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Complete Solutions to chapter exercises of chapter VECTORS of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

DC PANDEY NEETchapter exercises
Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The vector quantily among the following is

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  2. A vetor is added to an equal and oppsite vector of similar nature,forms a

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  3. Out og the following quantities,which is scalar?

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  4. Which of the followingis a unit vector ?

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  5. The component of a vector is

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  6. The expression `(1/(sqrt(2))hat(i)+1/(sqrt(2))hat(j))` is a

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  7. Theposition vector of a moving particle at time t is `r=3hati+4thatj-thatk` Its displacement during the time interval `t=1` s to t=3` s is

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  8. Vector `P=6hati+4sqrt(2)hatj+4sqrt(2)hatk` makes angle from Z-axas equal to

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  9. Given :
    `vec A = hati + hatj +hatk and vec B =-hati-hatj-hatk` What is the angle between `(vec A - vec B) and vec A` ?

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  10. Which of the following Statement is true?

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  11. The component of vector `A=2hati+3hatj` along the vector `hati+hatj` is

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  12. A vector `P=3hati-2hatj+ahatk` is perpendicular to the vector `Q=2hati+hatj -hatk,` The value of a is

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  13. If three vector along coordinate axis represent the adjacent sides of a cube of length b, then the unit vector along its diaonal passing thourth the origin will be

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  14. The angle between two vectors `-2hati+3hatj+k` and `hati+2hatj-4hatk` is

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  15. The angle between the vector `2hati+hatj+hatk and hatj`?

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  16. What is the angle between `hati+hatj+hatk and hatj`?

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  17. Which of the following is the unit vector perpendicular to `vec(A)` and `vec(B)`?

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  18. If `(|a+b|)/(|a-b|)=1`, then the angle between `a` and `b` is

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  19. A man walk 20 m at an angle` 60^(@)` north of east . How far towards east has he he travellled ?

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  20. If A=B , then which of the following is not correct ?

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  21. The area of the parallelogram represented by the vectors `vecA=2hati+3hatj` and `vecB=hati+4hatj` is

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  22. The forces, which meet at one point but their line of action do not lie in one plane,are called

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  23. If the angle between two vectors A and B is `120^(@)`, then its resultant C will be

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  24. The condition under which the vector (a+b) and (a-b) are parallel is

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  25. A body, under the action of a force `vec(F)=6hati -8hatj+10hatk` , acquires an acceleration of `1ms^(-2)` . The mass of this body must be.

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  26. The vector sum of two forces is perpendicular to their vector differences. In that case, the forces

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  27. The resultant of ` vec(a)` and ` vec(b)` makes `alpha` with `vec(a)` and `beta` with `vec(b)`, then (a,b represent magnitudes of respective vectors) :

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  28. Two equal vector have a resultant equal to either of them, then the angle between them will be:

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  29. If A and B are Two non -zero vector having equal magnitude , the angle between the vector A and A-B is

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  30. The angle between `vecA = hati + hatj and vecB = hati - hatj` is

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  31. Five equal forces of `10 N` each are applied at one point and all are lying one plane. If the angles between them are equal, the resultant force will be

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  32. Two vectors `vec(A) and vec(B)` inclined at an angle `theta` have a resultant `vec(R )` which makes an angle `alpha` with `vec(A)`. If the directions of `vec(A) and vec(B)` are interchanged, the resultant will have the same

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  33. What is correct ?

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  34. Resultant of which of a following may be equal to zero?

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  35. A man first moves 3 m due east , them 6 m due north and finally 7 m due west , then the magnitude of the resultant displacement is (in metre)

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  36. The resultant of two forces 3P and 2P is R. If the first force is doubled then resultant is also doubled.The angle between the two forces is

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  37. Two forces 8 N and 12 act ay `120^(@)` The third force required to keep the body in equilbrium is

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  38. If A.B =0 and `AxxB =1 ` , then A and B are

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  39. If `P+Q=R and |P|=|Q|= sqrt(3) and |R| ==3 ,` then the angle between P and Q is

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  40. The component of a vector `r` along X-axis will have maximum value if

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  41. Six vector `vec(a)` through `vec(f)` have the magnitudes and direction indicated in the figure. Which of the following statements is true?

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  42. A paricle starting from the origin (0,0) moves in a straight line in `(x,y)` plane. Its coordinates at a later time are `(sqrt(3),3)`. The path of the particle makes with the x-axis an angle of

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  43. Consider a vector `vecF=4hati-3hatj`. Another vector that is perpendicular to `vecF` is

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  44. The angle between vectors `(AxxB)and(BxxA)` is

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  45. The angle between vectors `(AxxB)and(BxxA)` is

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  46. Unit vector perpnicular to vector `A=-3hati-2hatj -3hatk and 2hati + 4hatj +6hatk` oth is

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  47. Unit vector parallel to the resultant of vector `8hati` and `8hatj` will be

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  48. A force of `5 N` acts on a particle along a direction making an angle of `60^(@)` with verticle. Its verticel components is

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  49. If `vecA=3hati+4hatj` and `vecB=7hati+24hatj`, find a vector having the same magnitude as `vecB` and parallel and same direction as `vecA`.

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  50. The vector that must be added to the vector `hati-3hatj+2hatk` and `3hati+6hatj+7hatk` so that the resultant vector is a unit vector along the y-axis is

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  51. A vector is represented by `3hati+hatj+2hatk`. Its length in `XY` plane is

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  52. Let `vec(A)=hat(i)A cos theta+hat(j)A sin theta`, be any vector. Another vector `vec(B)` which is normal to `vec(A)` is :-

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  53. If two vectors `2hati+3hatj-hatk` and `-4hati-6hatj-lamdahatk` are parallel to each other then value of `lamda` be

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  54. What is the angle between `(vec(P)+vec(Q))` and `(vec(P)xxvecQ)?`

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  55. If a unit vector is represented by `0.5 hat(i) + 0.8 hat(j) + c hat(k)` , then the value of `c` is

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  56. If `A =a_(1) hat"i"+ b_(1)hat"j"and B=a_(2)hat"i"+b_(2)hat"j"` the condition that they are perpendicula to each other is

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  57. For what value of x , will the two vector `A= 2hati + 2hatj -x hatk and B =2 hati - hatj - 3hatk ` are perpendicular to each other ?

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  58. A and B are two vector given by `A= 2hati +3hatjand B=2hati+4hatj` The magnitude to the component of A along B is

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  59. The value of x and y for which vector `A= (6hati+xhatj-2hatk)and B=(5hati+6hatj-yhatk)` may be parallel are

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  60. The angles which the vector `A=3hati + 6hatj+2hatk` makes with the co-ordinate axes are

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  61. A particle is moving on a circular path with constant speed v then the change in its velocity after it has desceibed an angle of `60^(@)` will be

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  62. Find the resultant of the three vectors `vec(OA), vec(OB)` and `vec(OC)` shown in figure. Radius of the circle is R.

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  63. Resultant of two vector of equal magnitude A is

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  64. If `ahati +bhatj` is a unit vector and it iws perpendicular to `hati +hatj` , then value of a and b is

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  65. If `a+b+c=0, "then "axxb ` is equal to

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  66. Consider a force vector `F=hati+ hatj + hatk ` Anorther vectoer perpendicular of F is

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  67. A vector perpendicular to both the vector `2hati -3hatj and 3hati - 2hatj ` is

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  68. If `vecA=4hati-3hatj` and `vecB=6hati+8hatj` then magnitude and direction of `vecA+vecB` will be

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  69. When a force F acs on a body of mass m the acceleration product in the body is a . If htree equal forces `F_(1)=F_(2)=F_(3)=F` act on the same body as shown in figure the accleration produced is

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  70. Obtain the magnitude and direction cosines of vector `(A-B),` if `A=2hati+3hatj+hatk, B=2hati+2hatj+3hatk`

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  71. Two vectors having equal magnitudes A make an angle `theta` with eahc other. Find the magnitude and direction of the resultant.

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  72. `12` coplanar non collinear forces (all of equal magnitude) maintain a body in equilibrium, then angle between any two adjacent forces is

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  73. Given that `vecA+vecB+vecC=0`, out of three vectors two are equal in magnitude and the magnitude of third vector is `sqrt2` times that of either of two having equal magnitude. Then angle between vectors are given by

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  74. Two vectors `A` and `B` are such that `A+B = C` and `A^2 +B^2 = C^2`. If `theta` is the angle between positive direction of `A` and `B`, then the correct statement is

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  75. Given `A= 3hati+4hatj and B=6hati+8hatj ` which of the following statement is correct ?

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  76. If a vector `vec(A)` make angles `alpha , beta ` and `gamma`, respectively , with the `X , Y` and `Z` axes , then `sin^(2) alpha + sin^(2) beta + sin^(2) gamma =`

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  77. If vector A and B have an angle `theta` between them, then value of `|hatA -hatB|` will be ,

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  78. A particle undergoes three successive displacements given by `s_(1) =sqrt(2)` m morth - east , `s_(1)=2` m due south and `s_(3) =4 m, 30^(@)` north of west , then mngnitude of net displecement is

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  79. The resultant of A and B is `R_(1)` On reversing the vector B , the resulatnt `R_(2)` what is the value of `R_(1)^(2)+ R_(2)^(2)`?

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  80. If the sum of two unit vectors is a unit vector, then magnitude of difference is-

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  81. The sum of two vectors A and B is at right angles to their difference. Then

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  82. A vector having magnitude 30 unit makes equal angles with each of X,Y, and Z -axes The components of vector along each of X,Y,and Z -axes are

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  83. `ABCDEF` is a regular hexagon, Fig. 2 (c ) .65. What is the value of
    ` (vec (AB) + vec (AC) + vec (AD) + vec (AE) + vec (AF) ?`

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  84. If A is a unit vector in a given direction then the value of `hatA.(dhatA)/(dt)` is

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  85. If `F_(1) and F_(2)` aare two vectors of equal magniudes F such that `|F_(1).F_(2)|= |F_(1)xxF_(2)|, "then"|F_(1) +F_(2)|` equals to

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  86. Figure showns three vectors p,q and r where C is the mid - point of AB Then which of the following reation is correct ?

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  87. What is the angle between P and the cross product of `(P+Q)and (P-Q)`?

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  88. The resultant of two vectors `vec(P)` and `vec(Q)` is `vec(R)`. If `vec(Q)` is doubled then the new resultant vector is perpendicular to `vec(P)`. Then magnitude of `vec(R)` is :-

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  89. The angle between the vector `vec(A)` and `vec(B)` is `theta`. Find the value of triple product `vec(A).(vec(B)xxvec(A))`.

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  90. The sum of the magnitudes of two forces acting at a point is 18 and the magnitude of their resultant is 12. If the resultant is at `90^(@)` with the force of smaller magnitude, What are the magnitudes of forces?

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  91. A vector `vec(a)` is turned without a change in its length through a small angle `d theta`. Find the value of `|Deltavec(a)|` and `Delta a`.

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  92. A force `F=-K(yhati+xhatj)` (where K is a positive constant) acts on a particle moving in the x-y plane. Starting from the origin, the particle is taken along the positive x-axis to the point `(a, 0)`, and then parallel to the y-axis to the point `(a, a)`. The total work done by the force F on the particle is

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  93. In the digram shown in figure

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  94. If a and b are two vectors.then the value of `(a+b)xx(a-b)` is

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  95. Given that `vec(A)+vec(B)=vec(C )` and that `vec(C )` is perpendicular to `vec(A)` Further if `|vec(A)|=|vec(C )|`, then what is the angle between `vec(A)` and `vec(B)`

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  96. The resultant of two forces,one double the other in magnitude,is perpendicular to the smaller of the two forces.The angle between the two forces is

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  97. If `A+B=C,|A|=2|B|and B.C=0,` then

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  98. Two unit vector when added give a unit vector . Then choose the correct statement.

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  99. Which one of the following statement is true?

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  100. Figure shows the orientation of two vectors `u` and `v` in the `XY` plane.
    if `vecu=ahati+bhatj` and `vecv=p hati+qhatj`
    which of the following is correct?

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chapter exercises questions and complete solutions for chapter VECTORS of DC PANDEY PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11