Class 11 | CHEMISTRY |
Number Of Questions | 100 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
The gas which reacts with haemoglobin in blood is :
Ozone layer is present in
Water pollution is less if `BOD` is
Which is responsible mainly for depletion of ozone layer ?
An example of major air pollutant is
The pollutant released in Bhopal gas tragedy was :
Besides `CO_(2)` the other greenhouse gas is
Which oxide of nitrogen is not common pollutant ?
Acid rain are due to a)Oxides of Phosphorous b)Oxides of nitrogen c)Oxides of sulphur d)Both 2 & 3
BOD is a measure of :
Which is not a source of pollution ?
Which of the following will increase the BOD of water supply ?
A considerable part of the harmful ultraviolet radiation of the sun does not reach the surface of earth. This is because in the upper atmosphere, there is a layer of
Which of the following process does not increase the amount of `CO_(2)` in atmosphere?
Which of the following is not a vehicular pollutant ?
Which of the following is least pollutant ?
The gas released in Bhopal gas tragedy was
Which of the following acids is most abundant in acid rain ?
The major source of CO pollution is :
Which of the following is responsible for asthmatic attacks ?
The secondary precursors of photochemical smog are :
Which is a green house gas ?
An object is located at a height of 18 km from the surface of earth. The object is located in :
Freons are not recommended to be used in refrigerators because they cause
Photochemical smog is formed due to presence of :
Incomplete combustion of petrol or diesel oil in automobile engines can be best detects by testing the fuel gases for the presence of
The concentration of fluoride, lead, nitrate and iron in a water sample from an underground lake was found to be 1000 ppb,40 ppb,100 ppm and 0.2 ppm, respectively. This water is unsuitable for drinking due to high concentration of
Atmosphere of big cities is polluted most by
Chief air pollutant which is likely to deplete ozone layer is
Which one is not a pollutant normally?
Gas released during Bhopal tragedy was
Minamata disease is due to pollution of
Cyclone collector is used for minimising
Ultra violet light causes
Sulhuyr dioxide affects
Addition of phposphate and nitrate/feticlizers in to water leads to
Pollutant of automobile exhausts that effects nervous system produces mental diseases is
`SO_(2)` and `NO_(2)` produce pollution by increasing:
Carbon monoxide is pollutant as it :
Air pollutants that produce photochemical oxidants include
Acid rains are produced by
Spraying of `DDT` produce pollution of the type :
Most abundant water pollutant is:
Atmosphere pollutant is
Atmospheric content of `CO_(2)` is
Burning of fossil fuels is the main source of which of the following pollutants?
Modes of controlling pollution in large cities includes:
Domestic waste mostly constitute:
Ozone layer of upper atmosphere is being destroyed by:
Increased asthmatic attacks in certain seasons are related to
Ozone depletion in stratosphere shall result in:
Which one of the following dissolves more rapidlyin bolld haemoglobin than oxygen?
Which of the following forms a toxic substance in blood by combining with haemoglobin?
`DDT` is
Ulraviolet radiation from sun causes a reaction that produces:
Most hazardous metal pollutant of automobile exhausts is :
Taj Mahal is reported to be affected by :
Classical smog occurs in places of :
Which is not a pollutant from exhaust of motor vehicle?
Acid rain is caused bu increase in the atmospheric concentration of:
Pollution is
Chief source of water and soil pollution is
Lead is
Which causes water pollution?
Air pollution is not caused by
Carbon monoxide is harmful to human beings as it
Disease caused by eating fish found in water contaminated with industrial waste having mercury is
Drawback of DDT as pesticde is
Fishes die in water bodies polluted by swage due to :
Drained sewage has biological oxygen demand `(BOD)`:
B.O.D is connected with
UV radiations bring about
Taj Mahal is threatened by pollution from
Which one is the most toxic ?
BOD is
Which one is the major reason for pollution in big cities ?
Soil salinity can be measured by
Biodegrafdable pollutant is
Water pollution is mainly due to
Eutrophication cause reduction in
Chlorofluorocarbon releases a chemical harmful to ozone:
Measurement of rate of oxygen utillsation by a unit volume of water over a period of time is to measure.:
Increasing skin cancer and high mutation rate are the result of
Oxides of sulphur and nitrogen are important pollutants of :
Major source of methane in India is
Ozone hole is maximum over
Phosphate pollution is caused by
Sewage water is purified by
Carbon monoxide, emitted by automobiles prevents transport of oxygen in body due to
"Ozone hole" refers to:
Photochemical smog is related to the pollution of :
Most hazardous metal pollutant of automobile exhausts is :
The depletion of ozone layer is due to:
Which of the following is a secondary pollutant
`DDT` is
Peeling of ozone umbrella, which protects us from UV rays, is caused by:
Ozone layer of stratosphere required protection from indiscriminate use of
Environmental pollution affects
Water pollution is due to
Water of often treated with chlorine to
MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS questions and complete solutions for chapter ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY of S DINESH & CO CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 11