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Complete Solutions to Questions of chapter SOCIAL SCIENCE 2012-13 (OUTSIDE DELHI) of Class 10 book with complete answers and questions

SHIV DASSQuestions
Number Of Questions33
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Who brought the first printing press to India?

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  2. In which non-conventional source of energy is India referred to as a super power?

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  3. What does Universal Adult Suffrage stand for?

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  4. What is the term used for a person who believes in equal rights and opportunities for women and men?

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  5. What is disguised unemployment?

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  6. What is meant by 'fair globalization'?

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  7. Which body supervises the functioning of formal sources of loans?

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  8. Many a times introduction of new crops make the difference between life and death.' Explain the statement with the example of introduction of potato crop in Europe.

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  9. In which three ways did the British and the Indian manufacturers and traders advertise their goods? .

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  10. How did the printers manage to attract the people, Targely illiterate, towards printed

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  11. What are the mai fearures of the novel 'Sevasadan' written by Munshi Premchand ? Mention any three.

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  12. Why was the decade of 1830s known as great economic hardship in Europe? Explain any three reasons.

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  13. Which were the two types of demands mentioned by Gandhiji in his letter to Viceroy Irwin on `31^(st)` January 1930? Why was abolition of 'salt tax' most stirring demand? Explain.

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  14. Describe any three different rain water harvesting systems practised in India:

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  15. How are means of transport and communication complementary to each other? Explain with three examples.

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  16. Explain with examples how do some countries face foundational challenge of democracy.

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  17. Analyse hree major challenges before countries which do not demcratic from of governments.

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  18. How far do you agree with the statement that power sharing is keeping with the spirit of democracy?

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  19. ''Cheap and affordable credit is essential for poor households both in rural and urban areas.''

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  20. With the example of sugarcane, explain the interdependence of all the three sectors of the economy. .

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  21. Why did Gandhiji start the 'Civil Disobedience Movement'? Explain any four features of Civil Disobedience Movement.

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  22. ''Advancement of international trade of a county as an index UE IS E prosperity.'' Justify the statement with five arguments.

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  23. Why is it necessary to conserve mineral resources ? Suggest any four ways to conserve mineral resources.

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  24. 'No party system is ideal for all countries and in all situations.'' Justify the statement with five arguments.

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  25. Why has federalism succeeded in India? What policies adopted by India has ensured this success?

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  26. Explain any five fields other than income where development is needed.

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  27. How has improvement in technology stimulated the globalization process? Explain with five examples.

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  28. (A) Locate and label the place on the given outline political map of India:
    (a) The place where the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre took place.
    (b) The place where the Indian National Congress Session was held in 1927

    B. The following features are to be located and labelled on the given India political outline map :
    (a) Kandla - Major Sea port
    (b) Hirakud Dam
    Identify the features marked on the same given India political map and write their names :
    (c ) A type of Soil
    (d) Iron Ore Mine

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  29. Name the place where the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre took place.

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  30. Name the place where Indian National Congress Session was heild in 1927.

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  31. Which type of soil is found in Assam ?

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  32. Hirakud Dam is located in which State ?

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  33. Name the Iron and Steel plant located in Odisha (Orissa).

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Questions questions and complete solutions for chapter SOCIAL SCIENCE 2012-13 (OUTSIDE DELHI) of X BOARDS of Class 10