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Complete Solutions to PROFICIENCY EXERCISE ( Short Answer Questions-I ) of chapter COORDINATE GEOMETRY of Class 10 book with complete answers and questions

Class 10MATHS
Number Of Questions73
Academic Year2023-24
  1. What is the distance between the points `A(c ,\ 0)` and `B(0,\ -c)` ?

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  2. If A(1, 2), B(4, 3) and C(6, 6) are the three vertices of a parallelogram ABCD, find the coordinates of the fourth vertex D.

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  3. If (2, p) is the midpoint of the line segment joining the points A(6, -5) and B(-2, 11), find the value of p.

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  4. If `A(2,2),B(-4,-4)a n dC(5,-8)` are the vertices of a triangle, then the lengthof the median through vertex `C` is.

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  5. What is the distance between the points A (5cos `theta`, 0) and B (0, 5sin `theta`)?

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  6. Write the ratio in which the line segment joining points `(2,\ 3)` and `(3,\ -2)` is divided by `X` axis.

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  7. If the distance between points `(x ,\ 0)` and `(0,\ 3)` is 5, what are the values of `x` ?

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  8. Write the coordinates ot the point dividing line segment joining the points (1, 5) and (-5,1) internally in the ratio 1: 4.

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  9. What is the area of the triangle formed by the points O(0,0), A(4,0) and B(0,3)?

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  10. In Q. No. 169, what is the value of `(a^2)/(b c)+(b^2)/(c a)+(c^2)/(a b)` ?

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  11. If the mid-point of a segment joining `A((x)/(2),(y+1)/(2))` and B(x + 1,y- 3) is C (5, - 2), find x,y.

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  12. Find the distance between the points `((-8)/(5), 2) "and" ((2)/(5), 2)`

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  13. Find the value of c so that the point (3,c) lies on the line represented by 2x-3y+5=0.

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  14. Prove that the points (3, 0), (6, 4) and (-1, 3) are the vertices of a right angled isosceles triangle.

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  15. Prove that the points (2,-2), (-2, 1) and (5, 2) are the vertices of a right angled triangle. Also find the area of this triangle.

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  16. Point A (2, -3) lies on the line segment joining the points P(-4,- 3) and Q (1, -3).

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  17. The points A(3,1) , B (12,-2) and C(0,2) cannot be vertices of a triangle.

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  18. Point P (0, - 7) is the point of intersection of y-axis and perpendicular bisector of line segment joining the points A (-1, 0) and B (7, -6).

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  19. The points A(4,3), B(6,4), C(5,-6) and D(-3,5) are vertices of a parallelogram.

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  20. The points P (-2,4) lies on a circle of radius 6 and centre (3,5).

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  21. The points (1, 1), (13, 1) and (13, 6) are the vertices of a right triangle.

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  22. A circle has its centre at the origin and a point P (5,0) lies on it . The point Q (6,8) lies outside the circle.

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  23. The points A (-6,10), B(-4,6) and C(3,-8) are collinear such that
    AB `=-(2)/(9)AC`.

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  24. In Fig. ABC is a triangle co-ordinates of whose vertex A are `(0, -1)`. D and E respectively are the mid-points of sides AB and AC their co-ordinates are `(1, 0)` and `(0,1)` respectively. If F is the mid-point of BC find the areas of `triangleABC` and `triangleDEF`

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  25. If the points `A(4,3)a n dB(x ,5)` are on the circle with centre `O(2,3),` find the value of `xdot`

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  26. Find a point which is equidistant from the points A(-5,4) and B (-1,6). How many such points are there ?

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  27. Find the points on the X-axis which are at distance of `2sqrt(5)` from the point (7,-4) . How many such points are there ?

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  28. What type of quadrilateral do the points A (2,-2), B (7,3) C(11,-1) and D (6,-6) taken in that order from?

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  29. Find the point on x-axis which is equidistant from the points `(-2,\ 5)` and `(2,\ -3)` .

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  30. Find the coordinates of the point Q on the X- axis which lies on the perpendicular bisector of the line segment joining the points A (-5,-2) and B (4,-2). Name the type of triangle formed by the points Q , A and B.

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  31. Show that four points (1, -2), (3, 6), (5, 10) and (3, 2) are the vertices of a parallelogram.

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  32. Name the type of triangle formed by the points A (-5,6) , B (-4,-2) and C (7,5).

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  33. In the following examples , can the segment joining the given points from a triangle ? If triangle is formed , state the type of the triangle considering sides of the triangle.
    (iii) A `(sqrt(2) ,sqrt(2)) , B (-sqrt(2) ,-sqrt(2) ), C (-sqrt(6) ,sqrt(6) )`

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  34. Do the points `A(3,\ 2),\ \ B(-2,\ -3)` and `C(2,\ 3)` form a triangle? If so, name the type of triangle formed.

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  35. The line segment joining the points (3, -4) and (1, 2) is trisected at the points P and Q. If the co-ordinates of P and Q are `(p,-2) and ((5)/(3), q)` respectively, find the values of p and q.

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  36. If the point `P(m ,\ 3)` lies on the line segment joining the points `A(-2/5,\ 6)` and `B(2,\ 8)` , find the value of `m` .

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  37. Point P divides the line segment joining the points A(-1,3) and
    B(9,8) such that ` (AP)/(BP) = (k)/(1)` . If P lies on the line ` x - y + 2 = 0 ` , find k .

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  38. Point A lies on the line segment PQ joining P(6, -6) and Q(-4, -1) in such a way that `(PA)/(PQ) = (2)/(5)`. If the point A also lies on the line 3x+k(y+1) = 0, find the value of k.

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  39. If `R(x , y)` is a point on the line segment joining the points `P(a , b)a n dQ(b , a),` then prove that `x+y=a+b`

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  40. Find the ratio in which the line x + 3y -14 = 0 divides the line segment joining the points A (-2, 4) and B(3. 7).

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  41. If the points `(p ,\ q),\ (m ,\ n)` and `(p-m ,\ q-n)` are collinear, show that `p n=q m` .

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  42. Prove that the points `(a, b + c), (b, c + a) and (c, a + b)` are collinear.

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  43. If the mid-point of the line segment joining the points A (3, 4) and B (k, 6) is P (x,y) and Plies on the line x + y -10 = 0, find the value of k.

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  44. If (1, 2), (4, y), (x, 6) and (3, 5) are the vertices of a parallelogram taken in order, find x and y.

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  45. If P (9a-2,-b) divides line segment joining A (3a+1,-3) and B(8a,5) in the ratio `3 : 1`, then find the values of a and b.

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  46. In what ratio does the x-axis divide the line segment joining the points (-4,-6) and (-1,7)? Find the co-ordinates of the point of division.

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  47. Find the area of the triangle whose vertices are (- 4, 8), (6, - 6) and (-3, -2).

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  48. If D `(-(1)/(2),(5)/(2))`, E (7,3) and F `((7)/(2),(7)/(2))` are the mid - points of sides of `triangle ABC`, then find the area of the `triangleABC`.

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  49. Find the area of the triangle ABC with `A(1,-4)` and mid-points of sides through A being `(2,-1)a n d(0,-1)dot`

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  50. If (a,b) is the mid - point of the line segment joining the points A (10,-6), B(k,4) and a-2b =18, then find the value of k and the distance AB.

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  51. If (a,b) is the mid - point of the line segment joining the points A (10,-6), B(k,4) and a-2b =18, then find the value of k and the distance AB.

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  52. Find the ratio in which the line `2x+3y-5=0` divides the line segment joining the points (8,-9) and (2,1). Also find the coordinates of the points of division.

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  53. If the centre of a circle is (2a,a-7) ,then Find the value of a , if the ciecle passes through the point (11,-9) and has diameter `10sqrt(2)` units .

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  54. Find the coordinates of points which divide the line segment joining A (5, - 6) and B (-1, 8) into four equal parts.

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  55. Find the value of k for which the points A(k+1, 2k), B(3k, 2k +3) and C(5k-1, 5k) are collinear.

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  56. Find the coordinates of the point R on the line segment joining the points P(-1,3) and Q (2,5) such that PR `=(3)/(5)` PQ.

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  57. Find the third vertex of a triangle, if two of its vertices are at `(-3,\ 1)` and `(0,\ -2)` and the centroid is at the origin.

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  58. Find the area of the quadrilateral whose vertices taken in order are (-4, -2), (-3,5), (3,-2) and (2,3)

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  59. The area of a triangle is 5 square unit. Two of its vertices are (2, 1), (3, -2) and the third vertex lies on the line `y=x+3`. The third vertex can be

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  60. If the points A (2,9), B (a,5) and C (5,5) are the vertices of a `triangleABC`. Right angled at B, then find the values of a and hence the area of `triangleABC`.

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  61. The vertices of a triangle are (a, b - c), (b, c - a) and (c, a - b). Prove that its centroid lies on x-axis.

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  62. The base PQ of two equilateral triangles PQR and PQR with side 2a lies along y-axis such that the mid-point of PQ is at the origin. Find the coordinates of the vertices R and R of the triangles.

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  63. If the points (a, b), (a', b') and (a-a', b-b') are collinear, show that ab' =a'b.

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  64. Show that the points `(a^(2) , 0), (0, b^(2) )` and (1, 1) are collinear if `(1)/(a^(2))+(1)/(b^(2))=1.`

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  65. The coordinates of `A ,\ B ,\ C` are `(6,\ 3),\ (-3,\ 5)` and `(4,\ -2)` respectively and `P` is any point `(x ,\ y)` . Show that the ratio of the areas of triangles `P B C` and `A B C` is `|(x+y-2)/7|` .

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  66. Show that (1, -1) is the centre of the circle circumscribing the triangle whose vertices are (4, 3), (-2, 3) and (6, -1).

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  67. If the point A (-2, 1 ), B (a, b) and C (4, -1) are collinear and a-b = 1, find the values of a and b.

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  68. If the points P(-3, 9), Q(a, b) and R(4, -5) are collinera and a+b = 1, find the values of a and b.

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  69. If the points `A(-1,\ -4),\ \ B(b ,\ c)` and `C(5,\ -1)` are collinear and `2b+c=4` , find the values of `b` and `c` .

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  70. If the point P(2, 2) is equidistant from the points A(-2, k) and B(-2k, -3), find k. Also, find the length of AP.

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  71. Points A(-1, y) and B(5, 7) lie on a circle with centre O(2, -3y) . Find the values of y. Hence, find the radius of the circle.

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  72. the value of `k` for which the points `(3k - 1, k-2), (k, k-7)` and `(k-1, -k - 2)` are collinear.

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  73. Points P, Q, R and S divide the line segment joining the points A(1, 2) and B(6, 7) in five equal parts. Find the coordinates of the point P.

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PROFICIENCY EXERCISE ( Short Answer Questions-I ) questions and complete solutions for chapter COORDINATE GEOMETRY of VK GLOBAL PUBLICATION MATHS (HINGLISH) of Class 10