Class 11 | CHEMISTRY |
Number Of Questions | 100 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
What are hydrocarbons ?
Give classification of hydrocarbon.
Give structural formula of following compound propane
Give structural formula of following compound ethyne
Give structural formula of following compound cyclobutane
Give structural formula of following compound ethene
Give structural formula of following compound benzene
Why are alkane called paraffins ?
Define alkane .
Define isomerism
Give isomers of compound having molecular `C_4H_10`.
Give isomers of compound having molecular `C_5H_12`.
Write the structural of all chain isomers of the saturated hydrocarbon containing six carbon atoms .Write their IUPAC name .
Define conformation ?
Explain different conformation of ethane .
What is torsion angle or dihedral angle ?
How will you prepare ethane from ethene and ethyne ?
What is catalyst ?
What is addition reaction ?
How will yoy prepare methane by reduction of methyl iodide .
How will you prepare ethane by reduction of ethyl bromide . Give balanced equation .
Write balanced chemical reaction for preparation of ethane from ethyl magnesium iodide .
How is grignard reagent prepared ?
Write a note on wurtz reaction .
Give reason . Straight chain alkanes have higher melting point and boiling point than branched alkane .
Arrange the three isomers of alkanes with molecular formula `C_5H_12` in increasing order of boiling points and write their IUPAC names .
Why are alkane insoluble in water and readily soluble in organic solvent like chloroform or ether ?
Write physical properties of alkanes .
What are substitution reaction ?
Explain chlorination of alkane .
Explain free radical mechanism of chlorination .
Explain bromination of alkane .
What is action of bromine on n-Butane and isobutane .
Explain combustion of alkane
Which product is poisonous and causes air pollution formed by incomplete combustion of alkane .
How many monochlorination product are possible for 2- methyl propane draw structure and give IUPAC name
How many monochlorination product are possible for 2- methyl butane draw structure and give IUPAC name
Explain pyrolysis with example .
Write all possible products for pyrolysis of butane .
What is CNG ? What are its constituent and what is advantage of CNG over LPG ?
What is LPG ? What are its constituent ?
Give uses of alkane .
Write a note on reforming or aromatization .
Name alkane from which methyl benzene is obtained by reforming .
Name type of hydrocarbon that is used as lubricant .
What are main natural source of alkane .
What are alkenes ?
Give example of alkadiene and alkatrienes .
Explain isomerism exhibited by alkane .
Explain structural isomerism in alkene with examples.
Explain geometrical isomerism in alkene .
What are 1,2-elimination reaction ?
Explain dehydrohalogenation of alkylhalide with example ?
Explain saytzeff's rule with example .
Give action of alcoholic KOH on 1-chloro propane .
Give action of alcoholic KOH on ethyl iodide .
What are alcohols ?
What is a dehydration of reaction ?
Explain dehydration of alcohal with example .
Identify the main product of reaction.`CH_3-underset(OH)underset|CH-CH_3overset(60%H_2SO_4)underset(373K)rarrA`
Give action of 60% con.`H_2SO_4 at 373K on Butan-2-ol`.
How will you bring about following conversion.2-Methyl propan - 2 -ol to 2 - methyl propene
Explain method of preparation of alkene from vicinal dihalide.
How is alkyne converted into alkene?
Give physical properties of alkene.
How will you convert ethene to 1,2- dichloroethane.
Write a note on hydrohalogenation of symmetrical alkene.
Explain maekonvikov's rule for unsymmetrical alkene with example.
Explain anti markovnikov's rule or peroxide effect or kharasch - mayo effect.
Explain acid catased hydration of alkene.
Explain hyboration - oxidation of alkene.
Write the reaction to convert. Propene to n - propylalcohol
Write the reaction to convert. Propene to iso propyl alcohol
Read the following reaction and answer the question given below: write IUPAC name of product `CH_3-overset(CH_3)overset|C=CH_2+HBroverset(BENZOYL)underset(PEROXIDE)rarrCH_3-overset(CH_3)overset|underset(H)underset|C-CH_2-Br`
Explain oxidation of alkene
Give uses of alkene.
Define alkynes.
Give IUPAC nomenclature of alkynes.
Give method of preparation of acetylene from geminal dihalide and vicinal diholide
Why sodamide is used in second step to remove HX alkenyl halide in place of alcoholic KOH ?
How will you convert ethyne to but -1- yne.
How will you convert propyne to pent - 2 - yne.
Convert 1 - bromo butane to hex - 1 - yne.
Give physical properties of alkyne.
Arrange following hydrocarbon in increasing order of acidic strengh propane propene propyne.
How will you distinguish between terminal alkyne and nonteminal alkyne.
Identify A.`H-C=C-CH_3overset(H_2)underset(Pd//C)rarrA=CH_3-CH-CH_2`
What is action of halogen acid like HBr on propyne.
What is action of halogen acid on ethyne?
Write note on hydration of alkyne.
How will you convert propyne to propanone.
Give uses of alkyne.
What are aromatic hydrocarbons?
What are benezemoid and non-benzenoid aromatics compound?
What are two large scale sources of benzene
Distinguish between aliphatic and aromatic compounds.
who synthesized benzene from acetylene?
Write a note on kekule structure of benzene.
Draw and explain resonating structure of benzene.
Explain three rules of aromaticity
EXAMPLE questions and complete solutions for chapter HYDROCARBONS of CHETANA CHEMISTRY (MARATHI ENGLISH) of Class 11