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Complete Solutions to EXERCISE ( Problem set -II) of chapter KINETIC THEORY OF GASES of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions9
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Three vessels of equal capacity have gases at the same temperature and pressure. The first vessel contains neon (monatomic) the second contains chlorine (diatomic) and the third contains uranium hexafluoride(polyatomic). Do the vessels contain equal number of respective molecules? Is the root mean square speed of molecules are same in the three cases in `v_(rms)` the largest?

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  2. From a certain appartus the diffusion rate of hydrogen has an average value of `28.7 cm^2.s^-1` The diffusion of another gas under the same conditions is measured to have an average rate of `7.2 cm^3.s^-1` Identify the gas.

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  3. The mean kinetic energy of the molecules of an ideal gas is given by `E=2.07 times 10^-23 TJ.mol^-1` where T is temperature of the gas. Calculate the number of molecules to 1 litre of the gas at STP. What will be the average distance between the molecules?[Given standard atmosphere =`1.01 times 10^5 N.m^-2`]

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  4. A jar contains a gas and few drops of water at `T_1K`. The pressure of the jar is 830mm of mercury. The temperature of the jar is reduced by 1% The saturated vapour pressure at the two temperatures are 30 mm and 25 mm of mercury calculate the new pressure in the jar.

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  5. A gaseous mixture consists of 16 g of helium and 16 g of oxygen. Obtain the ratio of `C_p/C_v` of the mixture.

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  6. A container of volume `0.166 m^3` contains a mixture of `1.60 g` oxygen and 2.80 g nitrogen at constant temperature 300 K. Find the pressure of the mixture.

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  7. The mean square speed of the molecules of a fixed mass of a gas is `6.8 times 10^4 m^2.s^-2` calculate the mean square speed of the molecules when the gas has been compressed adiabatically to half of its original , volume The ratio of the specific heat capacity of the gas at constant pressure to that at constant volume is 1.30.

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  8. One mole of an ideal gas `(gamma=1.4)` performs 80 J of work while undergoing isobaric expansion. Find the amount of heat absorbed by the gas in the process and change in its internal energy.

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  9. A barometer tube is 1 m long and `2 cm^2` in cross section. Mercury stands up to height of 75 cm in the tube. When a small amount of oxygen is introduced in the space above the mercury level,the level falls by 5 cm. Calculate the mass of the oxygen introduced. Room temperature `=27^@C g=10 m.s^-2` and density of mercury = `13600 kg.m^-3`

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EXERCISE ( Problem set -II) questions and complete solutions for chapter KINETIC THEORY OF GASES of CHHAYA PHYSICS (BENGALI ENGLISH) of Class 11