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Complete Solutions to Experiment 10 of chapter PRACTICAL BASED QUESTIONS of Class 10 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions9
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A student obtains a blurred image of an object on a screen by using a concave mirror. In order to obtain a sharp image on the screen, in which direction he will have to shift the mirror?

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  2. Find the focal length of the concave mirror in the experimental set-up shown in figure.

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  3. For the determining focal length of a concave mirror, a teacher asks her students to identify concave mirror from a few mirrors lying on the table. The reason given by A, B, and D for picking up the right mirror is as follows:
    A: the mirror is depressed at the center and self image formed is enlarged and erect.
    B: the mirror is raised at the center and self image formed is smaller and erect.
    C: the mirror is plane all over and self image is of same size.
    D: the mirror is depressed at the center and self image formed is enlarged and inverted.
    Which reason is correct? Justify your answer.

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  4. A student wanted to pick up a concave mirror from three mirror A, B, C lying on a table to find its focal length. He looks into mirror A, he finds his image enlarged and erect. When he looks in mirror B, his image is diminished and erect. When he looks in mirror C, his image is erect and of same size. Find the correct identification of A, B C in respective order.

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  5. In the below set-up, the focal length of the concave mirror is 4.0 cm. Where should the screen be placed on the scale to obtain a sharp image?

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  6. In an experiment to determine the focal length of a convex lens, a student obtained a sharp inverted image of a distant tree on the screen behind the lens. She then removed the screen and looked through the lens in the direction of the object. What will she observe?

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  7. The teacher asks a student to fix the given screen at an appropriate place in the given experimental set up, so that a clear image can be obtained on the screen. If the focal length of convex lens in 8 cm, find the mark on the scale at which he should fix up the screen?

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  8. Three students measured the focal length of a convex lens using parallel rays from distant object. All of the measured the distance between the lens and the inverted image on the screen. Student A saw a sharp image on the screen and labelled the distance as `f_(1)`. Student B saw a slightly larger blurred image on the screen and labelled the distance as `f_(2)`. Student C saw a slightly smaller blurred image on the screen and labelled the distance as `f_(3)` . What is the relation between the three measurements?

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  9. Take a convex lens and allow sunlight to fall on it. Hold a paper screen on the opposite side. Move the paper screen slowly away from the lens till a sharp bright spot is formed on the screen. Which phenomenon is responsible for this bright spot? What represents the sharp bright spot on paper screen? What is the focal length of this convex lens? Is the image of the sun always real?

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Experiment 10 questions and complete solutions for chapter PRACTICAL BASED QUESTIONS of VK GLOBAL PUBLICATION CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 10