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Complete Solutions to Problem For Practice of chapter FRICTION AND CIRCULAR MOTION of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

GRB PUBLICATIONProblem For Practice
Number Of Questions23
Academic Year2023-24
  1. In the diagram shown, the blocks A, B and C weight, 3kg, 4kg and 5kg respectively. The coefficient of sliding friction between any two surface is 0.25. A is held at rest by a massless rigid rod fixed to the wall while B and C are connected by a light flexible cord passing around a frictionless pulley. Find the force F necessary to drag C along the horizontal surface to the left at constant speed. Assume that the arrangement shown in the diagram, B on C and A on B, is maintained all through. `(g=9.8m//s^2)`

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  2. A 40 kg slab rests on a frictionless floor . A 10 kg block rests on the top of the slab . [Fig. 7.81 (a)] . The coefficients of static and dynamic friction are `0.60` and `0.40` respectively . The 10 kg block is pulled by a horizontal force of 100 N . what are the resulting accelerations of (a) the block (b) the slab ? ( g = `10 m// s^(2)`)

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  3. A body of mass `M` with a small block `m` placed on it rests on a smooth horizontal surface. The block is set in motion in the horizontal direction with a velocity `v`. To what height relative to the initial level will the block rise after breaking off from the body `M`. Friction can be assumed to be absent.

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  4. A rock-climber (49 kg) is managing to be at rest between two vertical rocks pressing one rock A by his feet and the other B by his back . If the coefficient of friction between his shoes and wall is A `1.2` while between his back and wall B is `0.8` and limiting friction acts at all the contacts , then : (a) What is his push against the rock ? (b) What percent of the weight is supported by the frictional force an legs ?

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  5. The three flat blocks in the figure are positioned on the `30 ^(@)` incline and a force parallel to the inclined plane is applied to the middle block . The upper block is prevented from moving by a wire which attaches it to the fixed support . The coefficient of static friction for each of the three pairs of contact surfaces is shwon in the figure . Determine the maximum value which P may have before any slipping takes place .

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  6. In the Fig. 7.85 shown a constant force is applied on the lower block , just large sliding out from between the upper block and the table . Determine the acceleration of each block .

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  7. A `10kg` block rests on a `5kg` bracket as shown in figureThe `5kg` breaket rests on a horizontal surface The coefficient of frictionbetween the `10kg` block and the braket on wich it rests are `mu_(s) = 0.40 and mu_(k) = 0.30`

    If the `10 kg` block is not to slide on the braket , the corresponding acceleration of the `5 kg` braacket is

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  8. A block of mass `0.5` kg rests on a wedge of mass 2 kg as in Fig. 7.87 . The wedge is acted on by a horizontal force F and slides on a frictionless surface . If the coefficient of static friction between the wedge and the block is `mu_(s) = 0.8` , and the angle of inclination is `30^(@)` , find the maximum and minimum values of F for which the block does not slip . Take (g = `10 m//s^(2)`)

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  9. A solide homogeneous cylinder of height `h` and base radius `r` is kept vertically on a conveyer belt moving horizontally with an increasing velocity `v=a+bt^(2)`. If the cylinder is not allowed to slip then the time whem the cylinder is about to topple , will be equal to

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  10. In the Fig 7.89 shown , `m_(2) = 2.5` kg , h = `1.5` m , the system is released from rest at t = 0 and the mass `m_(2)` strikes ground at t = `0.82`s . The system is placed in its initial position and a `1.2` kg mass is placed on top of the block of mass `m_(1)` . Released from rest , the mass `m_(2)` now strikes the ground `1.3` s later . Determine the mass `m_(1)` and the coefficient of kinetic friction between `m_(1)` and the shelf .

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  11. Figure-2.85 shows a block B of mass m, cart C of mass M, and the coefficient of static between the block and the cart is `mu`. Neglect frictional between wheels and axles and the rotational effects of the wheels. Determine the minimum value of F which must be applied on B such that it will not slide.


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  12. A block of mass `2.20` kg is accelerated across a rough surface by a rope passing over a pulley as shown in Fig. 7.91 . The tension in the rope is `10.0` N , and the pulley is `10.0` cm above the block . The coefficient of friction is `0.4` .
    (a) Determine the acceleration of block when x = `0.4` m .
    (b) Find the value of x at which the acceleration becomes zero .

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  13. A circular disc with a groove along its diameter is placed horizontally . A block of mass 1 kg is placed as shown . The coefficient of friction between the block and all surfaces of groove in contact is `mu = 2//5` . The disc has an acceleration of `25 m//s^(2)` . find the acceleration of the block with respect to disc .

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  14. A block rests on a rough inclined plane as shown in Fig. 7.93 . A horizontal force is applied to it . (a) Find out the force of reaction .
    (b) Can the force of friction be zero ? If yes , when ? (c) Assuming that , friction is not zero , find it magnitude and the direction of its limiting value .

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  15. Find the acceleration `a_(1) , a_(2) and a_(3)` of the three blocks shown in Fig if a horizontal force of `10 N` is applied on

    (a) `2 kg` blocks, (b) `3 kg` blocks and ( c) `7 kg` blocks (Take `g = 10 ms^(-2))`

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  16. A thin uniform copper rod of length l and mass m rotates uniformly with an angular velocity `omega` in a horizontal plane about a vertical axis passing through one of its ends. Determine the tension in the rod as a function of the distance r from the rotation axis. Find the elongation of the rod.

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  17. A smooth semicircular wire-track of radius R is fixed in a vertical plane. One end of a massless spring of natural length `3R//4` is attached to the lowest point O of the wire-track. A small ring of mass m, which can slide on the track, is attached to the other end of the spring. The ring is held staionary at point P such that the spring makes an angle of `60^@` with the vertical. The spring constant `K=mg//R`. Consider the instant when the ring is released, and (i) draw the free body diagram of the ring, (ii) determine the tangential acceleration of the ring and the normal reaction.

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  18. A circular table with smooth horizontal surface is rotating at an angular speed `omega` about its axis. A groove is made on the surface along a radius and a small particle is gently placed inside the groove at a distance l from the centre. Find the speed of the particle with respect to the table as its distance from the centre becomes L.

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  19. A metal ring of mass m and radius R is placed on a smooth horizontal table and is set rotating about its own axis in such a way that each part of the ring moves with a speed v. Find the tension in the ring.

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  20. A particle describes a horizontal circle on the smooth inner surface of a conical funnel as shown in Fig. If the height of the plane of the circle above the vertex is `9.8 cm`, find the speed of the particle.

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  21. Two blocks of mass `m_(1)=10kg` and `m_(2)=5kg` connected to each other by a massless inextensible string of length `0.3m` are placed along a diameter of the turntable. The coefficient of friction between the table and `m_(1)` is `0.5` while there is no friction between `m_(2)` and the table. the table is rotating with an angular velocity of `10rad//s`. about a vertical axis passing through its center `O`. the masses are placed along the diameter of the table on either side of the center `O` such that the mass `m_(1)` is at a distance of `0.124m` from `O`. the masses are observed to be at a rest with respect to an observed on the tuntable `(g=9.8m//s^(2))`.
    (a) Calculate the friction on `m_(1)`
    (b) What should be the minimum angular speed of the turntable so that the masses will slip from this position?
    (c ) How should the masses be placed with the string remaining taut so that there is no friction on `m_(1)`.

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  22. A piece of ics slides down a `45^(@)` incline in twice the time it takes to slide down a frictionless `45^(@)` incline . What is the coefficient of friction between the ice and the incline ? .

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  23. A block slides down a rough inclined plane of slope angle `theta` with a constnat velocity. It is then projected up the same plane with an intial velocity v the distance travelled by the block up the plane coming to rest is .

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Problem For Practice questions and complete solutions for chapter FRICTION AND CIRCULAR MOTION of GR BATHLA & SONS PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11