Complete Solutions to Comprehension 4 of chapter PERIODIC TABLE of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

GRB PUBLICATIONComprehension 4
Number Of Questions1
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The reducing effect of the nuclear charge by the inner electrons for on outer electron is termed aas shielding (or screening). As a result of shielding, the outer electrons in an atom always experience less nnuclear charge than the actual nuclear charge Z. The effective nuclear charge `(Z^(**))` as experienced by an electron is then obtained by subtracting the total shielding contributions from alll the other electrons (i.e., except the one under consideration) from the actual nuclear charge.
    Where `sigma`=sum of the shielding contributions. The rules for estimating contributions to `sigma` are as follows (Slater's rule) Contribution to shielding by each electron is :
    `|{:("Electron","All Higher","Same","Group","Group"le),("Grpoup","Group","Group",n-1,n-2),(1s," "0,0.30,-,-),((ns,sp)," "0,0.35,0.85,1.00),((nd)or(nf)," "0,0.35,1.00,1.00):}|`
    According to Slater's treatment, the energy of an electron in nth shell of an atom having atomic number Z is given by the empirical equation
    `Z^(**)` = effective nuclear charge
    Among the following, which electron of Fe atom experience minimum attraction from nucleus? (Atomic number of `Fe = 26)`

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Comprehension 4 questions and complete solutions for chapter PERIODIC TABLE of GRB CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 11