Class 10 | PHYSICS |
Number Of Questions | 36 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
Calculate maximum power of accomodation of a person having normal vision.
How can we determine the focal length and power of the concave lens required to correct a myopia eye ?
How can we determine the focal length and power of the convex lens required to correct a hypermetropia eye ?
A person with a myopia eye cannot see objects beyond a distance of 1.5 m. What would be the power of the corrective lens used to restore proper vision ?
A doctor prescribes a corrective lens of power -0.5 D to a person. Find the focal length of the lens. Is this lens diverging or converging? Give reason. How does the property of this lens can be used to correct eye defects ?
Why does the power to clearly see near objects and far-off objects diminish with age ? Name the defects that are likely to arise in eye in such a condition.
The far point of a myopia eye is 60 cm. Find the focal length of the lens used to correct it.
Ravi kept a book at a distance of 10 cm from the eyes of his friend Hari. Hari is not able to read anything written on the book. Why ?
A lens of focal length 5 cm is being used by a student in the laboratory as a magnifying glass. His least distance of distinct vision is 25 cm. What magnification is the student getting?
A myopia person can see things clearly only when they lie between 10 cm and 80 cm from the eye. Which lens would enable him to see the moon clearly ?
A person wants to read a book placed at 20 cm whereas the near poit of his eyes is 50 cm. Calculate the power of the lens required.
The far point of a myopia person is 200 cm. Calculate the power of a lens required to enable him to see distant objects clearly.
Explain the structure and functioning of the human eye. How are we able to see nearby and distant objects ?
What is atmospheric refraction ? Use this phenomenon to explain the following natural events : (i) Twinkling of stars (ii) Advanced sunrise and delayed sunset. Draw diagram to illustrate your answer.
What is Tyndall effect? What is its cause ? Name two phenomena observed in daily life based on Tyndall effect.
A beam of light is allowed to pass through two beakers A and B, containg a true solutionand a colloidal solution respectively. What do you observe ? Name the phenomenon responsible for your observation.
Write an activity for observing scattering of light in colloidal solution. Support the activity with diagrams.
Mention any four differences between a glass slab and a glass prism.
Calculate maximum power of accomodation of a person having normal vision.
How can we determine the focal length and power of the concave lens required to correct a myopia eye ?
How can we determine the focal length and power of the convex lens required to correct a hypermetropia eye ?
A person with a myopia eye cannot see objects beyond a distance of 1.5 m. What would be the power of the corrective lens used to restore proper vision ?
A doctor prescribes a corrective lens of power -0.5 D to a person. Find the focal length of the lens. Is this lens diverging or converging? Give reason. How does the property of this lens can be used to correct eye defects ?
Why does the power to clearly see near objects and far-off objects diminish with age ? Name the defects that are likely to arise in eye in such a condition.
The far point of a myopia eye is 60 cm. Find the focal length of the lens used to correct it.
Ravi kept a book at a distance of 10 cm from the eyes of his friend Hari. Hari is not able to read anything written on the book. Why ?
A lens of focal length 5 cm is being used by a student in the laboratory as a magnifying glass. His least distance of distinct vision is 25 cm. What magnification is the student getting?
A myopia person can see things clearly only when they lie between 10 cm and 80 cm from the eye. Which lens would enable him to see the moon clearly ?
A person wants to read a book placed at 20 cm whereas the near poit of his eyes is 50 cm. Calculate the power of the lens required.
The far point of a myopia person is 200 cm. Calculate the power of a lens required to enable him to see distant objects clearly.
Explain the structure and functioning of the human eye. How are we able to see nearby and distant objects ?
What is atmospheric refraction ? Use this phenomenon to explain the following natural events : (i) Twinkling of stars (ii) Advanced sunrise and delayed sunset. Draw diagram to illustrate your answer.
What is Tyndall effect? What is its cause ? Name two phenomena observed in daily life based on Tyndall effect.
A beam of light is allowed to pass through two beakers A and B, containg a true solutionand a colloidal solution respectively. What do you observe ? Name the phenomenon responsible for your observation.
Write an activity for observing scattering of light in colloidal solution. Support the activity with diagrams.
Mention any four differences between a glass slab and a glass prism.
ZEN ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS SECTION - Problem Section questions and complete solutions for chapter THE HUMAN EYE AND THE COLOURFUL WORLD of ZEN PHYSICS (KANNADA ENGLISH) of Class 10