field patterns given below is valid for both electric and magnetic fields ?

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  12. `{:(" Column - I "," Coumn - II" ),(" a) ""Electromagnet"," P) ""Trains"),(" b) ""D . C . Motor"," Q) ""Telegraph"),(" c) ""MRI"," R) ""Power Plane"),(" d) ""Electric Generator"," S) ""Medicine"):}`

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  13. Two compass needles are placed near a current carying wire at points P and Q as shown
    What can be concluded ?

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  14. Which of the following statements are in correct ?
    a) Magnetic lines of force always start from the north pole of the magnet and end at the south pole .
    b) Magnetic lines of force are very close to each other near the poles and widely.
    c) Magnetic lines of force intersect each other.
    d) Closes the magnetic lines of force, lesser os the field .

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  15. Which of the following statemetns are NOT the functions of the commutator in a D . C Motor ?
    a) To reverse the direction of the flow of current in the coil at every half rotation.
    b) To reverse the voltage in the coil at every half rotation.
    c) to enable the coil to be in electrical contact with the carbon brushes.

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  16. `{:(" Column - I "," Coumn - II" ),(" a) ""An electric motor works on"," P) ""to a battery"),(" b) ""An electric motor is also"," Q) ""direct current"),(" c) ""A commutator is used to"," R) ""reverse the direction of flow of current"),(" d) ""Commutator rings are connected"," S) ""known as DC motor"):}`

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  17. Which of the following factors regarding solenoid is in correct ?
    a) The strenght of current `B prop (1)/(I)`
    b) The number of turns of wire forming solenoid `B prop` n
    c) Nature of material inside the solenoid `Bprop(1)/(mu)`

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  18. The current in a generator armature is AC because

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6 . Electromagnetism questions and complete solutions for chapter ACIDS,BASES AND SALTS of VGS BRILLIANT CHEMISTRY (TELUGU ENGLISH) of Class 10