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Complete Solutions to Additional Question Solved (II. Short Answer Questions) of chapter WORK, ENERGY AND POWER of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

FULL MARKSAdditional Question Solved (II. Short Answer Questions)
Number Of Questions44
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Define work - energy theorem.

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  2. Discuss the possibilities of work done to be zero.

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  3. Derive the relation between momentum and kinetic energy.

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  4. How can an object move with zero acceleration (constant velocity) when the external force is acting on the object ?

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  5. Why should the object be moved at constant velocity when we define potential energy ?

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  6. Derive an expression for potential energy near the surface of the earth

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  7. Discuss the force - displacement graph for a spring.

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  8. Discuss the force - displacement graph for a spring.

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  9. Define unit of power

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  10. Define power, average power, instantaneous power.

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  11. Define elastic and inelastic collision.

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  12. What will happen to the potentail energy of the system ?
    If (i) Two same charged particles are brought towards each other
    (ii) Two oppositely charged particles are brought towards cach other

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  13. Write the differences between conservative and Non - conscrvative force. Give two examples each.

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  14. A light and heavy body have equal momentum, which has greater K.E?

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  15. The momentum of the body is doubled, what % does its K.E. change ?

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  16. A body is moving along a circular path . How much work is done by the entripetal force ?

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  17. Which spring has greater value of spring constant-a hard spring or a delicate springs ?

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  18. Two bodies stick together after collision. What types of collision is in between these two bodies ?

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  19. State the condition under which a force does not work.

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  20. How will the momentum of a body change if its K.E. is doubled ?

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  21. K.E. of a body is increased by 300%. Find the % increase in its momentum.

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  22. A light and a heavy body have same K.E., which of the two have more momentum and why ?

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  23. Does the P.E. of the spring decreases or increases when it si compressed or stretched ?

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  24. Name a process in which momentum change but K.E. does not

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  25. What happens to the P.E. of a bobble when it rises in water ?

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  26. A body is moving at constant speed over a frictionaless surface. What is the work done by the weight of the body ?

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  27. Define spring constant of a spring.

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  28. How much work is done by a coolise walking on a frontal plastikam vidio a load on his head ? Explain

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  29. Mountain roads rarely go striaght up the slop, but wind up gradually. Why ?

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  30. A truck and a car moving with the same K.E. on a stright road. Their engines are simultaneously switched off which one will stop at a lesser distance ?

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  31. Is in necessary that we does the motion of a body on a closed loop is zero for every force in nature ? Why?

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  32. How high most a body be lifted to gain an amount of P.E. equal to K.E. is when moving at speed 20ms^(-1). (The value of acceleration des to grity at a place is `(9.83ms^(-2))`

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  33. Give an example in which a force does work on a body but fails to change its K.E.

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  34. A bob is pulled sideway so that string becomes parallel to horizontal and released. Length of the pendulum is 2 m. If due to air resistance loss of cergy is 10%, what is the speed with which the bob arrived at the lowest point

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  35. Two spring A and B are idential except that A is harder than B `(k_(A)gtk_(B))` if these are stretched by the equal force. In which spring will more work be done ?

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  36. Find the work done if a particle moves from position `r_(1)="to a position"vecr_(1)=(3hati+2hatj-6hatk) "to position "vecr_(2)=(14hati+13hatj-9hatk)"under the effect of force " vecF=(4hati+hatj+3hatk)N`

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  37. Spring A and B are identical except that A is stiffer than B, i.e., Force constant `k_(A)gtk_(B)`. In which spring is more work expended if they are stretched by the same amount ?

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  38. A ball at rest is dropped from a height of 12m. It loses 25% of its kinetic energy in striking the ground , find the height to which it bounces. How do you account for the loss in kinetic energy ?

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  39. Which of the two kilowatt hour or electron volt is a bigger unit of energy and by what factor ?

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  40. A spring of force constant k is cut info two pieces such that one piece is double the length of the other. Then, the long plece will have a force constant of

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  41. A car of mass 2000 kg is lifted up a distance of 30 m by a crane in 1 min. A second crane does the same job in 2 min Do the crunes consume the same or diferent amounts of fuel What is the power supplied by cacheranu? Negleat Power dissipation against friction.

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  42. 20 J work is required to stretch a spring through 0.1 m. Find the force constant of the spring If the spring is further stretched through 0.1 m, calculate work done

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  43. A pump on the ground floor of a building can pump up water to fill a tank of volume 30 m^3in 15 min. If the tank is 40 m above the ground, how much electric power is consumed by the pump. The efficiency of the pump is 30%

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  44. A ball bounces to 80% of its original height. Calculate the mechanical energy lost in each bounce.

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Additional Question Solved (II. Short Answer Questions) questions and complete solutions for chapter WORK, ENERGY AND POWER of FULL MARKS PHYSICS (TAMIL ENGLISH) of Class 11