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Complete Solutions to PHYSICS of chapter MOVING CHARGES AND MAGNETISM of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions40
Academic Year2023-24
  1. An insulating rod of length I carries a charge q distrubuted uniformly on it. The rod is pivoted at its mid-point and is rotated at a frequency f about a fixed axis perpendicular to the the rod and passing through the pivot . The magnetic moment of the rod system is

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  2. A portion of a conductive wire is bent in the form of a semicircle of radius r as shown below in fig. at centre of semicircle, the magnetic induction will be

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  3. A closely wound solenoid of 2000 turns and area of cross-section `1.5xx10^(-4)m^(2)` carries a current of 2.0 a. it suspended through its centre and perpendicular to its length, allowing it to turn in a horizontal plane in a uniform magnetic field `5xx10^(-2)` tesla making an angle of `30^(@)` with the axis of the solenoid. The torque on the solenoid will be:

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  4. An alternate electric field of frequency v, is applied across the dees `(radius=R)` of a cyclotron that is being used to accelerate protons `("mass"=m)`. The operating magnetic field (b) used in the cyclotron and the kinetic energy (K) of the proton beam, produced by it, are given by

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  5. A glavanometer of `50 Omega` resistance has 25 divisions. A current of `4xx10^(-4)` A gives a deflection of one division. To convert this galvanometer into a voltmeter having a range of `25 V`, it should be connected with a resistance of

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  6. If we double the radius of a current carrying coil keeping the current unchanged, the magnetic field at its centre

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  7. A particle mass `m` charge `Q` and kinetic energy `T` eneters transverse unifrom magnetic fiedl of induction `vec(B)` After `s` the kinetic energy or the particle will be

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  8. A 10eV electron is circulating in a plane at right angles to a uniform field at magnetic induction `10^(-4) Wb//m^(2)` (=1.0 gauss). The orbital radius of the electron is

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  9. A uniform electric field and a uniform magneitc field exist in a region in the same direction An electron is projected with velocity pointed in the same direction the electron will

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  10. Proton , deuton and alpha particle of same kinetic energy are moving in circular trajectories in a constant magnetic field. The radii of proton , deuteron and alpha particle are respectively `r_(p), r_(d) and r_(alpha)`. Which one of the following relation is correct?

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  11. A moving coil galvanometer has 150 equal divisions. Its current sensitivity is 10-divisions per milliampere and voltage sensitivity is 2 divisions per millivolt. In order that each division reads 1 volt, the resistance in ohms needed to be connected in series with the coil will be -

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  12. A `2 muC` charge moving around a circle with a frequency of `6.25xx10^(12)` Hz produces a magnetic field 6.28 tesla at the centre of the circle. The radius of the circle is

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  13. A charged particle with charge `q` enters a region of constant, uniform and mututally orthogonal fields `vec(E) and vec(B)` with a velocity `vec(v)` perpendicular to both `vec(E) and vec(B)`, and comes out without any change in magnitude or direction of `vec(v)`. Then

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  14. A square current carrying loop is suspended in a unifrom magnetic field acting in the palne of the loop. If the force on one arm of the loop is `vec(F)`, the net force on the remaining three arms of the loop is

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  15. A straight section `PQ` of a circuit lise along the `X`-axis from `x=-a/2` to `x=a/2` and carriers a steady current `i`. The magnetic field due to the section `PQ` at a point `X=+a` will be

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  16. A and B are two conductors carrying a current i in the same direction x and y are two electron beams moving in the same direction. There will be

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  17. A galvanometer of resistance `G` is shunted by a resistance `S ohm`. To keep the main current in the circuit uncharged, the resistnace to be put in series with the galvonmeter

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  18. A current `I` flows an infinitely long wire with cross section in the form of a semi - circular ring of radius `R`. The magnitude of the magnetic induction along its axis is :

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  19. Two equal electric currents are flowing perpendicular to each other as shown in the figure. AB and CD are perpendicular to each other and symmetrically placed with respect to the current flow. Where do we expect the resultant magnetic field to be zero?

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  20. A closed loop `PQRS` carrying a current is place in a unifrom magnetic forces on segments `PS, SR` and `RQ` are `F_(1), F_(2)` and `F_(3)` respectively and are in the plane of the paper and along the directions shown, the force on the segment `QP` is

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  21. A long solenoid carrying a current produces a magnetic field `B` along its axis. If the current is doubled and the number of turns per cm is halved, the new vlaue of the magnetic field is

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  22. A particle of charge q and mass m moves in a circular orbit or radius r with angular speed `omega`. The ratio of the magnitude of its magnetic moment to that of its angular momentum depends on

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  23. A current loop in a magnetic field

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  24. Two long parallel wires `P` and `Q` are both perpendicular to the plane of the paper with distance `5m` between them. If `P` and `Q` carry current of `2.5` amp and `5` amp respectively in the same direction, then the magnetic field at a point half way between the wires is

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  25. A very long straight wire carries a current I. At the instant when a charge `+Q` at point `P` has velocity `vecV`, as shown, the force on the charge is

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  26. Two wires with currents 2A and 1A are enclosed in a circular loop. Another wire with current 3 A is situated outside the loop as shown. The `ointveB.dvecI` around the loop is

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  27. If in circular coil of radius `R`, current `I` is flowing and in another coil `B` of radius `2R` a current `2I` is flowing , then the raatio of the magnetic fields `B_(A) and B_(B)`, produced by them will be

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  28. A charged particle moves through a magnetic field perpendicular to its direction. Then

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  29. The deflection in a galnometer falls from 50 divisions to 20 divisions, when a `12Omega` shunt is applied. The galvanometer resistance is

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  30. When a long wire carrying a steady current is best into a circular coil of one turn, the magnetic induction at its centre is B. When the same wire carrying the same current is bent into a circular coil of one turn, the magnetic induction at its centre is B. when the same wire carrying the same current is bent to form a circular coil of a turns of a smaller radius, the magnetic induction at the centre will be

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  31. The magnetic field due to a current carrying circular loop of radius 3 cm at a point on the axis at a distance of 4cm from the centre is `54muT`. What will be its vlue at the centre of loop?

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  32. A charge moving with veloity `V` in `X` direction is subjected to a field of magnetic induction in the negative `X` direction . As a result the charge will

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  33. An electron travelling with a spped `u` along the positive `x`-axis enters into a region of magnetic field where `B= - B_(0)hat (K) (xgt0)`. It comes out of the region with speed `v` then

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  34. If an ammeter is to be used in place of a voltmeter, then we must connect with the ammeter a

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  35. An infinite straigh conductor carrying current 2 I is split into a loop of radius r as shown in fig. the magnetic field at the centre of the coil is

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  36. Four wires each of length `2.0` meters area bent into four loops `P,Q,R` and `S` and then suspended into uniform magnetic field. Same current is passed in each loop. Which statement is correct?

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  37. A square loop, carrying a steady 1, is placed in a horizontal plane near a long staright conductor carryinf a steady current `I`, at a distance `d` from the conductor as shown in Fig. The loop wil experience

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  38. Two coaxial solenoids of different radius carry current I in the same direction. `vec(F_1)` be the magnetic force on the inner solenoid due to the outer one and `vec(F_2)` be the magnetic force on the outer solenide due to the inner one. Then

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  39. The AC voltage across a resistance can be measured using

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  40. When a charged particle moving with velocity `vec(V)` is subjected to a magnetic field of induction `vec(B)` the force on it is non-zero. This implies that:

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PHYSICS questions and complete solutions for chapter MOVING CHARGES AND MAGNETISM of DISHA PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11