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Complete Solutions to Problem Set -I (Based on Fundamentals of Friction ) of chapter FRICTION of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

CHHAYA PRAKASHINIProblem Set -I (Based on Fundamentals of Friction )
Number Of Questions13
Academic Year2023-24
  1. What is the minimum force that needs to be applied on a body of mass 100 g, kept on a horizontal surface, to set the body in motion? Given, coefficient of friction between the surface and the body is 0.4 and the force acts parallel to the surface.

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  2. A piece of stone came to rest after covering a distance of 20 m over an surface. If the initial velocity of the stone was 1 `"m.s"^(-1)`, what was the coefficient of friction between the stone and ice?

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  3. A substance of mass 100 kg is to be pulled over a floor, Coefficient of static and sliding friction are 0.5 and 0.45 respectively. Find the force required to (i) set the substance in motion (ii) maintain the motion.

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  4. A pot of mass 1 kg is raised vertically at a constant velocity by holding it firmly with both hands. Coefficient of friction between the hands and the pot is 0.2, what is the force applied by each hand?

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  5. While lifting a 10 kg block vertically with a constant velocity, it is kept pressed against a wall by a horizontal force of 49 N. Coefficient of friction between the block and the wall is 0.2. Find the upward force.

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  6. A man manages to balance a block of mass 2 kg by pushing it in horizontal against an erect wall. If `mu= 0.25` between the wall and the block , and `mu = 0.15` between the block and the hand, find the force needed to be applied by the man.

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  7. The length of a chain is 1 m. The chain is lying on a horizontal table. The coefficient of friction between the chain and the table is 0.25. What is the maximum length of the chain that can hang out without slipping ?

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  8. A 4 kg block A is placed on 8 kg block B which rests on a smooth table. Block A just slips on B when a force of 12 N is applied on A. What is the maximum horizontal force F on B required to make both A and B move together?

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  9. A motor car running at the rate of `7 "m.s"^(-1)` can be stopped by its brakes in 10 m. Prove that total resistance to the motion when brakes are on is one fourth of the weight of the car.

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  10. A car is travelling at the rate of 70 km/hr. Suddenly the brakes are applied causing all the tyres to skid. How far will the car travel before coming to rest ? Given `mu` = 0.2.

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  11. A body of mass 60 g is kept on an inclined plane of inclination `30^(@)` . If the downward resultant force is 0.1764 N, estimate the value of the coefficient of friction.

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  12. The coefficient of friction between a plane inclined at `60^(@)` and a body of mass 100 g kept on that plane is `(1)/(sqrt(3))`,. What force should be applied along the plane so that the body can move upwards ?

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  13. There is an inclined plane with length 13 m, heght 5 m and `mu = (1)/(3)`. With what initial velocity a body is to be slided up the plane so that it just comes to rest at the top of the inclined plane ?

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Problem Set -I (Based on Fundamentals of Friction ) questions and complete solutions for chapter FRICTION of CHHAYA PHYSICS (BENGALI ENGLISH) of Class 11