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Complete Solutions to QUESTION of chapter QUESTION PAPERS OF NEET -2017 of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions32
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A molecule of a substance has permanent dipole moment p . A mole of this substance is polarised by applying a storg electrostatic field E . The direction of the field is suddenly changed of `60 ^(@)` . If N is the avogadro's number the amount of work done by the field is

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  2. If the angle of a prism is `60 ^(@)` and angle of minimum deviation is `40 ^(@)` , then the angle of refraction will be

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  3. A student performs an experiment of measuring the thickness of a slab with a vernier calliper whose 50 divisions of the vernier scale are equal to 49 divisioions of the main scale . He noted that zero of the vernier scale is between `7.00 ` cm and `7.50 ` cm mark of the main scale and 23 rd division of the vernier scale exactly coincides with the main scale . The measured value of the thickness of the given using the calliper will be

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  4. IF the longest wavelength in the ultraviolet region of hydrogen spectrum is ` lamda _(0)` then the shorest wavelength in its infrared region is

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  5. A circular coil of radius 10 cm , 150 cm turns and resistance ` 2 Omega ` is placed with its plane , perpendicular to the horizontal component of the earth's magnetic field . It is rotated about its vertical diameter through `180 ^(@)` in `0.25 s ` . The induced emf in the coil is ( take `H_(E ) = 3.0 xx10 ^(-5) T ) `

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  6. Two reasions for using sloft as the material for electromagnets .

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  7. A person has near point at 60 cm . The focal length of spectacles lenses to read at 22 cm having glasses separated 2 cm from the eyes is

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  8. Two sides of a semiconductor germanium crystal A and B are doped with arsenic and indium , respectively . They are connected to a battery as shown in figure . The correct graph between current and voltage for the arrangement is
    ` (##CHY_DMB_PHY_XI_P2_QP_17_E03_009_Q01.png" width="80%">

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  9. Due to Doppler effect , the shift in wavelength observed is `0.1 Å` , for a star producing a wavelength 6000 Å . The velocity of recission of the star will be

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  10. A metal rod of 1 m length is dropped exact vertically on to a hard metal floor . With an oscilloscope . It is determined that the impact produces a longitudinal wave of 1.2 kHz frequency . The speed of sound in the metal rod is

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  11. The angular momentum of a right body of mass m about an axis is n times the linear momentum (p) of the body . Total kinetic energy of the right body is :

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  12. A parallel plate capacitor is to designed , using a diectric of dielectric constant 5, so as to have a dielectric strengh of `10 ^(9) V. m ^(-1) ` . If the voltage rating of the capacitor is 12 kV ,the minimum area of each plate required to have a capacitance of 80 pF is

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  13. A cyclist on a level road takes a sharp circular turn of radius `3m` ( g`=10 m s^(-2) ) ` . If the coefficient of static friction between the cycle tyres and the road is `0.2 ` , at which of the following speeds will the cyclist not skid while taking the turn ?

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  14. The volume of 1 mole of an ideal gas with the adiabatic exponent ` gamma ` is changed accoring to the relation ` V =( b ) /(T) ` where b= constant . The amount of heat absorbed by the gas in the process if the temperature is increased by ` Delta T ` will be

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  15. Two coherent sources of intensity ratio ` alpha ` interfere The value of `( I_( max ) - I_( min ))/( I _(min )+I_(min ))` is

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  16. When the temperature of a gas is raised from ` 30 ^(@) C ` to `90 ^(@) C`, the percentage increase in the velocity of the molecules will be

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  17. A parallel beam of light of wavelength `lamda ` is incident normally on a single slit of width d. Diffraction bands are obtained on a screen placed at a distance D from the slit . The seond dark band from the central bright band will be at a distance given by

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  18. A thin uniform rod of mass M and length L is rotaing about a peroendicular axis passing throgh its centre with a constant angular velcovity Omega . Two object each of mass ` (M )/( 3 ) ` are attached gently to the end of the rod . the rod will now roate with an angular an angular velocity of

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  19. Two open organ pipes of fundamental frequency ` n _(1) and n_(2) ` are joined in series . The fundamental frequency of the new pipe so obtained will be

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  20. The density of a metal at normal perssures is .` rho ` . Its densitu when it is subjected to an exvess presseure `p ` is ` rho '` . If B is bulk modulus of the metal , the ratio of ` ( rho ') /( rho ) ` is

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  21. If the mass of neutron is `1.7 xx10 ^(-27)` Kg , then the de Broglie . Wavelength of neutron of energy 3 eV is `( h = 6.6 xx 10 ^(-34) J*s)`

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  22. Imagine earth to be a solild sphere of mass M and radius R. If the value of acceleration due to gravity at a depth d below earth's surface is same as its value at a height h above its surface and equal to `( g)/(4)` ( where g is the value of acceleration due to gravity on the surface of earth ) , the ratio of `( h) /( d) ` will be

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  23. The energy liberated per nuclear fission is 200 MeV . If `10 ^(20) ` fissions occur per second the amount of power produced will be

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  24. A ball of mass 1 Kg thrown vertically upwards and returns to the ground after 3 seconds . Another ball , thrown at `60 ^(@)` with vertical also stays in air for the same time before it toches the ground . The ratio of the two heights are

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  25. A bady initially at rest , breaks up into two pieces of masses 2 M and 3M , after breaking up , has a kinetic energy

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  26. A light beam is incident on a denser medium whose refractive index is 1.414 at an angle of incidence `45 ^(@)` find the ratio of width of refracted beam in a medium to the width of the incident beam in air

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  27. A body starts moving unidirectionally under the influence of a source power . Which one of the graph correctly shows the variation of displacement (s) with time (t) ?

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  28. In ab experiment of photoelectric effect the stoping potential was measured to be `V_(1) and V_(2) ` with incident light of wavelength ` lamda and (lamda) /( 2) `, respectively . The relation between `V_(1) and V_(2) ` is

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  29. A cell of emf E and internal resistance r is connected to a variable external resistor R . The graph which gives the terminal voltage of cell V with respect to R is

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  30. The angle between ` vecA - vecB and vecA xx vecB ` is `( vecA ne vecB)`

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  31. A unifrom magntic field of 0.3 T is established along the positive Z- direction .A rectangular loop in XY - plane of sides 10 cm and 5 cm carries a current of `I = 12A ` as shown . The torque on the loop is
    ` (##CHY_DMB_PHY_XI_P2_QP_17_E03_044_Q01.png" width="80%">

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  32. The rotational kinetic energy of a solid sphere of mass Kg and radius 0.2 m rolling down an inclined plane of height 7 m is

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QUESTION questions and complete solutions for chapter QUESTION PAPERS OF NEET -2017 of CHHAYA PHYSICS (BENGALI ENGLISH) of Class 11