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Complete Solutions to Term I of chapter SOCIAL SCIENCE 2015 of Class 10 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions30
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Which brothers of Germany contributed in compiling the text children
    By whom was the novel 'pride and prejudice' written?

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  2. Which factor is mainly responsible for maximum land degradation in india?

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  3. Name the two athletes who raised the issue of civil rights in the Mexico Olympics (1968).

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  4. What other factors besides politics keep the federations united?

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  5. What is meant by the system of 'checks and balances'?

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  6. Give any two examples of non-renewable resources.

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  7. Suggest any one way to create employment opportuniy in rural areas.

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  8. In which sector does government own most of the assests and provides the basic services?

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  9. What attracted the Europeans to Africa? Give any three reasons.
    Why was getting jobs in the British mills always difficult for the workers in the 19th century ?Give reasons.
    Examine the living conditions of different sections of society in Bombay prior to reclamation.

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  10. Why did developing countries organize the G-77? Give three reasons.
    How was foreign trade from India conducted before the age of machine industries ?Explain.
    Which three features of the big modetn city of Calcutta fascinated the Gods as described in the novel written by Dugracharan Roy?Explain.

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  11. What was protestant Reformation
    What translated the novel"Henrirtta Temple" in Malayala, ?Why did the translator give up the idea of translating English novels?

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  12. Explain how print helped the poor people to express their ideas on various issues.
    Explain how novel reading became a popular source of pleasure in India.

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  13. What is the importance of pulses in our economy?Why are pulses grown as a rotation crop?

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  14. Explain any three causes of water scarcity.

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  15. Explain how communities have conseved and protected forest and wildlife in India.

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  16. How does religion influence the political set up in our country ?

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  17. Explain the three major provisions of the Constitutional Amendment of 1992 which really strangthned the third tier of democracy in India?

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  18. "In an democracy ,political expression of social division in very normal and can be healhy".Justify this statement with suitable arguments.

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  19. Why do people look at a mix of goals for development?Explain.

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  20. With the example of sugarcane,explain the interdependence of all the three sectors of the economy:

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  21. Whar is the main criterion used by the world bank is classifying different countries as rich and poor countries?What are the limitations of this criterion?

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  22. Explain the effects of the Great Depressoion of 1929 on the Indian economy.
    How did cotton factories become an intimate part of the English landscape in the early century ?Explain.
    How did cotton factories become an intimate part of the english landscape in the eatly century ?Explain.
    Describe the role of industrialisation in shaping on the modern cities in England.

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  23. The shift from hand printing to mechanical printing led to the print revolution in Europe.Explain the statement with examples.
    How did the novel fulfil the task of nation building during the British period Explain.

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  24. What is the need for conservation of water resources?Suggest three measure to conserve water resources.

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  25. What is meant by 'resources'?Mention the four basis to classify the resources.

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  26. How far is it correct to say that it is not politics that gets caste ridden but it is the caste that gets politicised ?Explain.

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  27. Highlight the reasons for the increase in the feeling of alienation among the Sri Lankan tamils after independence.

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  28. What does HDI stand for?Expalin the main criteria of measuring HDI according to UNDP report of 1990.

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  29. State any five features each of public sector and private sector.

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  30. (a)One feature A is shown in the given political outline map of India.Identify this feature with the help of following information and write its correct name on the line marked on the map:
    (A) A soil type.
    (b)On the same political outline map of India,lacate and label the following features with appropriate symbols:
    (B)Corbett National Park
    (C)Tungabhadra Dam

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Term I questions and complete solutions for chapter SOCIAL SCIENCE 2015 of X BOARDS of Class 10