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Complete Solutions to Acceleration Due to Gravity of chapter GRAVITATION of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

ERRORLESSAcceleration Due to Gravity
Number Of Questions87
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Weightlessness experienced while orbiting the earth in space-ship, is the result of

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  2. The change in the value of `g` at a height `h` above the surface of the earth is the same as at a depth d below the surface of earth. When both `d` and `h` are much smaller than the radius of earth, then which one of the following is correct?

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  3. The time period of a simple pendulum oscillating in a freely falling lift is

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  4. Two planets have the same average density but their radii are `R_(1)` and `R_(2)`. If acceleration due to gravity on these planets be `g_(1)` and `g_(2)` respectively, then

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  5. An iron ball and a wooden ball of the same radius are released from a height ‘ h ’ in vacuum. The time taken by both of them to reach the ground is

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  6. The correct answer to above question is based on

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  7. When a body is taken from the equator to the poles, its weight

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  8. A body of mass m is taken to the bottom of a deep mine. Then

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  9. A body weighs `700gm` wt on the surface of the earth. How much will it weigh on the surface of a planet whose mass is `1/7` and radius is half that of the earth

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  10. In order to find time, the astronaut orbiting in an earth satellite should use

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  11. A spherical planet far out in space has a mass `M_(0)` and diameter `D_(0)`. A particle of mass m falling freely near the surface of this planet will experience an accelertion due to gravity which is equal to

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  12. If the earth stops rotating, the value of ‘ g ’ at the equator will

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  13. The mass and diameter of a planet have twice the value of the corresponding parameters of earth. Acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the planet is

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  14. As we go from the equator to the poles, the value of `g`

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  15. Force of gravity is least at

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  16. The radius of the earth is `6400 km` and `g=10m//sec^(2)`. In order that a body of `5 kg` weight zero at the equator, the angular speed of the earth is

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  17. The value of ‘ g ’ at a particular point is `9.8 m//s^(2)` . Suppose the earth suddenly shrinks uniformly to half its present size without losing any mass. The value of ‘ g ’ at the same point (assuming that the distance of the point from the centre of earth does not shrink) will now be

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  18. If `R` is the radius of the earth and `g` the acceleration due to gravity on the earth's surface, the mean density of the earth is

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  19. The weight of an object in the coal mine, sea level and at the top of the mountain are `W_(1),W_(2)` and `W_(3)` respectively, then

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  20. The radii of two planets are respectively `R_(1) and R_(2)` and their densities are respectively `rho_(1) and rho_(2)`.The ratio of the accelerations due to gravity at their surface is

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  21. The mass of the earth is 81 times that of the moon and the radius of the earth is 3.5 times that of the moon. The ratio of the acceleration due to gravity at the surface of the moon to that at the surface of the earth is

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  22. Spot the wrong statement : The acceleration due to gravity ‘ g ’ decreases if

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  23. Which of the following statements is true

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  24. A spring balance is graduated on sea level. If a body is weighed with this balance at consecutively increasing heights from earth's surface, the weight indicated by the balance

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  25. The value of `g` on the earth's surface is `980 cm//sec^(2)` . Its value at a height of `64` km from the earth's surface is

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  26. Choose the correct statement from the following :
    Weightlessness of an astronaut moving in a satellite is a situation of

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  27. If earth were to rotate faster than its present speed, the weight of an object

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  28. If the earth suddenly shrinks (without changing mass) to half of its present radius, the acceleration due to gravity will be

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  29. The moon's radius is `1//4` that of the earth and its mass `1//80` times that of the earth. If g represents the acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the earth, that on the surface of the moon is

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  30. `R` is the radius of the earth and `omega` is its angular velocity and `g_(p)` is the value of `g` at the poles. The effective value of `g` at the latitude `lambda=60^(@)` will be equal to

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  31. The depth at which the value of acceleration due to gravity is `1/n` times the value at the surface, is (R=radius of the earth)

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  32. At what height over the earth's pole, the free fall acceleration decreases by one percent (assume the radius of earth to be 6400 km )

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  33. The diameters of two planets are in the ratio 4 : 1 and their mean densities in the ratio 1 : 2. The acceleration due to gravity on the planets will be in ratio

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  34. At what altitude will the acceleration due to gravity be `25%` of that at the earth's surface (given radius of earth is `R`)?

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  35. If the angular speed of the earth is doubled, the value of acceleration due to gravity ( g ) at the north pole

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  36. At the surface of a certain planet acceleration due to gravity is one - quarter of that on earth If a brass ball is transported to this planet , then which one of the following statements is not correct ? .

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  37. Weight of `1` kg becomes `1//6` on moon. If radius of moon is `1.768xx10^(6) m`, then the mass of moon will be

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  38. Radius of earth is around 6000 km . The weight of body at height of 6000 km from earth surface becomes

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  39. Let g be the acceleration due to gravity at the earth's surface and K the rotational kinetic energy of the earth. Suppose the earth's radius decreases by 2%. Keeping all other quantities constant, then

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  40. Where will it be profitable to purchase 1 kilogram sugar

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  41. If the radius of the earth shrinks by 1.5% ( mass remaining same) , then the value of acceleration due to gravity changes by

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  42. If radius of the earth contracts `2%` and its mass remains the same, then weight of the body at the earth surface

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  43. If mass of a body is `M` on the earth surface, then the mass of the same body on the moon surface is

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  44. Mass of moon is `7.34xx10^(22)kg`. If the acceleration due gravity on the moon is `1.4m//s^(2)`, the radius of the moon is`(G=6.667xx10^(-11)Nm^(2)//kg^(2))`

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  45. What should be the velocity of earth due to rotation about its own axis so that the weight at equator become 3/5 of initial value. Radius of earth on equator is 6400 km

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  46. Acceleration due to gravity is ‘ g ’ on the surface of the earth. The value of acceleration due to gravity at a height of 32 km above earth’s surface is (Radius of the earth = 6400 km )

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  47. At what height from the ground will the value of ‘ g ’ be the same as that in 10 km deep mine below the surface of earth

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  48. If the Earth losses its gravity, then for a body

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  49. The height of the point vertically above the earth's surface, at which acceleration due to gravtiy becomes 1% of its value at the surface is (Radius of the earth =R)

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  50. An object weights 72 N on earth. Its weight at a height of R /2 from earth is

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  51. The angular velocity of the earth with which it has to rotate so that the acceleration due to gravity on `60^@` latitude becomes zero is

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  52. Assuming earth to be a sphere of a uniform density, what is the value of gravitational acceleration in mine 100km below the earth's surface (Given `R=6400km)`

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  53. If radius of earth is R then the height ‘ h ’ at which value of ‘ g ’ becomes one-fourth is

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  54. R and r are the radii of the earth and moon respectively. `rho_(e)` and `rho_(m)` are the densities of earth and moon respectively. The ratio of the accelerations due to gravity on the surfaces of earth and moon is

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  55. If the mass of earth is 80 times of that of a planet and diameter is double that of planet and ‘ g ’ on earth is `9.8 m//s^(2)` , then the value of ‘ g ’ on that planet is

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  56. Assume that the acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the moon is `0.2` times the acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the earth. If `R_e` is the maximum range of a projectile on the earth's surface, what is the maximum range on the surface of the moon for the same velocity of projection

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  57. What would be the angular speed of earth, so that bodies lying on equator may experience weightlessness ?
    ( g = `10m//s^(2)` and radius of earth = 6400 km)

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  58. At what distance from the centre of the earth, the value of acceleration due to gravity g will be half that on the surface ( R = radius of earth)

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  59. If density of earth increased 4 times and its radius become half of what it is, our weight will

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  60. A man can jump to a height of 1.5 m on a planet A . What is the height he may be able to jump on another planet whose density and radius are, respectively, one-quarter and one-third that of planet A

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  61. Weight of a body is maximum at

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  62. What will be the acceleration due to gravity at height h if h gt gt R . Where R is radius of earth and g is acceleration due to gravity on the surface of earth

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  63. The acceleration due to gravity near the surface of a planet of radius R and density d is proportional to

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  64. The acceleration due to gravity is `g` at a point distant `r` from the centre of earth of radius `R`. If `r lt R`, then

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  65. A body weighs W newton at the surface of the earth. Its weight at a height equal to half the radius of the earth, will be

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  66. If the density of the earth is doubled keeping its radius constant then acceleration due to gravity will be `(g=9.8 m//s^(2))`

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  67. Why the value of acceleration due to gravity is more at the poles than at the equator?

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  68. The value of `g` (acceleration due to gravity) at earth's surface is `10 ms^(-2)`. Its value in `ms^(-2)` at the centre of the earth which is assumed to be a sphere of radius `R` metre and uniform mass density is

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  69. A research satellite of mass `200 kg` circles the earth in an orbit of average radius `3 R//2`, where `R` is the radius of the earth. Assuming the gravitational pull on the mass of `1 kg` on the earth's surface to be `10 N`, the pull on the satellite will be

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  70. Acceleration due to gravity on moon is `1//6` of the acceleration due to gravity on earth. If the ratio of densities of earth `(rho_(e))` and moon `(rho_(m))` is `((rho_(e))/(rho_(m)))=5/3` then radius of moon `(R_(m))` in terms of `R_(e)` will be

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  71. The acceleration of a body due to the attraction of the earth (radius R) at a distance 2R form the surface of the earth is (g=acceleration due to gravity at the surface of the earth)

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  72. The depth at which the effective value of acceleration due to gravity is `g/4` is (R=radius of the earth)

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  73. Weight of a body of a mass m decreases by 1% when it is raised to height h above the earth's surface. If the body is taken to depth h in a mine, change in its weight is

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  74. If both the mass and radius of the earth decrease by `1%` the value of

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  75. The density of a newly discovered planet is twice that of earth. The acceleration due to gravity at the surface of the planet is equal to that at the surface of the earth. If the radius of the earth is `R`, the radius of the planet would be

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  76. Two planets of radii in the ratio `2 : 3` are made from the materials of density in the ratio `3 : 2`. Then the ratio of acceleration due to gravity `g_(1)//g_(2)` at the surface of two planets will be

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  77. A person will ge more quantity of matter in kg-wt at

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  78. At what depth below the surface of the earth, acceleration due to gravity g will be half its value 1600km above the surface of the earth

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  79. What would be the angular speed of earth, so that bodies lying on equator may experience weightlessness ?
    ( g = `10m//s^(2)` and radius of earth = 6400 km)

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  80. A body weight 500 N on the surface of the earth. How much would it weigh half way below the surface of the earth

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  81. If the density of a small planet is the same as that of earth while the radius of the planet is `0.2` times that of the earth the gravitational on the surface of that planet is :

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  82. Acceleration due to gravity ' g ' for a body of mass ' m ' on earth's surface is proportional to (Radius of earth= R , mass of earth= M

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  83. A body has a weight 90 kg on the earth's surface, the mass of the moon is 1/9 that of the earth's mass and its radius is 1/2 that of the earth's radius. On the moon the weight of the body is

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  84. If it is assumed that the spinning motion of earth increases, then the weight of a body on equator

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  85. The masses of two planets are in the ratio `1 : 2`. Their radii are in the ratio `1 : 2`. The acceleration due to gravity on the planets are in the ratio

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  86. If earth is supposed to be sphere of radius R, if `g_(30)` is value of acceleration due to gravity at latitude of `30^(@)` and g at the equator, then value of `g-g_(30^(@))` is

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  87. If `M` is the mass of the earth and `R` its radius, the ratio of the gravitational acceleration and the gravitational constant is

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Acceleration Due to Gravity questions and complete solutions for chapter GRAVITATION of UNIVERSAL BOOK DEPOT 1960 PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11