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Complete Solutions to Integer answer type of chapter DOPPLER EFFECT IN SOUND of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

CHHAYA PRAKASHINIInteger answer type
Number Of Questions4
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The frequency of the sound of a car horn as perceived by an observer towards whom the car is moving differs from the fre-quency of the horn by ` 2.5 % ` . Assuming that the velocity of sound in air is 320 m . ` s^(-1)` , find the velocity (in m . ` s^(-1)`) of the car .

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  2. A man is watching two trains , one leaving and the other coming in with equal speed of 4m . ` s^(-1)` . If they sound their whistles , each of frequency 240 Hz , find the number of beats heard by the man (velocity of sound in air = 320 m ` s^(-1)` ).

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  3. The difference between the apparent frequency of a source of sound as perceived by an observer during its spproach and recession is 2% of the natural frequency of the source . If the velocity of sound in air is 300 m . ` s^(-1)` , find the velocity ( in m . ` s^(-1)` ) of the source .

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  4. A stationary source is emitting sound at a fixed frequency ` f_(0)` which is reflected by two cars approaching the source . The difference between the frequencies of sound reflected from the cars is ` 1.2% ` of ` f_(0) ` . What is the differernce in the speeds of the cars ( in km per hour) to nearest interger ? The cars are moving at constant speeds much smaller then the speed of sound which is 330 m ` s^(-1)` .

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Integer answer type questions and complete solutions for chapter DOPPLER EFFECT IN SOUND of CHHAYA PHYSICS (BENGALI ENGLISH) of Class 11