Class 11 | PHYSICS |
Number Of Questions | 10 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
Assuming that the frequency `gamma` of a vibrating string may depend upon (i) applied force (F) (ii) length (l) (iii) mass per unit lengt (m), prove that `gamma prop1/l sqrt(F/m)` using dimensional analysis.
Prove the law of conservation of linear momentum use it to find the recoil velocity of a gun when a bullet is fired from it
Explain the variation of 'g' with latitude.
Explain why a cyclist bends while negotiating a curve road?
Derive the expression for moment of inertia of a uniform ring about an axis passing thorugh the centre and perpendicular to the plane.
Explain how overtones are produced in a: (a) Closed organ pipe (b) Open organ pipe
When a source of sound is in motion towards a stationary observer, the effect observed is …………
Define specific heat capacity at constant volume.
Explain the isobaric process and derive the work done in this process.
What is meant by interference of waves?
PART-IV questions and complete solutions for chapter SAMPLE PAPER-5 (SOLVED) of FULL MARKS PHYSICS (TAMIL ENGLISH) of Class 11