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Complete Solutions to Miscellaneous Examples of chapter SOUND WAVES of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

DC PANDEYMiscellaneous Examples
Number Of Questions8
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The water level in a vertical glass tube `1.0 m` long can be adjusted to any position in the tube . `A` tuning fork vibrating at `660 H_(Z)` is held just over the open top end of the tube . At what positions of the water level wil ther be in resonance? Speed of sound is `330 m//s` .

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  2. A tube `1.0 m` long is closed at one end. A stretched wire is placed near the open end. The wire is `0.3 m` long and a mass of `0.01 kg` . It is held fixed at both ends and vibrates in its fundamental mode. It sets the air column in the tube into vibration at its fundamental frequency by resonance. Find
    (a) the frequency of oscillation of the air column and
    (b) the tension in the wire.
    Speed of sound in air = `330 m//s` .

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  3. Two coherent narrow slits emitting sound of wavelength `lambda` in the same phase are placed parallet to each other at a small separation of `2 lambda` . The sound is delected by maving a delector on the screen at a distance `D(gt gt lambda)` from the slit `S_(1)` as shows in figure. Find the distance `y` such that the intensity at `P` is equal to intensity at `O` .

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  4. A fighter plane moving in a vertical loop with constant speed of radius `R` . The center of the loop is as a height `h` directly overhead of an observer standing on the ground. The observer receives maximum frequency of the sound produced by the plane when it is nearest to him . Find the speed of the plane. Velocity of sound in air is `upsilon` .

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  5. A source of sound of frequency `1000 H_(Z)` moves unifornly along a straight line with velocity `0.8` times velocity of sound . An observer is located at a distance `l= 250 m` from this line. Find
    (a) the frequency of the sound at instant when the source is closest to the observer.
    (b) the distance of the source when he observer no change in the frequency.

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  6. The air column in a pipe closed at one end is made to vibrate in its second overtone by a tuning fork of frequency `440 Hz`. The speed of sound in air is `330ms^(-1)`. End corrections may be neglected. Let `P_(0)` denote the mean pressure at any point in the pipe, and `DeltaP` the maximum amplitude of pressure variation.
    (a) What the length `L` of the air column.
    (b) What is the amplitude of pressure variation at the middle of the column?
    ( c ) What are the maximum and minimum pressures at the open end of the pipe?
    (d) What are the maximum and minimum pressures at the closed end of the pipe?

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  7. At a distance `20 m` from a point source of sound the loudness level is `30 dB`. Neglecting the damping, find
    (a) the loundness at `10 m` from the source
    (b) the distance from the source at which sound is not heard.

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  8. A boat is travelling in a river with a speed `10 m//s` along the stream flowing with a speed `2 m//s` . From this boat , a sound transmitter is lowered into the river throught a rigid support. The wavelength of the sound emitted from the transmitter inside the water is `14.45 mm` . Aassume that attenuation of sound in water and air is neglisible.
    (a) What will be the frequency delected by a receiver kept inside the river downstream ?
    (b) The transmitter and the reciver are now pulled up into air. The air is blowing with a speed `5 m//s` in the direction opposite the river stream. Determine the frequency of the sound delected by the reciver.
    (Temperature of the air and water = `20^(@) C` , Density of river water = `10^(3) kg//m^(3)` , Bulk modulus of the water = `2.088 xx10 ^(9) Pa` , Gas constant, `R= 8.31 J//mol - K` , Mean molecular mass of air = `28.8xx 10 ^(-3) kg//mol` , `C_(p)//C_(V)` for air = `1.4`

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Miscellaneous Examples questions and complete solutions for chapter SOUND WAVES of DC PANDEY PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11