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Complete Solutions to EXERCISE - PROBLEM SET - I of chapter EXPANSION OF SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions17
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If the temperature of a rod of length 2 m is increased by `100^(@)C`, what will be its increase in length? Given, `alpha` for the rod `=0.000012^(@)C^(-1)`.

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  2. When the temperature of a 3 m long iron rod is increased from `0^(@)C` to `200^(@)C`, the rod increases in length by 7.2 mm. Determine the coefficient of linear expansion of iron.

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  3. Due to rise in temperature of a brass rod by `100^(@)C`, its length increases by 0.5 cm. What was the initial length of the rod? `alpha` for brass `=19 times 10^(-6@)C^(-1)`.

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  4. The lengths of an iron and a zinc rod at `0^(@)C` are 25.55 cm and 25.5 cm respectively. At what temperature will their lengths be equal? Coefficients of linear expansion of iron and zinc are `10 times 10^(-6@)C^(-1)` and `30 times 10^(-6@)C^(-1)` respectively.

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  5. The length of the steel structure of a bridge is 0.5 km and it has to withstand temperature change from `44^(@)F` to `116^(@)F`. What allowance should be kept for its expansion if the coefficient of linear expansion of steel is `1 times 10^(-5@)C^(-1)`?

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  6. A steel tape 1 m long is correctly calibrated for a temperature of 27.0 `""^(@)C`. The length of a steel rod measured by this tape is found to be 63.0 cm on a hot day when the temperature is 45.0 `""^(@)C`. What is the actual length of the steel rod on that day? What is the length of the same steel rod on a day when the temperature is `27.0^(@)C`? Coefficient of linear expansion of steel `=1.20 times 10^(-5)K^(-1)`.

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  7. An iron sphere is to be passed through a circular brass ring. At `20^(@)C`, the diameter of the sphere is 25 cm and the internal diameter of the ring is 24.9 cm. If both the sphere and the ring are heated together, at what temperature will the sphere just pass through the ring? `alpha` for iron `=1.2 times 10^(-5@)C^(-1)` and `alpha` for brass `=2times10^(-5@)C^(-1)`.

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  8. Diameter of a brass disc at `30^(@)C` is 10 cm. What will be the increase in area of the disc at `70^(@)C`? `alpha` for brass `=18 times 10^(-6@)C^(-1)`.

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  9. Prove that, the expansion of volume V of a solid due to a rise `Deltat` in temperature is `DeltaV=3alphaV*Deltat`.
    Here, `alpha=` coefficient of linear expansion of the solid.

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  10. Densities of glass at `10^(@)C` and `60^(@)C` are `2.6g*cm^(-3) " and " 2.596 g*cm^(-3)` respectively. What is the average coefficients of linear expansion of glass in between these two temperatures?

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  11. A square metal plate of side 100 cm at `0^(@)C`, has a circular hole of diameter 40 cm in the middle of it. At what temperature, will each side by 101 cm long? What will be the diameter of the hole at that temperature? `alpha` for the metal `=12.5 times 10^(-6@)C^(-1)`

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  12. The coefficient of apparent expansion of a liquid in a brass vessel is `14.6 times 10^(-5@)C^(-1)`. What will be the coefficient of apparent expansion of that liquid when it is in iron vessel? `alpha` for brass `=18 times 10^(-6@)C^(-1) " and " alpha ` for iron `=12 times 10^(-6@)C^(-1)`.

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  13. Volume of the bulb of a thermometer is 1 `cm^3`. Each degree division of that thermometer should be 5 mm long. What will be the cross-sectional area of the thermometer tube? Coefficient of apparent expansion of mercury with respect to glass is `1.6 times 10^(-4@)C^(-1)`.

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  14. The bulb and the stem of a mercury-in-glass thermometer contains 1 `cm^(3)` of mercury up to the zero mark. If the internal diameter of the stem is 0.3 mm, what is the length of a degree celsius on the scale? Coefficient of real expansion of mercury `=18 times 10^(-5@)C^(-1)` and coefficient of linear expansion of glass `=8 times 10^(-6@)C^(-1)`.

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  15. Masses of `10cm^(3)` of water at `0^(@)C` and `4^(@)C` are 9.998 g and 10 g respectively. Calculate the coefficient of real expansion of water in this range of temperature.

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  16. A capilllary glass tube of uniform bore contains a thread of mercury 1 m long at `0^(@)C`. When temperature is raised to `100^(@)C`, the thread is found to be 16.5 mm longer. If the coefficient of real expansion of mercury is `=18.2 times 10^(-5@)C^(-1)`, then what will be the coefficient of linear expansion of glass?

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  17. A closed glass bulb contains some mercury. Volumes of the empty space of the bulb at `0^(@)C " and " 40^(@)C` are 1 `cm^(3)` and 0.98 `cm^(3)` respectively. Determine the volume of mercury. Assume that `alpha` for glass `=7.2 times 10^(-6@)C^(-1) " and " gamma` for mercury `=1.81 times 10^(-4@)C^(-1)`.

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EXERCISE - PROBLEM SET - I questions and complete solutions for chapter EXPANSION OF SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS of CHHAYA PHYSICS (BENGALI ENGLISH) of Class 11