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Complete Solutions to Medical entrance gallary of chapter THERMOMETRY THERMAL EXPANSION AND KINETIC THEORY OF GASES of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

DC PANDEY NEETMedical entrance gallary
Number Of Questions30
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A fiven sample of an ideal gas occupise a volume V at a pressure p and sbsoulte temperature T.The mass of each molecule of the gas is m. Which of the following fives the dinsity of the gas ?

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  2. Coefficient of liner expansion of brass and steel rods are `alpha_(1)` and `alpha_(2)`. Length of brass and steel rods are `l_(1)` and `l_(2)` respectively. If `(l_(2)-l_(1))` is maintained same at all temperatures, which one of the following relations hold good ?

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  3. The molecules of a given mass of a gas have rms velocity of `200 m//s at 27^(@)C and 1.0 xx 10^(5) N//m_(2)` pressure. When the temperature and pressure of the gas are respectively `127^(@)C and 0.05 xx 10^(5) Nm^(-2)`, the rms velocity of its molecules in `ms^(-1)` is

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  4. The rms speed of oxygen molecule in a gas at `27^(@)C` would be given by

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  5. The pressure of an ideal gas is directly proportional to

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  6. Two metal rods of lengths `L_(1)` and `L_(2)` and coefficients of linear expansion `alpha_(1)` and `alpha_(2)` respectively are welded together to make a composite rod of length `(L_(1)+L_(2))` at `0^(@)C.` Find the effective coefficient of linear expansion of the composite rod.

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  7. The ratio of rms speed of an ideal gas molecules at pressure p to that at pressure 2p is

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  8. The rms speed of oxygen molecules in a gas is `v`. If the temperature is doubled and the oxygen molecules dissociate into oxygen atoms, the rms speed will become

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  9. The deviation of a real gas from the ideal one is minimum at

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  10. The density of hydrogen gas at STP is 0.9 kg `m^(-3)` The mean kinetic energy of one gram molecule of hydrogen gas is approx

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  11. A substance having coefficient of critical expension `4.9xx10^(-4)"^(@)C^(-1).` The fractional change in the density for therise in temperature 30 K is

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  12. At constant pressure, the ratio of increases in volume of an ideal gas per degree rise in kelbin temperature to its volume is

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  13. When water is heated from `0^(@)C` to `10^(@)C` , its volume

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  14. The length of s steel rod exceeds that of a brass rod by 5 cm. If the difference in their lengths remains same at all temperature, then the length of brass rod will be: (`alpha` for iron and brass are `12xx10^(-6)//^(@)C` and `18xx10^(-6)//^(@)C`, respectively)

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  15. The density of water is maximum at:

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  16. A metal rod if fixed rigidly at two ends so as to prevent its hermalexpension. If L,`alpha` Y respectively denote the length of the rod , coefficeent of linear thermal expension and Young's modulus of its material, then for an increase in temperature of the rod by `Delts`T, the longitudinal stress developed in the rod is

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  17. Which one of the following is a wrong statement in kinetic theory of gases?

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  18. The mean free path of molecules of a gas (radius r) is inversely proportional to

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  19. The average pressure of an ideal gas is

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  20. According to equipartition law of energy each particle in a system of particles have thermal energy E equal to

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  21. When a liquid is heated in a glass vessel, its coefficient of apparent expension is `1.03xx10^(-3)//^(@)C.` When the same liquid is heated in a copper vessel, its coefficient of apparent expansion is `1.006xx10^(-3)//^(@)C.` If the coefficient of linear expension of copper is `17xx10^(-6)//^(@)C,` then the coefficient of linear expansion of glass

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  22. A horizontal tube, open at both ends, contains a column of liquid. The length of this liquid column does not change with temperature. Let `gamma` : coefficient of volume expansion of the liquid and `alpha` : coefficient of linear expansion of the material of the tube

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  23. The average kinetic energy of a molecule of a gas at absolute temperature T is proportional to

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  24. At what temperature. The rms velocity of gas molecules would be double of its value at NTP,if pressure is remaining constant?

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  25. The average kinetic energy per mole of hydrogen at given temperature is

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  26. In kinetic theory of gases, it is assumed that molecular collisions are

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  27. The number of molecules in a litre of a gas at temperature of `27^(@)C` and a pressure of `10^(6)` dyne `cm^(-2)`

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  28. How many degrees of freedom have the gas molecules, if under standard conditions the gas density is `1.3 kg m^(-3)` and the velocity of sound propagation in it is `C=330 m s^(-1)`.

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  29. A non-conducting body floats in a liquid at `20^(@)C`. with `2//3` of its volume immersed in the liquid When liquid temperature is increased to `100^(@)C, 3//4` of body volume is immersed in the liquid. Then the coefficient of real expansion of the liquid is... (neglecting the expansion of container of the liquid)

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  30. During an experiment, an ideal gas is found to obey an additional law `VP^2=constant,` The gas is initially at a temperature T, and volume V. When it expands to a volume `2V,` the temperature becomes…….

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Medical entrance gallary questions and complete solutions for chapter THERMOMETRY THERMAL EXPANSION AND KINETIC THEORY OF GASES of DC PANDEY PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11