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Complete Solutions to Fluid Mechanics of chapter FLUID MECHANICS of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

ERRORLESSFluid Mechanics
Number Of Questions19
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A tank 5 m high is half filled with water and then is filled to top with oil of density `0.85 g//cm^3` The pressure at the bottom of the tank, due to these liquids is

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  2. Two substances of densities `rho_(1)` and `rho_(2)` are mixed in equal volume and the relative density of mixture is `4`. When they are mixed in equal masses, the relative density of the mixture is 3. the values of `rho_(1)` and `rho_(2)` are:

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  3. A wooden block of volume `1000cm^(3)` is suspended from a spring balance its weight is 12 N in air. It is suspended in water such that half of the block is below the surface of water. The reading of spring balance is

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  4. Two different liquids are flowing in two tubes of equal radius. The ratio of coefficients of viscosity of liquids is 52:49 and the ratio of their densities is `13:1`, then the ratio of their critical velocities will be

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  5. Two capillary tubes of same radius `r` but of lengths `l_(1)` and `l_(2)` are fitted in parallel to the bottom of a vessel. The pressure to the bottom of a vessel. The pressure head is P. What should be the length of a single tube of same radius that can replace the two tubes so that the rate of flow is same as before?

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  6. A capillary tube is attached horizontally to a constant pressure head arrangement. If the radius of the capillary tube is increased by `10%`, then the rate of flow of the liquid shall change nearly by

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  7. Two stretched membranes of areas `2cm^(2)` and `3cm^(2)` are placed in a liquid at the same depth. The ratio of the pressures on them is:

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  8. Three identical vessels are filled to the same height with three different liquids A, B and `C(rho_(A) gt rho_(B) gt rho_(C))`. The pressure at the base will be

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  9. Three identical vessels are filled with equal masses of three different liquids `A,B` and `C(rho_(A) gt rho_(B) gt rho_(C))`. The pressure at the base will be

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  10. A piston of cross-sectional area `100 cm^(2)` is used in a hydraulic pressure to exert a force of `10^(7)` dyne on the water. The cross-sectional area of the other piston which support a truck of mass 2000 kg is

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  11. A cubical block of wood 10 cm on a side floats at the interface between oil and water with its lower surface horizontal and 4 cm below the interface. The density of oil is `0.6 gcm^(-3)`. The mass of block is

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  12. A sperical ball of radius r and relative density 0.5 is floating in equilibrium in water with half of it immersed in water. The work done in water. The work done in pushing the ball down so that whole of it is just immersed in water is [`rho` is the density of water]-

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  13. If W be the weight of a body of density `rho` in vacuum then its apparent weight in air of density `sigma` is

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  14. Which of the following is a characteristic of turbulent now?

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  15. Water coming out of the mouth of a tap and falling vertically in stream line flow forms a tapering column. i.e., the area of cross-section of the liquid column decreases as it moves down which of the following is the most accurate explanation for this-

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  16. To get the maximum flight a ball must be thrown as :

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  17. A tank is filled upto a height h with a liquid and is placed on a platform of height h from the ground. To get maximum range `x_(m)` a small hole is punched at a distance of y from the free surface of the liquid. Then

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  18. The relative velocity of two parallel layers of water is 8 cm/sec. If the perpendicular distance between the layers is 0.1 cm, then velocity gradient will be

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  19. Under a constant pressure head, the rate of streamlined volume flow of a liquid through a capillary tube is V. if the length of the capillary tube is double and diameter of the bore is halved, find the rate of flow of the liquid through the capillary tube.

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Fluid Mechanics questions and complete solutions for chapter FLUID MECHANICS of UNIVERSAL BOOK DEPOT 1960 PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11