Class 11 | MATHS |
Number Of Questions | 17 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
Verify whether the ratios are direction cosines of some vector or not.
Find the direction cosines of a vector whose direction ratios are (i) 1,2,3, (ii) 3,-1,3 (iii) 0,0,7
Find the direction cosines and direction ratios for the following vectors.
`hat (j)`
A triangle is formed by joining the points (1,0,0), (0,1,0) and (0,0,1). Find the direction cosines of the medians.
If `(1)/(2),(1)/(sqrt(2))` a are the direction cosines of some vector, then find a.
If (a,a+b,a+b+c) is one set of direction ratios of the line joining (1,0,0) and (0,1,0), then find a set of values of a,b,c.
Show that the vectors `-hati-2hatj-6hatk,2hati-hatj+hatk" "`and `-hati+3hatj+5hatk,` form a right angled triangle.
Find the value of `lambda` for which the vectors `veca=3hat(i)+2hat(j)+9hat(k)`and `vecb=hat(i)+lambdahat(j)+3hat(k)` are parallel.
Show that the following vectors are coplaner.
(i)` hati-2hatj+3hatk,-2hati+3hatj-4hatk,-hatj+2hatk`
(ii) `2hati+3hatj+hatk,hati-hatj,7hati+3hatj+2hatk`
Show that the points whose position vectors `4hat(i)+5hatj+hatk,-hatj-hatk,3hati+9hatj+4hatk`and `-4hati+4hatj+4hatk` are coplanar.
If `veca=2hati+3hatj-4hatk,vecb=3hati-4hatj-5hatk,` and` vecc=-3hati+2hatj+3hatk,` find the magnitude and direction cosines of
The position vectors of the vertices of a triangle are `hati+2hatj+3hatk,3hati-4hatj+5hatk" ""and" -2hati+3hatj-7hatk.`Find the perimeter of the triangle
Find the unit vector parallel to `3veca-2vecb+4vecc,"if"" "veca=3hati-hatj-4hatk,vecb=-2hati+4hatj-3hatk,vecc=hati+2hatj-hatk`.
The position vectors `veca,vecb,vecc`of three points satisfy the relation `2veca-7vecb+5vecc=vec0.` Are these points collinear?
The position vectors of the points P,Q,R,S are `hati+hatj+hatk,2hati+5hatj,3hatk+2hatj-3hatk,"and" " "hati-6hatj-hatk` respectively. Prove that the line PQ and RS are parallel.
Find the value or values of m for which m `(hati+hatj+hatk)` is a unit vector.
Show that the points A (1,1,1), B (1,2,3) and C (2,-1,1) are vertices of an isosceles triangle.
EXERCISE 8.2 questions and complete solutions for chapter VECTOR ALGEBRA-I of FULL MARKS MATHS (TAMIL ENGLISH) of Class 11