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Complete Solutions to EXERCISE of chapter HYDROSTATICS of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions39
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Sphere of iron and lead having same mass are completely immersed in water. Density of lead is more than that of iron. Apparent loss of weight is `w_(1)` for iron sphere and `w_(2)` for lead sphere. Then `w_(1)//w_(2)` is

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  2. The radius of a cylinderical container is r. When a liquid is poured into the container up to a height h, then the thrust on the bottom and that on the lateral surface of the container become equal. In this case

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  3. The density `rho` of water of bulk modulus B at a depth y in the ocean is related to the density at surface `rho_(0)` by the relation

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  4. Two identical cylindrical containers contain a liquid of density d. The bases of the containers lie on the same horizontal plane. The depths of liquid in the base two containers are `h_(1)andh_(2)` respectively and the base areas of both containers is A. If the two containers are connected by a pipe, then the work done by gravity to equalize the levels of liquid in the two containers is

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  5. The dimensions of a black of iron of density `5g*cm^(-3)` are `5cmxx5cmxx5cm`. It is weighed by immersing it completely in water. Its apparent weight will be

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  6. There is a layer of oil over mercury in a container. The density of mercury is `13.6g*cm^(-3)` and that of the oil is `0.8g*cm^(-3)`. A homogeneous sphere remains immersed with half of its volume in mercury and the other half in oil. The density of the material of the sphere in `g*cm^(-3)` is

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  7. When a block is suspended in air from a spring balance, it reads 60 N. When the block is immersed completely in water, the spring balance reads 40 N. The specific gravity of the block is

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  8. A wooden cubic block with a 200 g mass floats in water just fully immersed. When the mass is removed, the block floats up by 2 cm. The length of each side of the cube is

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  9. A piece of ice of density `900kg*m^(-3)` floats on water. The part of the piece of ice that remains outside the water surface is

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  10. Two stretched membranes of area `2m^(2)and3m^(2)` are kept at the same depth in a liquid. The ratio of the pressures on them is

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  11. If a pressure is applied on any part of an enclosed fluid, then that pressure

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  12. The pressure exerted by a liquid at the bottom of the container containing the liquid does not depend on

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  13. Bar is a unit of pressure. 1 bar = ?

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  14. The working principle of a hydraulic press depends on

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  15. A thin uniform cylindrical shell, closed at both ends is partially filled with water. It is floating vertically in water in half-submerged state. If `rho_(c)` is the relative density of the material of the shell with respect to water, then the correct statement is that the shell is

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  16. Which of the following works on Pascal's law?

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  17. If the liquid used in a hydraulic press is replaced by a gas, then the press

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  18. The radii of two thin circular discs are 0.03 m and 0.04 m respectively. They are placed inside a liquid at the same depth. The ratio of the thrusts acting on them is

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  19. The diameters of the smaller and larger pistons of a hydraulic press are `d_(1)andd_(2)` respectively. If the force applied on the smaller piston is `F_(1)`, then the force developed on the larger piston will be

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  20. A hole is made at a depth h on the wall of a container containing a liquid. The velocity of efflux of the liquid through the hole is

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  21. A cylindrical vessel contains water up to a height H. A hole is made on the wall of vessel. If the jet of water coming out from the hole traverses the maximum distance from the base of the vessel, then the hole is situated

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  22. A tank contains water up to a height H. A hole is made at a depth h from the upper surface. The horizontal range of the jet of water coming out from the hole is

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  23. Of the following substances, which one can be lifted upwards with more ease with the help of a hydrogen-filled balloon?

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  24. A man is carrying a bucket of water in one hand and a piece of plastic in the other. When the piece of plastic is dropped into the water of the bucket, then the man

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  25. A body remains floating in a liquid kept in a beaker. If the entire system falls under gravity, then the upthrust of the liquid acting on the body will be

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  26. A body floats in a liquid fully submerged. If the body is pressed slightly downwards and then released, it will

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  27. A bird is sitting on the floor of a wire cage. This cage is carried by a boy. In this situation, if the bird starts flying inside the cage, then the boy will feel that

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  28. A boat of length 3m and breadth 2m is floating on water in a lake. When a man rides on the boat, it sinks 1 cm more. The mass of the man is

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  29. A wooden block is floating on water in a closed vessel. If the entire space above the water is evacuated, then

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  30. A body is floating on a liquid. The upthrust by the liquid acting on the body is

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  31. A block of wood and a solid lead sphere are kept in a container with water up to its brim. Now, if the lead sphere is placed on the floating block of wood, then the level of water

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  32. Two solid pieces one of steel and other of aluminium when immersed completely in water have equal weights. When the solid pieces are weighed in air

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  33. A man is sitting on a boat in a pond. If the man drinks some water from the pond, the level of water in the pond

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  34. A piece of ice is floating on a liquid of density `1.5g*cm^(-3)` kept in a beaker. If the piece of ice melts completely, then the liquid level in the beaker

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  35. A wooden block of mass 120 kg floats on water. The density of the wooden block is `600kg*m^(-3)`. The weight that should be placed on the wooden block so that it just sinks will be

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  36. A body with a uniform cross-section floats on a liquid. The density of the liquid is thrice the density of the body. The part of the body that remains above the liquid is

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  37. A body remains floating in a liquid with a part of it immersed in the liquid. If the body along with the liquid is taken to the moon, then the body

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  38. With increase in temperature, the upthrust acting on a body immersed in a liquid

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  39. A block of wood of mass m and density `rho` is tied with a thread and rigidly fixed at the bottom of a vessel. The vessel is filled with a liquid of density `sigma(sigmagtrho)`. The tension acting on the string is

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EXERCISE questions and complete solutions for chapter HYDROSTATICS of CHHAYA PHYSICS (BENGALI ENGLISH) of Class 11