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Complete Solutions to CBSE SCANNER of chapter WORK AND ENERGY of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions27
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Prove that the total mechanical energy remains constant for a ball mass m dropped from a tower of height h.

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  2. Answer with reason: In an elastic collision of two billiard balls, is the total kinetic energy conserved during the short time of collision of the balls (i.e., when they are in contact )?

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  3. The casting of a rocket in flight burns up due to friction. At whose expense the heat energy required for burning obtained ? The rocket or the atmosphere ,or both /

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  4. What are conservative forces ? Give an example.

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  5. Distinguish between elastic and inelastic collisions.

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  6. if the force applied on an object is 5N and the power expended by it 20W , what is the velocity of the object ?

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  7. From the graph shown Fig.1.73 calculate the work done by the applied force and frictional force over a distance of 2m.

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  8. State and prove law of conservation of mechanical energy in a free fall with a necessary diagram.

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  9. Two objects of masses in the ratio 1:2 collide elastically with each other. What is the ratio of their kinetic energies ?

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  10. State and prove work- energy theorem for a variable force.

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  11. What will happen in an elastic collision in one dimension when a heavy body collides with a light body at rest?

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  12. Two bodies A and B weighing 5kg and 6kg respectively have equal momentum . Which one has more kinetic energy ?

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  13. What is meant by elastic collision ? Show that when two bodies of equal masses moving in one dimension suffer elastic collision, their velocities are exchanged after collision.

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  14. State work-energy theorem. Prove it for a constant force.

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  15. Two bodies of different masses have equal kinetic energies . Which will have more momentum ?

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  16. Angad and Nalin were observing a building having two different staircases. One slanting and other vertically spiral. Angad was of the opinion that a person using slanting staircase will be doing more work against gravity but Nalin though otherwise. They started quarrelling. Arif, their friend, explained and gave entirely different view and pacified them.
    What according to you was the explanation given by Arif?

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  17. Angad and Nalin were observing a building having two different staircases. One slanting and other vertically spiral. Angad was of the opinion that a person using slanting staircase will be doing more work against gravity but Nalin though otherwise. They started quarrelling. Arif, their friend, explained and gave entirely different view and pacified them.
    (b) What appreciable values do you see in Arif ?

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  18. Angad and Nalin were observing a building having two different staircases. One slanting and other vertically spiral. Angad was of the opinion that a person using slanting staircase will be doing more work against gravity but Nalin though otherwise. They started quarrelling. Arif, their friend, explained and gave entirely different view and pacified them.
    (c ) Does it also follow with friction? why or why not ?

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  19. Prove that the velocity get interchange in case of elastic collision of two objects of same mass.

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  20. State work-energy theorem. The momentum of a body of mass 5 kg is 500 `kg*m*s^(-1)`. Find its kinetic energy.

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  21. A light body and a heavy body have same linear momentum . Which one has greater kinetic energy ?

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  22. State and prove work-energy theorem.

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  23. State if the following statement is true of false. Give reason for your answer"In an inelastic collision, the final kinetic energy is always less than the initial kinetic energy of the system."

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  24. A ball of 0.1 makes an elastic collision with a ball of unknown mass that is initially at rest. If the 0.1 kg ball rebounds at one third of its original speed, what is the mas of the other ball ?

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  25. The sign of work done by a force on a body is important to understand . State carefully if the following quantities are positive or negative.
    (a) work done by a man in lifting a bucket out of a well by mass of a rope tied to the bucket .

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  26. The sign of work done by a force on a body is important to understand . State carefully if the following quantities are positive or negative.
    (b) work done by friction on a body sliding down an inclined plane.

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  27. The sign of work done by a force on a body is important to understand . State carefully if the following quantities are positive or negative.
    (c ) work done by an applied force on a body moving on a rough horizontal plane with uniform velocity.

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CBSE SCANNER questions and complete solutions for chapter WORK AND ENERGY of CHHAYA PHYSICS (BENGALI ENGLISH) of Class 11