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Complete Solutions to Matching Type Problem of chapter UNIT AND DIMENSIONS of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

ANURAG MISHRAMatching Type Problem
Number Of Questions4
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Match the column :
    `{:(,"Column-I (Quantity)",,"Column-II(Unit)"),((a),"Energy density (Energy per unit volume)",(p),"dyne"//cm^(2)),((b),"Force constant of a spring",(r),kg-m//s),((c),"Pressure",(r),erg//cm^(2)),(,,(s),"pascal"):}`

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  2. Suppose two students are trying to make a new measurement system so that they can use it like a code measurement system and others do not understands it. Instead of taking 1kg, 1m and 1 sec, as basic unit they took unit of mass as `alpha kg`, the unit of length as `beta m` and unit of times as `gamma` second. They called power in new system as ACME then match the two columns.
    `{:(,"Column-I",,"Column-II"),((a),"1N in new system",(p),alpha^(-1) beta^(-2) gamma^(2)),((b),"1J in new system",(q),alpha^(-1) beta^(-1) gamma^(2)),((c),"1 pascal (SI unit of pressure) in new system",(r),alpha^(-1)beta gamma^(2)),((d),alpha "ACME in watt",(s),alpha^(2) beta^(2) gamma^(-3)):}`

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  3. Match the physical quantities given in Column 1 with dimensions expressed in terms of mass (M), length (L), time (T), and charge (Q) given n column II.
    `{:(,"Column-I",,"Column-II"),((a),"Angular momentum",(p),[ML^(2)T^(-2)]),((b),"Torque",(q),[ML^(2)T^(-1)]),((c),"Inductance",(r),[M^(-1)L^(-2)T^(2)Q^(2)]),((d),"Latent heat",(s),[ML^(2)Q^(-2)]),((e),"Capacitance",(t),[ML^(3)T^(-1)Q^(-2)]),((f),"Resistivity",(u),[L^(2)T^(-2)]):}`

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  4. Match the following:
    `{:(," ""Column-I",," ""Column-II"),((a),F = A sin(B t) + (1)/(C ln (Dx)) "For above equation to be dimensionally correct",(p),[A] = [M^(1)L^(1)T^(-1)]","[B] = [M^(0)L^(0)T^(-1)]","[C] = [M^(0)L^(0)T^(-1)]),((b) ,"Pressure" = P + (1)/(2)rhov^(2) + gX ,(q),[A] = [M^(0)L^(1)T^(-1)]"," [B] = [M^(0)L^(0)T^(-1)]","[C] = [M^(0)L^(0)T^(-1)]","),((c),X = At+(v)/(B ln(Cr)),(r),[A] = [M^(1)L^(1)T^(-2)]","[B] = [M^(0)L^(0)T^(-1)]","[C] = [M^(-1)L^(0)T^(1)]),(,,(s),"Dimensionally incorrect""):}`
    (Where F = force, P = pressure, `rho` = density, t = time, v = velocity, a = acceleration, X = displacement)

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Matching Type Problem questions and complete solutions for chapter UNIT AND DIMENSIONS of SHREE BALAJI PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11