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Complete Solutions to Solved Examples And Exercises of chapter COMPLEX NUMBERS AND QUADRATIC EQUATIONS of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Class 11MATHS
MathematicsSolved Examples And Exercises
Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Show that the equation `e^(sinx)-e^(-sinx)-4=0` has no real solution.

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  2. Solve for `x :4^x-3^(x-1/2)=3^(x+1/2)-2^(2x-1)`

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  3. Solve for `x :sqrt(x+1)-sqrt(x-1)=1.`

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  4. If `x ,y in Ra n d2x^2+6x y+5y^2=1,t h e n` `|x|lt=sqrt(5)` b. `|x|geqsqrt(5)` c. `y^2lt=2` d. `y^2lt=4`

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  5. If the roots `x^5-40 x^4+P x^3+Q x^2+R x+S=0` are n G.P. and the sum of their reciprocals is 10, then `|S|` is `4` b. `6` c. `8` d. none of these

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  6. Show that for any triangle with sides `a ,b ,a n dc3(a b+b c+c a)<(a+b+c)^2<4(b c+c a+a b)dot` When are the first two expressions equal ?

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  7. For what value of `m` does the system of equations `3x+m y=m ,2x-5y=20` has solution satisfying the conditions `x >0,y >0?`

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  8. Show that the square to `(sqrt(26-15sqrt(3)))//(5sqrt(2)-sqrt(38+5sqrt(3)))` is a rational number.

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  9. If `alpha,beta` are the roots of `x^2+p x+q=0a n dgamma,delta` are the roots of `x^2+r x+s=0,` evaluate `(alpha-gamma)(alpha-delta)(beta-gamma)(beta-delta)` in terms of `p ,q ,r ,a n dsdot` Deduce the condition that the equation has a common root.

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  10. Let `f(x)=x^2+b x+c ,w h e r eb ,c in Rdot` If `f(x)` is a factor of both `x^4+6x^2+25 and 3x^4+4x^2+28 x+5` , then the least value of `f(x)` is: (a.) `2` (b.) `3` (c.) `5//2` (d.) `4`

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  11. If the equation `a x^2+b x+c=x` has no real roots, then the equation `a(a x^2+b x+c)^2+b(a x^2+b x+c)+c=x` will have a. four real roots b. no real root c. at least two least roots d. none of these

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  12. The value of expression `x^4-8x^3+18 x^2-8x+2` when `x=2+sqrt(3)` a. `2` b. `1` c. `0` d. `3`

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  13. The exhaustive set of values of a for which inequation `(a -1)x^2- (a+1)x+ a -1>=0` is true `AA x >2` `(a) (-oo,1)` `(b)[7/3,oo)` `(c) [3/7,oo)` (d) none of these

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  14. If `p ,q ,r ,s` are rational numbers and the roots of `f(x)=0` are eccentricities of a parabola and a rectangular hyperbola, where `f(x)=p x^3+q x^2+r x+s` ,then `p+q+r+s=` a. `p` b. `-p` c. `2p` d. `0`

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  15. If `a_0, a_1, a_2, a_3` are all the positive, then `4a_0x^3+3a_1x^2+2a_2x+a_3=0` has least one root in `(-1,0)` if (a) `a_0+a_2=a_1+a_3 ` and `4a_0+2a_2>3a_1+a_3` (b) `4a_0+2a_2<3a_1+a_3` (c) `4a_0+2a_2=3a_1+a_0`and `4a_0+a_2lta_1+a_3` (d) none of these

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  16. If `a x ^2+b x+c=0` has imaginary roots and `a-b+c >0` then the set of points `(x ,y)` satisfying the equation `|a(x^2+y/a)+(b+1)x+c|=|a x^2+b x+c|+|x+y|` consists of the region in the `x y-p l a n e` which is on or above the bisector of I and III quadrant on or above the bisector of II and IV quadrant on or below the bisector of I and III quadrant on or below the bisector of II and IV quadrant

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  17. All the values of `' a '` for which the quadratic expression `a x^2+(a-2)x-2` is negative for exactly two integral values of `x` may lie in `[1,3/2]` (b) `[3/2,2)` `[1,2)` (d) `[-1,2)`

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  18. If `a+b+c=0,a^2+b^2+c^2=4,t h e na^4+b^4+c^4` is_____.

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  19. Find the solution set of the system `x+2y+z=1` `2x-3y-w=2` `xgeq0,ygeq0,zgeq0,wgeq0`

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  20. mn squares of equal size are arranged to form a rectangle of dimension m by n, where m and n are natural numbers. Two square will be called neighbors if they have exactly one common side. A number is written in each square such that the number written in any square is the arithmetic mean of the numbers written in its neighboring squares. Show that this is possible only if all the numbers used are equal.

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  21. Form a quadratic equation whose roots are `-4a n d6.`

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  22. If `a,b,c` are odd integere then about that `ax^2+bx+c=0`, does not have rational roots

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  23. if cos`theta` , sin`phi` , sin`theta` are in g.p then check the nature of roots of `x^2+2cotphi.x + 1=0`

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  24. If a ,b ,c are non zero rational no then prove roots of equation `(a b c^2)x^2+3a^2c x+b^2c x-6a^2-a b+2b^2=0` are rational.

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  25. If `a b+b c+c a=0,` then solve `a(b-2c)x^2+b(c-2a)x+c(a-2b)=0.`

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  26. If roots of equation `3x^2+5x+1=0 are (sectheta_1-t a ntheta_1)a n d(cos e ctheta_2-cottheta_2)dot` Then find the equation whose roots are `(sectheta_1+t a ntheta_1)a n d(cos e ctheta_2+cottheta_2)dot`

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  27. If roots of the equation `a x^2+b x+c=0` are `alphaa n dbeta` , find the equation whose roots are `1/alpha,1/beta` (ii) `-alpha,-beta` (iii) `(1-alpha)/(1+alpha),(1-beta)/(1+beta)`

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  28. Form a quadratic equation with real coefficients whose one root is `3-2idot`

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  29. If the roots of the quadratic equation `x^(2)+px+q=0` are `tan 30^(@)" and "tan15^(@)`, respectively then the value of `2+q-p` is

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  30. If `a ,b` and `c` are in A.P. and one root of the equation `a x^2+b c+c=0` is `2`, the find the other root `dot`

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  31. If `a` is the root (having the least absolute value) or the equation `x^2-b x-1=0(b in R^+)` , then prove that `-1

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  32. If `alpha,beta` are roots of `x^2-3x+a=0` , `a in R` and `alpha <1< beta` then find the value of a.

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  33. If `a lt b lt c lt d`, then for any real non-zero `lambda`, the quadratic equation `(x-a)(x-c)+lambda(x-b)(x-d)=0`,has

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  34. The quadratic `x^2+a x+b+1=0` has roots which are positive integers, then `(a^2+b^2)` can be equal to a.`50` b. `37` c. `61` d. `19`

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  35. The sum of values of `x` satisfying the equation `(31+8sqrt(15))^(x^2-3)+1=(32+8sqrt(15))^(x^2-3)` is a `3` b. `0` c. `2` d. none of these

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  36. If `alpha,beta` are real and distinct roots of `a x^2+b x-c=0a n dp ,q` are real and distinct roots of `a x^2+b x-|c|=0,w h e r e(a >0),` then `alpha,beta in (p ,q)` b. `alpha,beta in [p ,q]` c. `p ,q in (alpha,beta)` d. none of these

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  37. Let `a!=0a n dp(x)` be a polynomial of degree greater than 2. If `p(x)` leaves reminders `aa n d a` when divided respectively, by `x+aa n dx-a ,` the remainder when `p(x)` is divided by `x^2-a^2` is `2x` b. `-2x` c. `x` d. ` x`

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  38. A quadratic equation with integral coefficients has two different prime numbers as its roots. If the sum of the coefficients of the equation is prime, then the sum of the roots is `2` b. `5` c. `7` d. `11`

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  39. If `a ,b ,c` are three distinct positive real numbers, the number of real and distinct roots of `a |x^2|+2b|x|-c=0` is a.`0` b. `4` c. `2` d. none of these

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  40. Let `a,b and c` be real numbers such that `4a+2b+c=0 and ab lt 0`.Then the equation `ax^2+bx+c=0`.

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  41. If `alpha,beta` are the roots of the equation `x^2-2x+3=0` obtain the equation whose roots are `alpha^3-3alpha^2+5alpha-2` and `beta^3-beta^2+beta=5`

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  42. If `alpha,beta` are the roots of the equation `a x^2+b x+c=0,` then the value of `aalpha^2+c//aalpha+b+(abeta^2+c)//(abeta+b)` is `(b(b^2-2a c))/(4a)` b. `(b^2-4a c)/(2a)` c. `(b(b^2-2a c))/(a^2c)` d. none of these

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  43. If `a in (-1, 1)`, then roots of the quadratic equation `(a - 1)x^(2) + ax + sqrt(1 - a^(2)) = 0` are

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  44. If one root is square of the other root of the equation `x^2+p x+q=0` then the relation between p and q is

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  45. Let `alpha,beta` be the roots of the quadratic equation `a x^2+b x+c=0and Delta =b^2-4ac cdotIfalpha+beta,alpha^2+beta^2,alpha^3+beta^3` are in G.P. Then a.`Delta!=0` b. `bDelta=0` c. `cDelta =0` d. `Delta =0`

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  46. Let `alpha,beta` be the roots of `x^2-x+p=0a n dgamma,delta` are roots of `x^2-4x+q=0.` If `alpha,beta,gamma,delta` are in G.P., then the integral value of `pa n dq` , respectively, are `-2,-32` b. `-2,3` c. `-6,3` d. `-6,-32`

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  47. If `f(x)=x^2+2b c+2c^2a n dg(x)=-x^2-2c x+b^2` are such that min `f(x)> m a xf(x)` , ten he relation between `ba n dc` is a. no relation b. `0

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  48. For the equation `3x^(2)+px+3=0, p gt 0,` if one of the root is square of the other, then p is equal to

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  49. Let `f(x)=(1+b^2)x^2+2b x+1` and let `m(b)` the minimum value of `f(x)dot` As `b` varies, the range of `m(b)` is `[0,1]` (b) `(0,1/2]` `[1/2,1]` (d) `(0,1]`

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  50. If `alphaa n dbeta` are the roots of the equation `x^2+b c+c=0`,where `cltaltb` then a. `0ltalphaltbeta` b. `alphalt0ltbetalt|alpha|` c. `alphaltbetalt0` d. `alphalt0lt |alpha|ltbeta`

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  51. If `b > a ,` then the equation `(x-a)(x-b)-1=0` has (a) both roots in `(a ,b)` (b) both roots in `(-oo,a)` (c) both roots in `(b ,+oo)` (d)one root in `(-oo,a)` and the other in `(b ,+oo)`

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  52. The equation `sqrt(x+1) - sqrt(x-1) = sqrt(4x-1)` has

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  53. If the roots of the equation `x^2-2a x+a^2-a-3=0` are real and less than 3, then (a)`a<2` b. `2<-alt=3` c. `34`

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  54. A value of b for which the equations `x^(2)+bx-1=0 and x^(2)+x+b=0` have one root in common is

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  55. Let `pa n dq` be real numbers such that `p!=0,p^3!=q ,a n d p^3!=-qdot` If `alphaa n dbeta` are nonzero complex numbers satisfying `alpha+beta=-pa n dalpha^3+beta^3=q` , then a quadratic equation having `alpha//betaa n dbeta//alpha` as its roots is A. `(p^3+q)x^2-(p^3+2q)x+(p^3+q)=0` B. `(p^3+q)x^2-(p^3-2q)x+(p^3+q)=0` C. `(p^3+q)x^2-(5p^3-2q)x+(p^3-q)=0` D. `(p^3+q)x^2-(5p^3+2q)x+(p^3+q)=0`

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  56. Let `alpha,beta` be the roots of the equation `x^2-p x+r=0a n dalpha//2,2beta` be the roots of the equation `x^2-q x+r=0.` Then the value of `r` is `2/9(p-q)(2q-p)` b. `2/9(q-p)(2q-p)` c. `2/9(q-2p)(2q-p)` d. `2/9(2p-q)(2q-p)`

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  57. Let `a ,b , c` be the sides of a triangle, where `a!=b!=c` and `lambda in R` . If the roots of the equation `x^2+2(a+b+c)x+3lambda(a b+b c+c a)=0` are real. Then a.`lambda<4/3` b. `lambda>5/3` c. `lambda in (1/3,5/3)` d. `lambda in (4/3,5/3)`

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  58. Let `S` be the set of all non-zero real numbers such that the quadratic equation `alphax^2-x+alpha=0` has two distinct real roots `x_1a n dx_2` satisfying the inequality `|x_1-x_2|<1.` Which of the following intervals is (are) a subset (s) of `S ?` `(1/2,1/(sqrt(5)))` b. `(1/(sqrt(5)),0)` c. `(0,1/(sqrt(5)))` d. `(1/(sqrt(5)),1/2)`

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  59. For real x, the rucntion `((x-a)(x-b))/((x-c))` will assume all real values provided

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  60. The quadratic equation `p(x)=0` with real coefficients has purely imaginary roots. Then the equation `p(p(x))=0` has A. only purely imaginary roots B. all real roots C. two real and purely imaginary roots D. neither real nor purely imaginary roots

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  61. Let `alpha and beta` be the roots of equation `x^(2)-6x-2=0. If a_(n)=alpha^(n)-beta^(n),"for"nge1,` then the value of `(a_(10)-2a_(8))/(2a_(9))` is

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  62. For the following question, choose the correct answer from the codes (a), (b), (c) and (d) defined as follows: Statement I is true, Statement II is also true; Statement II is the correct explanation of Statement I. Statement I is true, Statement II is also true; Statement II is not the correct explanation of Statement I. Statement I is true; Statement II is false Statement I is false; Statement II is true. Let `a , b , c , p , q` be the real numbers. Suppose `alpha,beta` are the roots of the equation `x^2+2p x+q=0` and `alpha,beta/2` are the roots of the equation `a x^2+2b x+c=0,` where `beta^2 !in {-1,0,1}dot` Statement I `(p^2-q)(b^2-a c)geq0` and Statement II `b !in p a` or `c !in q adot`

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  63. All the values of m for which both roots of the equation `x^(2)-2mx+m^(2)-1=0` are greater than -2 but less than 4, lie in the interval

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  64. If the roots of the quadratic equation `(4p-p^2-5)x^2-(2p-1)x+3p=0` lie on either side of unit, then the number of integer values of `p` is a.`1` b. `2` c. `3` d. 4

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  65. If roots of `x^2-(a-3)x+a=0` are such that at least one of them is greater than 2, then `a in [7,9]` b. `a in [7,oo]` c. `a in [9,oo]` d. `a in [7,9]`

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  66. Let `f(x)=a x^2+b x+a ,b ,c in Rdot` If `f(x)` takes real values for real values of `x` and non-real values for non-real values of `x` , then `a=0` b. `b=0` c. `c=0` d. nothing can be said about `a ,b ,cdot`

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  67. If both roots of the equation `a x^2+x+c-a=0` are imaginary and `c > -1,` then a.`3a >2+4c` b.`3a<2+4c` c.`c < a` d. none of these

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  68. Find the set of all possible real value of a such that the inequality `(x-(a-1))(x-(a^2+2))<0` holds for all `x in (-1,3)dot`

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  69. The interval of `a` for which the equation `t a n^2x-(a-4)tanx+4-2a=0` has at least one solution `AAx in [0,pi//4]` `a in (2,3)` b. `a in [2,3]` c. `a in (1,4)` d. `a in [1,4]`

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  70. The range of `a` for which the equation `x^2+ax-4=0` has its smaller root in the interval `(-1,2)i s ` a. `(-oo,-3)` b. `(0,3)` c. `(0,oo)` d. `(-oo,-3)uu(0,oo)`

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  71. Consider the equation `x^2+2x-n=0` where `n in N` and `n in [5,100]` The total number of different values of `n` so that the given equation has integral roots is a.`8` b. `3` c. `6` d. `4`

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  72. The total number of values a so that `x^2-x-a=0` has integral roots, where `a in Na n d6lt=alt=100` , is equal to a.`2` b. `4` c. `6` d. `8`

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  73. Let `P(x)=x^3-8x^2+c x-d` be a polynomial with real coefficients and with all it roots being distinct positive integers. Then number of possible value of `c` is___________.

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  74. Let `P(x)=5/3-6x-9x^2a n dQ(y)=-4y^2+4y+(13)/2dot` if there exists unique pair of real numbers `(x , y)` such that `P(x)Q(y)=20` , then the value of `(6x+10 y)` is _____.

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  75. if a `lt c lt b, ` then check the nature of roots of the equation
    `(a -b)^(2) x^(2) + 2(a+ b - 2c)x + 1 = 0`

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  76. If `a ,b ,c in R^+a n d2b=a+c ,` then check the nature of roots of equation `a x^2+2b x+c=0.`

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  77. The value of a for which the sum of the squares of the roots of the equation `x^(2)-(a-2)x-a-1=0` assume the least value is

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  78. If `x_1, a n dx_2` are the roots of `x^2+(sintheta-1)x-1/2(cos^2theta)=0,` then find the maximum value of `x_1^2+x_2^2`

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  79. If `p ,q in {1,2,3,4,5}` , then find the number of equations of form `p^2x^2+q^2x+1=0` having real roots.

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  80. Find the domain and the range of `f(x)=sqrt(x^2-3x+2.)`

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  81. Find the domain and range of `f(x)=sqrt(3-2x-x^2)`

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  82. Prove that if the equation `x^2+9y^2-4x+3=0` is satisfied for real values of `xa n dy ,t h e nx` must lie between 1 and 3 and`y` must lie between-1/3 and 1/3.

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  83. Find the least value of `((6x^2-22 x+21))/((5x^2-18+17))` for real `xdot`

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  84. Find the range of the function `f(x)=x^2-2x-4.`

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  85. Find he linear factors of `2x^2-y^2-x+x y+2y-1.`

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  86. The value(s) of m for which the expression `2x^2+mxy+3y^2-5y-2` can be factorized in to two linear factors are:

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  87. If `a_1x^3 + b_1x² + c_1x + d_1 = 0` and `a_2x^3 + b_2x^2+ c_2x + d_2 = 0` have a pair of repeated roots common, then prove that `|[3a_1,2b_1,c_1],[3a_2,2b_2,c_2],[a_2b_1-a_1b_2,c_1a_2-c_2a_1,d_1a_2-d_2a_1]|=0`

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  88. If `x-c` is a factor of order m of the polynomial `f(x)` of degree n `(1 < m < n)`, then find the polynomials for which `x=c` is a root.

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  89. Solve the equation `x^3-13 x^2+15 x+189=0` if one root exceeds the other by 2.

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  90. If `tanthetaa n dsectheta` are the roots of `a x^2+b x+c=0,` then prove that `a^4=b^2(b^2-4ac)dot`

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  91. If the roots of the equation `x^(2)-bx+c=0` are two consecutive integers, then `b^(2)-4c` is

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  92. For what real values of `a` do the roots of the equation `x^2-2x-(a^2-1)=0` lie between the roots of the equation `x^2-2(a+1)x+a(a-1)=0.`

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  93. Find the value of `a` for which the equation a `sin(x+pi/4)=sin2x+9` will have real solution.

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  94. Let `a ,b and c` be real numbers such that `a+2b+c=4` . Find the maximum value of `(a b+b c+c a)dot`

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  95. Prove that for real values of `x ,(a x^2+3x-4)//(3x-4x^2+a)` may have any value provided a lies between 1 and 7.

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  96. Prove that for all real values of `xa n dy ,x^2+2x y+3y^2-6x-2ygeq-11.`

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  97. The values of 'a' for which the equation `(x^2 + x + 2)^2 - ( a-3)( x^2+ x+2)(x^2 +x + 1) + (a-4)(x^2 + x + 1)^2 = 0` has atlesast one real root is:

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  98. Find the values of `a` for whilch the equation `sin^4x+asin^2x+1=0` will have a solution.

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  99. Find all the value of `m` for which the equation `sin^2x-(m-3)sinx+m=0` has real roots.

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  100. If `alpha` is a real root of the quadratic equation `a x^2+b x+c=0a n dbeta` ils a real root of ` -a x^2+b x+c=0,` then show that there is a root `gamma` of equation `(a//2)x^2+b x+c=0` whilch lies between `alpha & beta`

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Solved Examples And Exercises questions and complete solutions for chapter COMPLEX NUMBERS AND QUADRATIC EQUATIONS of CENGAGE of Class 11