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Complete Solutions to JEE Previous Year (Single Question) of chapter DIFFERENT PRODUCTS OF VECTORS AND THEIR GEOMETRICAL APPLICATIONS of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Class 11MATHS
CENGAGE NEWJEE Previous Year (Single Question)
Number Of Questions28
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The scalar `vecA.(vecB+vecC)xx(vecA+vecB+vecC)` equals (A) 0 (B) `[vecA vecB vecC]+[vecB vecC vecA]` (C) `[vecA vecB vecC]` (D) none of these

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  2. For non-zero vectors `veca, vecb and vecc , |(veca xx vecb) .vecc = |veca||vecb||vecc|` holds if and only if

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  3. The volume of he parallelepiped whose sides are given by ` vec O A=2i-2, j , vec O B=i+j-ka n d vec O C=3i-k` is `4//13` b. `4` c. `2//7` d. `2`

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  4. If ` veca ` , ` vecb ` , ` vecc ` are three non-coplanar vector and ` vecp ` , ` vecq ` ` vecr ` are defind by the relations ` vecp=(vecbxxvecc)/([vecavecbvecc]) ` , ` vecq=(veccxxveca)/([vecavecbvecc]) ` , ` vecr=(vecaxxvecb)/([vecavecbvecc]) ` , then ` vecp.(veca+vecb)+vecq.(vecb+vecc)+vecr.(vecc+veca) ` =............

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  5. Let `veca=hati-hatj, vecb=hatj-hatk, vecc=hatk-hati. If hatd` is a unit vector such that `veca.hatd=0=[vecb vecc vecd]` then `hatd` equals

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  6. If `veca, vecb, vecc` are three non - coplanar vector such that `vecaxx(vecbxxvecc)=(vecb+vecc)/(sqrt2)`, then the angle between `veca and vecb` is ……………. .

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  7. Let `vecu, vecv and vecw` be vector such that `vecu+vecv+vecw=vec0`. If `|vecu|=3, |vecv|=4 and |vecw|=5` then `vecu.vecv+vecv.vecw+vecw.vecu` is ………………….. .

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  8. If `veca, vecb and vecc`1 are three non-coplanar vectors, then `(veca + vecb + vecc). [(veca + vecb) xx (veca + vecc)]` equals

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  9. Let `vecp,vecq, vecr` be three mutually perpendicular vectors of the same magnitude. If a vector `vecx` satisfies the equation
    `vecpxx{vecx-vecq)xxvec p}+vecq xx{vecx-vecr)xxvecq}+vecrxx{vecx-vecp)xxvecr}=vec0`,
    then `vecx` is given by

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  10. Let `veca=2vecj+vecj-2veck,vecb=veci+vecj.` If `vecc` is a vector such that `veca.vecc=|vecc|,|vecc-veca|=2sqrt(2)` and the angle between `vecaxxvecb` and `vecc` is `30^(@)`. Find the value of `|(vecaxxvecb)xxvecc|`

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  11. Let `veca = 2i + j+k, vecb = i+ 2j -k and a` unit vector `vecc` be coplanar. If `vecc` is pependicular to `veca`. Then `vecc` is

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  12. If the vectors `veca,vecb,vecc` form the sides BC,CA and AB respectively of a triangle ABC then (A) `veca.(vecbxxvecc)=vec0` (B) `vecaxx(vecbxvecc)=vec0` (C) `veca.vecb=vecc=vecc=veca.a!=0` (D) `vecaxxvecb+vecbxxvecc+veccxxvecavec0`

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  13. Consider the vectors, `vec(a),vec(b),vec(c),vec(d)` such that `(vec(a)xxvec(b))xx(vec(c)xxvec(d))=vec(0)" Let "P_(1)andP_(2)` be the planes determined by the pairs of vectors, `vec(a),vec(b)andvec(c),vec(d)` respectively. Then the angle between `P_(1)andP_(2)` is

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  14. If ` vec a , vec ba n d vec c` are unit coplanar vectors, then the scalar triple product `[2 vec a- vec b2 vec b- vec c2 vec c- vec a]` is a.`0` b. `1` c. `-sqrt(3)` d. `sqrt(3)`

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  15. If ` hat a , hat b ,a n d hat c` are unit vectors, then `| hat a- hat b|^2+| hat b- hat c|^2+| hat c- hat a|^2` does not exceed `45^0` b. `60^0` c. `cos^(-1)(1//3)` d. `cos^(-1)(2//7)`

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  16. If `veca and vecb` are two unit vectors such that `veca+2vecb and 5veca-4vecb` are perpendicular to each other then the angle between `veca and vecb` is (A) `45^0` (B) `60^0` (C) `cos^-1(1/3)` (D) `cos^-1(2/7)`

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  17. Let ` vec V=2 hat i+ hat j- hat ka n d vec W= hat i+3 hat kdot` If ` vec U` is a unit vector, then the maximum value of the scalar triple product `[UVW]` is a.`-1` b. `sqrt(10)+sqrt(6)` c. `sqrt(59)` d. `sqrt(60)`

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  18. Find the value of `a` so that the volume of the parallelepiped formed by vectors ` hat i+a hat j+k , hat j+a hat ka n da hat i+ hat k` becomes minimum.

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  19. If `veca=hati+hatj+hatk, veca.vecb=1` and `veca xx vecb = hati-hatk`, then `vecb.(3hati+4hatj+5hatk) =`

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  20. The unit vector which is orthogonal to the vector `5hati + 2hatj + 6hatk ` and is coplanar with vectors `2hati + hatj + hatk and hati - hatj + hatk `is

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  21. if `veca , vecb and vecc` are three non-zero, non- coplanar vectors and `vecb_(1)=vecb-(vecb.veca)/(|veca|^(2))veca,vecb_(2)=vecb+(vecb.veca)/(|veca|^(2))veca,vecc_(1)=vecc-(vecc.veca)/(|veca|^(2))veca+ (vecb.vecc)/(|vecc|^(2))vecb_(1),vecc_(2)=vecc-(vecc.veca)/(|veca|^(2)) veca-(vecbvecc)/(|vecb_(1)|^(2))vecb_(1),vecc_(3)=vecc- (vecc.veca)/(|vecc|^(2))veca + (vecb.vecc)/(|vecc|^(2))vecb_(1), vecc_(4)=vecc - (vecc.veca)/(|vecc|^(2))veca= (vecb.vecc)/(|vecb|^(2))vecb_(1)`, then the set of orthogonal vectors is

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  22. Let `veca=hati+2hatj +hatk, vec=hati-hatj+hatk and vecc=hati+hatj-hatk`. A vector in the plane of `veca and vecb` whose projection on `vecc is 1/sqrt(3)` is (A) `4hati-hatj+4hatk` (B) `hati+hatj-3hatk` (C) `2hati+hatj-2hatk` (D) `4hati+hatj-4hatk`

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  23. Lelt two non collinear unit vectors `hata and hatb` form and acute angle. A point P moves so that at any time t the position vector `vec(OP)` (where O is the origin) is given by `hatacost+hatbsint.` When P is farthest from origin O, let M be the length of `vec(OP) and hatu` be the unit vector along `vec(OP)` Then (A) `hatu= (hata+hatb)/(|hata+hatb|) and M=(1+hata.hatb)^(1/2)` (B) `hatu= (hata-hatb)/(|hata-hatb|) and M=(1+hata.hatb)^(1/2)` (C) `hatu= (hata+hatb)/(|hata+hatb|) and M=(1+2hata.hatb)^(1/2)` (D) `hatu= (hata-hatb)/(|hata-hatb|) and M=(1+2hata.hatb)^(1/2)`

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  24. If `veca,vecb,vecc and vecd` are unit vectors such that `(vecaxxvecb).(veccxxvecd)=1 and veca.vecc=1/2` then (A) `veca,vecb,vecc` are non coplanar (B) `vecb,vecc, vecd` are non coplanar (C) `vecb, vecd` are non paralel (D) `veca, vecd` are paralel and `vecb, vecc` are parallel

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  25. Two adjacent sides of a parallelogram `A B C D` are given by ` vec A B=2 hat i+10 hat j+11 hat ka n d vec A D=- hat i+2 hat j+2 hat kdot` The side `A D` is rotated by an acute angle `alpha` in the plane of the parallelogram so that `A D` becomes `A D^(prime)dot` If `A D '` makes a right angle with the side `A B ,` then the cosine of the angel `alpha` is given by a. `8/9` b. `(sqrt(17))/9` c. `1/9` d. `(4sqrt(5))/9`

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  26. Let P, Q, R and S be the points on the plane with position vectors `-2hati-hatj,4hati,3hati+3hatj and -3hati+2hatj` respectively. The quadrilateral PQRS must be a

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  27. Let `veca=hati + hatj +hatk,vecb=hati- hatj + hatk and vecc= hati-hatj - hatk` be three vectors. A vectors `vecv` in the plane of `veca and vecb` , whose projection on `vecc is 1/sqrt3` is given by

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  28. Let `bar(PR)=3hati+hatj-2hatk and bar(SQ)=hati-3hatj-4hatk` determine diagonals of a parallelogram PQRS and `bar(PT)=hati+2hatj+3hatk` be another vector. Then the volume of the parallelepiped determined by the vectors `bar(PT),bar(PQ) and bar(PS)` is

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JEE Previous Year (Single Question) questions and complete solutions for chapter DIFFERENT PRODUCTS OF VECTORS AND THEIR GEOMETRICAL APPLICATIONS of CENGAGE of Class 11