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Complete Solutions to Solved Papers 2017(AIIMS) of chapter SOLVD PAPERS 2017 NEET, AIIMS & JIPMER of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

DC PANDEY NEETSolved Papers 2017(AIIMS)
Number Of Questions26
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Match the correct graph

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  2. The driver of a car travelling with speed `30ms^-1` towards a hill sounds a horn of frequency 600 Hz. If the velocity of sound in air is `330ms^-1`, the frequency of reflected sound as heard by driver is

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  3. A spaceship is launched into a circular orbit close to the earth's surface . What additional velocity has now to be imparted to the spaceship in the orbit to overcome the gravitational pull. Radius of earth `= 6400 km`, `g = 9.8m//s^(2)`.

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  4. A force `F=-K(yhati+xhatj)` (where K is a positive constant) acts on a particle moving in the x-y plane. Starting from the origin, the particle is taken along the positive x-axis to the point `(a, 0)`, and then parallel to the y-axis to the point `(a, a)`. The total work done by the force F on the particle is

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  5. At what minimum acceleration should a monkey slide a rope whose breaking strength is `(2)/(3)`rd of its weight?

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  6. Four blocks of the same mass m connected by cords are pulled by a force F on a smooth horizontal surface as shown in Determine the tensions `T_1 ,T_2` and `T_3` in the cords.

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  7. What is the maximum height attained by a body projected with a velocity equal to one- third of the escape velocity from the surface of the earth? (Radius of the earth=R)

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  8. A block is dragged on a smooth plane with the help of a rope which moves with a velocity v as shown in figure. The horizontal velocity of the block is :

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  9. Two satellites `S_(1)` and `S_(2)` are revolving round a planet in coplanar and concentric circular orbit of radii `R_(1)` and `R_(2)` in te same direction respectively. Their respective periods of revolution are 1 hr and 8 hr. the radius of the orbit of satellite `S_(1)` is equal to `10^(4)`km. Find the relative speed in kmph when they are closest.

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  10. A body of mass `4 kg` moving with velocity `12 m//s` collides with another body of mass `6 kg` at rest. If two bodies stick together after collision , then the loss of kinetic energy of system is

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  11. The Coefficient of cubical expansion of mercury is `0.0018//^(@)C` and that of brass `0.000006//^(@)C`, find the true barmetric height at `0^(@)C`.The scale is supposed to be coreect at `15^(@)C`

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  12. A particle of mass m is moving in a circular path of constant radius r such that its centripetal acceleration `a_(c)` is varying with time t as `a_(c) = k^(2)rt^(2)`, where k is a constant. The power delivered to the particle by the forces acting on it is :

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  13. A body of mass `5xx10^(-3)` kg is launched upon a rough inclined plane making an angle of `30^(@)` with the horizontal. Obtain the coefficient of friction between the body and the plane if the time of ascent is half of the time of descent.

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  14. A boy is pulshing a ring of mass 3 kg and radius 0.6 m with a stick as shown in figure. The stick applies a force of 3N on the ring and rolls it without slipping with an acceleration of 0.4 `m//s^(2)`
    The coefficient of friction between the ground and the ring is large enough that rolling always occurs and the coefficeient of friction between the stick and the ring is `(f)/(10)` The vlaue of F is

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  15. A body of mass `m` is released from a height h to a scale pan hung from a spring. The spring constant of the spring is `k`, the mass of the scale pan is negligible and the body does not bounce relative to the pan, then the amplitude of vibration is

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  16. In an experiment to measure the height of bridge by droping stone into water underneath. If the error in measurment of time is 0.2s at the end of 4s, then the error in estimation of height of bridge will be (neglect the water resistance i.e thrust)

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  17. A person of weight 70 kg wants to loose 7 kg by going up and dwon 12 m stairs.Assume he burns twice as much fat while going up than going down.If 1 kg of fat is burnt on expending 9000 k-cal.How many times must he go up and down to reduce his 7 kg weight?
    `(Take g=10 ms^(-2))`

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  18. One mole of an ideal diatomic gas undergoes a transition from A to B along a path AB as shown in (figure). The change in internal energy of the gas during the transition is `(gamma=3//5)`

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  19. Assertion For looping a verticla loop of radius, r the minimum velocity at lowest point should be `sqrt(5gr).` Reason In this event the velocityh at the highest point will be zero.

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  20. Assertion A spring of force constatn k is cut in to two piece having lengths in the ratio 1:2 The force constant of series combination of the two parts is `(3k)/(2)`
    The spring connected in series are represented by `k=k_(1)+k_(2)`

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  21. Assertion The total kinetic energy of a rolling solid sphere is the sum of translational and rotationla kinetic energies .
    Reason For all solid bodies. Totla kinetic energy is always twice of translational kinetic energy.

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  22. Assertion It is hotter over the top of a fire than at the same distance on the sides .
    Reason In the upwared direction , the heat propagate through convection.

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  23. Assertion When `theta = 45^(@) or 135^(@)`, the valueof R remains the same, only the sign changes.
    Reason R= `(u^(2)sin2theta)/(g)`

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  24. Assertion In adiabatic expansion the product of p and V always decreses
    Reason In adiabatic expansion process, wrok is done by the gas at the cost of internal energy of gas.

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  25. Assertion : The molecules of a monatomic gas has three degrees freedom.
    Reason : The molecules of a diatomic gas has five degrees of freedom.

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  26. Assertion Molar heat capacity cannot be defined for isothermal process.
    Reason In isothermal prcess p-V versus T graph is a dot.

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Solved Papers 2017(AIIMS) questions and complete solutions for chapter SOLVD PAPERS 2017 NEET, AIIMS & JIPMER of DC PANDEY PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11