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Complete Solutions to Short Answer of chapter WORK AND ENERGY of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

HC VERMAShort Answer
Number Of Questions15
Academic Year2023-24
  1. When you lift a box from the floor and put it one an almirah the ptotential energy of the box increases, but thre is no change in its kinetic energy. Is it a violation of consevation of energy?

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  2. A particle is released from the top of an incline of height h. Does the kinetic energy of the particle at the bottom of the incline dpend on the angle of incline? Do you ned any more information to anwer this question in Yes or No?

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  3. Can the work by kinetic firctionon an object be positive? Zero?

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  4. Can static friction do nonzero work on an object?gt If yes give an example.If no, give reason.

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  5. Can normal force do a nonzero work on an object. If yes, give an example. If no, give reason.

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  6. Can kinetic energy of a system be increased without applying any external force on the system?

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  7. Is work energy theorem valid in noninertial frames?

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  8. A hevy box is kept on a smooth inclined plane and is pushed up by a force F acting parallel to the plane. Does the work done by the force F as the box goes from A to B depend on how fast the box was moving at A and B? does the work by the force of gravity depend on this?

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  9. One person says that the potentil energy of a particular book kept in an almirah is 20 J and the other says it is 30J. Is one of them necessarily wrong?

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  10. A book is lifted from the floor and is kept in an almirah. One personn says that the potential energy of the book in increased by 20 J and the other says it is increased by 30 J. Is one of them necessarily wrong?

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  11. In one of the exercises to strengthen the wrist and fingers, a person squeezes and releaases a soft rubber ball. Is the work done on the ball positive, negative or zero during compression? During expansion?

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  12. When an apple falls from a tree what happens to its gravitational potential energy just as it reaches the ground? After it strikes the ground?

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  13. When you push your bicycle up on an incline the potential energy of the bicycle and yourself increses. Where does this energy come from?

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  14. The magnetic force on a charged particle is always perpendicular to its velocity. Can the magnetic force change the velocity of the particle?Speed of the particle?

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  15. A ball is given a speed v o a rugh horizontal surface. The ball travels through a distance l on the surface and stops. A. What are the initial and final kinetic energies of the ball? b. What is the work done by the kinetic friction?

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Short Answer questions and complete solutions for chapter WORK AND ENERGY of HC VERMA PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11

All Exercises from HC VERMA Class 11 PHYSICS WORK AND ENERGY